The throat can hurt in different ways: sometimes the lateral walls become inflamed, sometimes the sky, tonsils, and sometimes the back wall. Complaints on the last symptom often have to be heard by district therapists and ENT doctors. Inflammation of the back wall of the throat is usually caused by pharyngitis and its varieties, but other causes are possible.

In this article we will consider the peculiarities of this symptom: find out what are the signs of this kind of inflammation, why it appears. In addition, we learn how to treat this unpleasant and life-aggravating symptom.


  • 1 reasons
    • 1.1 Pharyngitis
    • 1.2 Contact
    • 1.3 foreign body retropharyngeal abscess
    • 1.4 Tonsillitis acute form
    • 1.5 Teething
    • 1.6 Herpes
    • 1.7 Stomatitis
    • 1.8 Fungus
  • 2 Precipitating factors
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Treatmentpreparations
    • 4.1 Antibiotics
    • 4.2 Spray for irrigation
    • 4.3 Antihistamines
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4 Lubrication of the back wall
    • 4.5 Lozenges for solution
    • 4.6 Antipyre
    • 4.7 Physiotherapy
  • 5 Folk Methods of Treatment

Causes of

We learn what diseases can cause inflammation of the posterior wall of the larynx.



The most common cause of this symptom. Most often this disease appears as a result of a cold in the cold season. In this case, the mucosa of the posterior wall of the larynx suffers: it inflames, it irritates the accumulated mucus, causing painful sensations.

At visual examination the doctor sees that the back wall of the throat is red, slightly swollen. Often you can see and mucous discharge, flowing down the throat. Usually, secretions lead to the fact that a patient with pharyngitis often coughs and sneezes, trying to get rid of mucus.

Foreign body contact

This reason is more common in children: during the game, the baby can put in his mouth a small detail of the toy, which then falls into the throat. In addition, it is also possible to injure the posterior wall with a fish bone - this fact is more common in adults.

Pharyngeal abscess

pharyngeal abscess

In this case, on the back wall of the larynx there is a purulent inflammation, perhaps - a furuncle appeared. A purulent infection causes severe pain, and an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Appears suppuration more often due to infection from the nasopharynx in the throat. In addition, with otitis media, microbes can also enter the larynx from the middle ear, causing inflammation. A purulent abscess can appear and as complication after a flu, a scarlet fever, traumas of a nasopharynx, measles. Most often, an abscess with suppuration in the throat occurs in children with greatly weakened immunity.

Tonsillitis in acute form

This common disease can also cause inflammation in the posterior larynx.

Teething Teeth

If this process is difficult, inflammatory symptoms may appear on the back of the throat.


Sometimes rashes that usually appear on the lips or under the nose may occur on the mucosa of the back wall of the throat, leading to an inflammatory process. herpes in the throat


In children, inflammatory processes in the larynx are sometimes caused by stomatitis - a non-dangerous, but extremely unpleasant disease. With stomatitis, along with an inflammation of the throat, there will be a noticeable white coating on the mucosa.


Sometimes the inflammatory process of the posterior wall of the larynx is provoked by a fungal infection, most often - candidiasis. Or, in a simple way, a milkmaid. In this case, it is necessary to use antimycotic preparations of a wide spectrum for treatment. As with stomatitis, candidiasis, in addition to painful sensations in the throat, will manifest itself and white bloom.

In addition to the above, this symptom can also cause other dental pathologies, as well as neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

On video inflammation of the back wall of the throat:

Provoking factors

What factors can accelerate the onset of inflammation in the back wall of the larynx.

The reduced immunity of .One of the main factors provocateurs. And, as you know, weak immunity is a vulnerability of not only the respiratory organs, but all the others. reduced immunity

Period of seasonal respiratory epidemics. Every year at a certain time, mainly in winter and spring, the probability of "catching" the infection is markedly increased. To minimize the risk of infection with viral and bacterial infections, it is necessary to avoid crowded places, or to appear "in public" in a medical tissue mask. Lubricating the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment before leaving home also gives good results, preventing infection.

Overcooling resulting from improper weather conditions in the selection of clothing.

Being in a draft also does not add health. It is especially dangerous to be in a through wind, if a cold has recently been transferred, or immunity is simply weakened.

Avitaminosis and misuse of bad habits are also complicating factors that provoke diseases of both the respiratory tract and any other.

Symptoms of

It should be noted that the pain in the throat can manifest itself in different ways. Pain sensations in the back of the larynx can be:

  • sharp, sharp;the appearance of sore throat
  • with aching( blunt);
  • weak;
  • intensive;
  • localized in a certain area;
  • spilled over the entire back wall.

An experienced doctor, based on the type of pain, can already make a correct diagnosis, simply by listening to the patient's complaints. To make the diagnosis as accurate as possible, you need to collect all the information about additional symptoms.

