Active points on the feet, responsible for human organs

Chinese medicine believes that the basis of longevity is the impact on biologically active points on the human body. They are everywhere: on the hands, head, back, stomach. More than 70 thousand nerve endings concentrated on the feet. They form reflexogenic zones associated with the work of different systems and organs. For this reason, a person who regularly performs foot massage and walks barefoot, receives a charge of energy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

  • The projection of the internal organs on the feet
  • What are the points
  • The basic rules of self-massage
  • Contraindications

The projection of the internal organs on the feet

Biologically active points of the foot are located on its entire surface. The Chinese believe that the stop is a map of internal organs, on which it is possible to diagnose a state of health. And by working on active points, you can promote rapid recovery. To imagine how the massage points are located on the foot, you need to visualize the person in the embryo position.

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The inner part of the foot is responsible for the operation of the spine. Fingers - for the head, while the thumb is the brain( the pineal gland is at the edge of the finger, the pituitary gland is at the center), the other four fingers are the paranasal sinuses. Points on the foot for massage, responsible for the eyes, are located at the base of the index, middle and partially capture the area of ​​the ring finger.

The points on the left foot that are responsible for the organs correspond to the anatomy of the left side of the body. Similarly, the location of the biological active zones for the right foot. At the root of the little finger and ring finger is a zone that corresponds to the ears. The points responsible for the lungs are one centimeter below the eye area.

Kaka correctly to do an intramuscular injection in the buttock

On the left foot, closer to the outside, there is a zone corresponding to the work of the heart. In a similar zone, but on the right foot, there are zones of the liver and gall bladder. The pancreas is located on the inside of the feet, just below the zone of the lungs. Immediately, but still below is the stomach area.

Along the spine are the thyroid and pancreas, the stomach, originating transversely in the colon. The heels are responsible for the buttocks, the central lower zone of the heel corresponds to the reproductive system.

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What are the

points? In the following scheme, all zones responsible for organs are indicated more clearly.

According to the Chinese healers, all points on the soles of the feet are located on 14 meridians, each of which is attributed to one of the types: the Heart Master, the Great Heart or the Three-Stage Heater( Meridian-tutor).On each meridian there are 3 kinds of points:

  • excitation point .It is one on each meridian and when exposed to it, the organ becomes more active, for which it responds;
  • aspiration point .It is one on each meridian and with its activation in the corresponding organ there is a feeling of rest, the body relaxes, clamps and nervous strains leave;
  • harmonization point .It is always at the beginning or the end of the meridian, the effect on it normalizes the state of the organs located on this meridian, leading to a general relaxation of the body.

To detect the necessary points, you should feel the foot: when you find an active place, the body will react painfully to the touch. If there are health problems, dryness, sweating in that area of ​​the foot, where the organ that needs treatment, may appear.

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Basic rules for self-massage

For maximum benefit from the procedure, it is better to apply to acupressure and acupuncture masters, but you can do self-massage by pressing on the points on the sole of the foot as a prophylaxis. Stimulation of reflexogenic points activates the work of the organs, improves lymph drainage and blood circulation.

To begin with, remove the tension from the feet, stretch them: walk on socks, make a salt bath, sit down in a comfortable position and feel the foot, listen to the sensations.

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Massage should be started with fingers. Each must be developed separately. After this, by strong pressure, you can proceed to massage the upper part of the foot. Then smoothly go to the inner and outer, and then move to the ankle and heel.

The pain points are kneaded in a circular motion. If there is a specific health problem, it is necessary to stimulate more than one point, and neighboring ones. It's enough 5 minutes every day to feel better, get rid of tension, strengthen immunity.

To reduce the likelihood of colds and other diseases, it is important to keep your feet warm and wear comfortable shoes.

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Before starting treatment, you should read the contraindications. Do not perform acupuncture in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • acute infection and pathology during exacerbation;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • pathology on the skin in the place where the biologically active point is located;
  • embolism in the acute stage.
  • May 14, 2018
  • 36
  • 650