Bifidobacteria necessary for bowel health

Not all bacteria that exist in nature bring harm to humans. Some of these useful microorganisms are bifidobacteria that live in the intestine. They are responsible for the synthesis of many vitamins and acids. The normal level of such bacteria is tantamount to the health of the whole organism.

  • Types of bifidobacteria
  • Basic functions of
  • Symptoms of lack of bifidobacteria
  • Consequences of lack
  • Preparations containing bifidobacteria
  • Probiotics
  • Prebiotics
  • Diet

Species of bifidobacteria

At the moment, scientists have studied about 32 species of bifidobacteria. The most common in the intestinal microflora are:

  • B.globosum;
  • B.pseudolongum;
  • B.animalis;
  • B.dentium;
  • B.infantis;
  • B. Scardovii;
  • B.urinalis;
  • B.pullorum.

Different foodstuffs contain different strains of these microorganisms, therefore, depending on the human diet, one bifidobacterium will predominate in its intestinal tract, while the other with a daily menu will have others.

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Each species differs in functions and influence on the body. With age, the composition of the intestinal microflora also changes. Dense colonization of bifidobacteria in the intestine is observed in children already at the age of five.

Interesting is the fact that the bacteria that were found in the animals never met in the human intestine, and vice versa.
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Basic functions of

Many people do not even suspect what role the bowel health plays in the state of the body. The normal functioning of this body is not only the digestion of food and the removal of its remains, the intestine affects all organs, even our mood can change from the "mood" of the intestine! And it almost entirely depends on the state of the microflora and the amount of bifidobacteria in it, which perform many important functions.

  • All intestinal microflora works among various acids. The greater content in the microflora is acetic and lactic, for the production of which exactly the same bifidobacteria respond.
  • In order for the body to correctly digest nutrients that have been ingested with food, it is necessary to split them correctly and "lay them on the shelves".This is done by the beneficial bacteria of our body. From this it can be concluded that deviations from the normal values ​​of the person's weight can directly depend on the level of the population of his intestine by bifidobacteria.
  • The intestinal microflora is home not only for good bacteria, but also for harmful microorganisms - pathogenic microflora. The more bifidobacteria in our body, the less harmful microorganisms. They protect the intestines from their effects and do not allow them to multiply.
  • The work of the intestine, its peristalsis, affects the work of the central nervous system, for the health of which vitamin B is required, synthesized by bifidobacteria. It turns out a kind of vicious circle, in the center of which are these useful microorganisms.
  • Good intestinal bacteria strengthen immunity, speeding up the body's response to external stimuli in the form of viruses and microbes. Also involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which do not allow penetrating harmful substances into the blood. For normal life in the large intestine should be about 90% of bifidobacteria.
  • Many vitamins, for example, D, B and K, form the intestines with the help of bifidobacteria. In addition, since the food is absorbed in the intestine, a small amount of these bacteria worsen the absorption of nutrients.

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Symptoms of lack of bifidobacteria

The lack of bifidobacteria in the intestine leads to dysbacteriosis. Since the intestinal microflora affects the health of the whole organism, if the balance of the microflora is disturbed, the symptoms are very clear, but each organism reacts differently to this phenomenon.

  • Disturbance of intestinal motility, as a consequence of violation of the frequency of emptying and the consistency of feces. At someone it is shown by constipations, at someone diarrhea. In any case, the wrong peristalsis of the intestine is the most frequent symptom of a lack of bifidobacteria.
  • Pathogenic microflora can begin to strongly displace useful bacteria, which can lead to serious infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since protection - bifidobacteria is not enough.
  • Propagation of harmful bacteria block beneficial. Accelerated reproduction of the first leads to flatulence, and subsequently because of their large number of accumulation of carbon dioxide, which leads to an even more increased bloating.
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Consequences of lack of

If at the first manifestations of dysbacteriosis does not start treatment, then it can lead to serious consequences. The opinion that this disease is not so dangerous is mistaken.

  • Decreased immunity can lead to severe viral diseases, thrush, gastrointestinal disorders. The resistance to diseases decreases.
  • Because of improper cleavage, micronutrients and vitamins will not be completely absorbed by the walls of the intestine, which leads to weight loss, a lack of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and beriberi.
  • Inadequate production of B group vitamins will be followed by problems with the nervous system - depression, neuroses, disruptions.
  • The pathogenic microflora can grow to such an extent that it will irritate the intestinal wall. As a consequence - peptic ulcer.
  • Allergy may occur, even if a person has lived without it all his life.
  • Bad breath and nausea may appear.
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Preparations containing bifidobacteria

When restoring intestinal microflora, it is important to establish a lifestyle, nutrition, try to eliminate stressful situations from your life. But also for the recovery it is necessary to take special preparations that contain both the microorganisms themselves and the necessary components of the environment for their favorable development and vital activity.

Means with bifidobacteria can be produced in a variety of forms: tablets, capsules and suppositories with beneficial bacteria, there are liquid and powdery bifidobacteria.
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Preparations with this name have already a living beneficial bacteria - here and bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. When choosing a probiotic, you must rely on the opinion of the doctor, since all medicines containing bifidobacteria are divided into several groups in order to stay on one, you need to carefully study the cause of the symptoms of digestive disorders.

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  • 1 generation preparations contain only one kind of bacteria;
  • 2 generation implies the maintenance of several strains of beneficial microorganisms;
  • 3 generation probiotics are drugs that combine 2 types of medications. They contain both bacteria and microorganisms, which can create favorable conditions for life.
  • 4 generation are sorbed probiotics, in which bifidobacteria are immobilized on activated charcoal particles. These probiotics have the most powerful protective effect.