So, in addition to pain in the back of the throat, the following signs of inflammation are possible:

  • high fever;rhinitis
  • rhinitis;
  • Perspiration in the throat, burning sensation, scratching;
  • sometimes there is a foreign body in the larynx, although it is not there;
  • soreness of swallowing is one of the most common signs of throat diseases;
  • sneezing and coughing( but there is a cough with thyroid gland, and what tools will help with this problem, described in this article);
  • headache:
  • sometimes along with sore throat there are also unpleasant sensations in the ears, head, neck, and even in the muscles.
  • cervical lymph nodes increase;
  • nausea and vomiting are possible.

The posterior wall of the larynx strongly reddens, it is noticeable to the naked eye when viewed. In addition, the mucosa on this site swells, the tonsils become inflamed, and increase in size.

If the disease is caused by a fungal infection, stomatitis or some other diseases, a whitish or yellowish coating may appear in the throat.

In addition, it is possible to change the timbre of the voice: it becomes hoarse, hoarse. Mucous swelling, sometimes leading to difficulty breathing. Based on these symptoms, the doctor can more accurately diagnose, narrowing down to a minimum the range of alleged diseases.

How does the throat rinse with soda, salt and iodine, is described in great detail in this article.

For those who want to learn more about how to gargle with Miramistin in angina, and what the result of this may be, will help understand this information.

It will also be interesting to learn how to remove white lumps from the throat, and why they generally appear: http: // simptomy-g / belye-komochki-iz-gorla-s-nepriyatnym-zapaxom.html

Why streptococcus is formed in the throat, and what remedies can be gotten rid of it, is described in this article.

Treatment with

preparations. Let's find out how the inflammatory process on the back wall of the larynx can be stopped. It must be emphasized that it is necessary to begin treatment as early as possible. In the case of timely and competent therapy, the symptoms of inflammation can be destroyed quickly and without consequences.


To cope with the inflammation in the throat, it is necessary to take antibiotics of the combined spectrum of action. Prescribe these drugs should only the doctor, picking them individually for a particular patient. antibiotics

Do not forget, taking antibacterial drugs, drink in parallel and drugs that restore the intestinal microflora: as is known, antibiotics inhibit vital functions and beneficial bacteria.

Spray for irrigation

Special aerosols with medicinal solutions have a soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the sore throat. In addition, sprays, due to the fact that they cover evenly all of the throat at once, perfectly promote the healing of the affected tissues, and help to remove swelling of the mucosa. And here is how to apply Miramistin spray with angina, it helps to understand this information. sprays for irrigation

In the treatment of the posterior wall of the larynx, sprays are indispensable - their directed local action reaches the furthest "nooks" of the throat.


If inflammation of the back of the throat is associated with mucosal edema, drugs that are directed against allergic manifestations will help.

Lubrication of the posterior wall of the

To destroy the infection in this area, a method such as lubricating the mucosa with special medicinal solutions is used. Suitable preparations with iodine content. Also Lugol for a throat also has well recommended itself in this capacity. Preparations of antiseptic action, including with sea salt, can also be useful. In the photo - spray lugol:



lozenges These products, along with sucking lozenges and tablets, are considered an auxiliary. With the help of these medicinal sweets, you can reduce pain, and have a soothing effect on the sore throat. lozenges for absorption

Children especially like this: unlike taking bitter pills and, especially, injections, they like much more to dissolve sweet candy. But what candy from a dry cough for children is worth using, and what is their name, is told in this article.


If the inflammation of the back wall of the throat is associated with an increase in temperature, the antipyretic medications prescribed by the doctor will help. It can be both in the form of tablets for adults, and in the form of syrups and candles for children. Do not use these medications if the temperature does not reach the level of 38 degrees - up to this level the body can cope with the infection and does not need help.


These manipulations have a positive effect not only on the sore throat, but on the whole body: they increase immunity, relieve the symptoms of inflammation, disinfect the mouth and throat.

Traditional methods of treatment

Along with medicamental treatment, you can apply home methods, proven by time and our grandmothers. Keep in mind that it is possible to use non-traditional methods of treatment only as an addition to the basic therapy. Replacing these drugs can not be medicated. So, what methods of home treatment will work.

Rinses of the throat with decoctions of medicinal herbs will serve an excellent service: they will help to destroy the microbial infection, will have an antiseptic effect.

The following are suitable for herbs:

  • St. John's wort;St. John
  • sage;
  • chamomile( And here's how to use a chemist's chamomile for a cold, described in this article);
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus and others( What are the properties of eucalyptus essential oil for colds, described in this article).

Propolis can be used for resorption. This product of beekeeping has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps to destroy pathogenic bacilli.

Folk healers with throat diseases advise drinking more warm liquids: tea, compotes, fruit drinks, water. Broth of wild rose or hawthorn will also as well as possible by the way.

Using these simple therapies as an adjunct to traditional therapy, you will be able to defeat the disease much faster.

So, we examined the features of the inflammation of the back wall of the throat. As you can see, this symptom can be generated by various diseases - cold, infectious and even fungal. In order to properly treat this symptom, you need to see a doctor for an examination and the appointment of adequate therapy. If the diseases of the throat do not start, almost all of them are treated quickly, and pass without consequences.