The list of drugs includes a huge variety, but the most popular are:

  • Lineks has gathered representatives of 3 departments of the intestines at once, thanks to which it is very popular among people with problems with intestinal microflora, it allows to restore it not only in one place.
    No contraindications and side effects.

  • Bifiform is considered the best probiotic released in capsules, which help it to resist the action of gastric juice.
    Contraindications: is an allergy to components in the formulation.
    No adverse effects were observed.

  • ProbiFore is the most expensive among this group of drugs, but it is very justified. Its bacterial content is higher than that of other drugs. It is important to observe the dosage of the drug.
    Contraindications: intolerance and insufficiency of lactose, impaired glucose absorption.
    Side effects not established.

  • Bifidumbacterin forte is prescribed most often during the intake of antibiotics and other medicines, since it is combined with almost all of them.
    Contraindications: deficiency of lactose.
    Side effects: if the dosage is not observed, allergy may occur.

  • Bifidum Evitaliya .The drug is available in the form of capsules, sourdough and in the form of chewable tablets.
    Contraindications and no side effects.

  • Primadofilus .It is produced only in the form of capsules, which are often taken to restore intestinal microflora in adolescents.
    Contraindications: intolerance to any component of the drug.
    Side effects: allergic reactions, constipation.

  • Florin forte .It is a solid chewable capsule.
    Contraindications: deficiency of lactose, as well as allergy to the components of the drug.
    Side effects not established.

  • Acipol .It is prescribed as an additional drug in the treatment of dysbiosis.
    Contraindications: age under 3 months.
    No side effects: .

  • Acilact .A remedy that regulates the composition of the intestinal microflora. Produced in the form of capsules, tablets, candles. Can be prescribed for dysbacteriosis of the vagina. Contraindications: candidiasis of the vulva and vagina.
    Side effects: allergic reactions.

  • Enterol .Often, a preparation in the form of capsules or powder for the preparation of a suspension is taken with diarrhea. If the temperature rises or if the condition does not improve, it is important to consult a doctor.
    Contraindications: presence of a central venous catheter and individual intolerance.
    Side effects: allergic reactions and discomfort in the stomach.

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If you populate bifidobacteria in an unprepared environment, the money spent on pills goes to the wind, as microorganisms simply can not exist. Therefore, probiotics are always appointed in conjunction with prebiotics - the means that provide the conditions for the existence of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

  • Dufalac is available in the form of a syrup that can be consumed by both children and adults. Often it is prescribed to patients suffering from constipation. In the first days of admission, bloating is possible, which soon passes.
    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug components, galactosemia, obstruction, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract or its risk, intolerance to galactose or fructose, deficiency of lactase.
    Side effects: flatulence, diarrhea.

  • Hilak forte is available in the form of drops that need to be diluted in water. It is not recommended to take the drug with dairy products.
    Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, high temperature, diarrhea.
    Side effects: allergic reactions and abdominal discomfort.

  • Eubikor is a fiber of wheat in the form of a powder. Use is allowed only from the age of 12.It is also prescribed for gastritis and ulcers.
    There are no side effects and contraindications.

  • Lactofiltrum is chosen for convenience. It is available in the form of tablets, however, you should not take this medication with exacerbation of ulcerative diseases, intestinal obstruction and allergy to components.
    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug components, intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding, galactosemia, intestinal atony, stomach and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage.
    Side effects: allergic reactions, flatulence, diarrhea.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in children and adults
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Proper nutrition is important throughout life, with dysbiosis it is necessary to follow its rules to bring the content of bifidobacteriain the norm.

  • The ration should be divided into 4-6 meals in small portions.
  • It is important to eat foods rich in bifidobacteria, in the morning on an empty stomach or 3 hours after dinner.
  • It is forbidden to eat fried food, all products must be either welded, extinguished, or cooked in an oven without oil. Under the ban also fall all meals that complicate the process of digestion. You can not strongly season and salt food. Contraindicated sweets.
  • Yeast disrupt the balance of the intestinal microflora, so yeast baking should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • Be sure to comply with the drinking regime, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water every day.
  • To restore the microflora, it is important to use sour-milk products that have a large reserve of bifidobacteria.
  • The diet should be clearly balanced by the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

To completely restore the health of the intestinal tract, you need to include in the menu products containing natural probiotics. Live bifidobacteria contain:

  • all sour-milk products;
  • homemade preparations prepared without the addition of vinegar: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • all kinds of onions;
  • products prepared with soybean: soy sauce, tofu cheese, miso;
  • whole-grain bread, prepared on leaven;
  • vegetables and fruits.

It is also important to remember that with different manifestations of dysbiosis, you must follow the rules for each case individually.

  • With constipation in the diet should be a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits, bran, dried fruits. All foods rich in fiber, which acts on the intestines in the form of a brush and improving its peristalsis.
  • With increased gas generation, all legumes and yeast dough are excluded. It is better to drink infusions of mint or chamomile. Under the ban are all varieties of cabbage, as well as carbonated drinks.
  • When diarrhea is important, consume enough protein to prevent a breakdown. In the diet it is desirable to include strong coffee and tea, they have the property of securing a chair.

It is very important to maintain intestinal health at the proper level, then all organs will be in order. To prevent the emergence of unpleasant symptoms, in addition to proper and balanced nutrition, you should lead an active lifestyle and not put yourself under stress, because the intestine reacts faster than any other organ, which leads to disorders, including the lack of useful microorganisms.

  • May 14, 2018
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