Grass and root of Kirkizon: medicinal properties and contraindications. The use of kirkazone in folk medicine and gynecology

Application and use of herb and root of kirkazone.


  • Grass Kirkason Description
  • Video: How does the Kirkason look like?
  • Herb and kirkasone root, medicinal properties and contraindications
  • Kirkason: application in gynecology
  • Kirkazon in endometriosis
  • Application of Kirkazone in folk medicine
  • Grass Kirkason with psoriasis
  • Grass Kirkason with cancer
  • Negative properties of Kirkazone
  • Video: Harm and benefit of Kirkazone

In thisarticle You will find out what kind of grass is this with a strange name of kirkason, and in what cases it is applied.

Grass Kirkazon Description

Not everyone has heard of a plant such as a Kirkason. Other names of grasses:

  • aristolochia
  • camphor tree
  • official
  • fever grass

The plant is a woody perennial liane up to 1 meter high. Its external characteristics are as follows:

  • rhizome creeping
  • stalk straight
  • leaves of round form
  • flowers in appearance look like a tube,
  • painted in light yellow tone
  • seeds small, brown, slightly wrinkled
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So it looks like Kirkason

Flowering begins in May and continuesto July. In July, the carcasson begins to bear fruit. It is noted that the plant is characterized by a specific unpleasant odor. This herb grows mainly in those places where there is enough moisture in the soil:

  • river banks
  • meadows
  • ravines

Many species of kirkazone are grown in orchards and greenhouses as an ornamental plant because of large bright flowers. Some of its varieties are attributed to medicinal properties. The plant contains:

  • aristochloric acid
  • magnonflorin
  • essential oils
  • carotene
  • saponin
  • various resins

It must be remembered that this herb is poisonous and, in contact with it, some people may have an allergic reaction resembling a burn.

Video: What does a Kirkason look like?

Herb and kirkasone root, medicinal properties and contraindications

For the treatment with kirkasone, the following are used:

  • grass
  • root
  • seeds( rare)

To ensure that the plant has not lost its healing properties, it must be properly harvested:

  • the grassy part is collected by when blossoming .Cut off the stem from about a third. It is necessary to dry it in the penumbra, in a well-ventilated place, by decomposing
  • into one layer, the rhizomes are harvested in the autumn period of , when the fruit ripens in the plant with the seeds. The roots are then excavated, thoroughly washed and dried.
    seeds are harvested after their full aging.

This plant has many medicinal properties:

  • antipyretic
  • , diuretic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diuretic
  • antimicrobial
  • antibacterial
. The Kirkason has many useful properties of

. Thanks to this, the official finds use inmedical purposes:

  • expands the amplitude of contraction of the cardiac muscle
  • promotes pVascular Extension Blood System
  • Boosts Breathing
  • Helps Lower Blood Pressure
  • Heals Wounds
  • Activates the Central Nervous System

The unique substances that are contained in this healing herb make the human condition easier in many disease states:

  • of cutaneous
  • of gynecological
  • of gastrointestinal
  • of venous-vascular
  • of cold

However, along with the therapeutic characteristics, the kirkason because of its composition has a number of serious contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use this herb:

  • to
  • children for pregnant women
  • suffering from gastritis
  • for renal and hepatic insufficiency
Pregnant and children are forbidden to consume the plant

In addition, treatment with the preparations containing this plant is carried out strictly under medical supervision.

Kirkazon: application in gynecology

Since ancient times, Kirkazon has been used to treat gynecological diseases. It is noteworthy that the aristolochia( the second name of the plant) comes from the Greek words "best" and "birth."In the old days, this herb was often used for postnatal purification.

As gynecologic agents used finovnik in cases:

  • absence or delay monthly
  • inflammation and irritation of the mucous
  • precipitates due to the presence of various fungal infections
  • initial stage endometrial tumors

This tool is recommended in the treatment of:

  • polyps
  • endometriosis
  • cysts
  • erosion neck
  • myom
For female diseases, use a kirkazon

Breastfeeding maternal medicinal liana helps:

  • enlarge lacquer
  • prevent mastitis

For the treatment of "female" diseases, aristology is used:

  • in the form of a decoction( 2 tsp on 0.6 liters of boiling water), which is taken 2 tbsp three times a day)
  • as a douch for syringingin the gynecological fees)
Kirkzon increases lactation

When pregnancy is used this drug is strictly prohibited, as it can provoke miscarriage or premature birth.

Kirkazon in endometriosis

Experts often recommend the use of Kirkazon herb for the treatment of endometriosis, or endometrial hyperplasia. According to numerous reviews of women, this drug helped them overcome the disease without surgery.

For the purpose of eliminating the disease, the therapeutic liana is used as a decoction for douching. It is prepared as follows, the ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp.l.aristolohii
  • 1 tbsp.l.celandine( stems)
  • 1 liter of water


  • with boiling water pour the grass
  • let it brew a few hours
  • strain

Douching with a medicinal decoction of room temperature must be made sufficiently intense, before going to bed it will be better. The procedure is conducted daily for 10 days in a row. Then you need to make the same break. If necessary, repeat. In some cases, women noted that after the course of douching, even the advanced stage of endometriosis was cured.

In case of endometriosis, also use kirkason

In addition, for the treatment of endometriotic ovarian cysts a tincture based on Kirkazone is recommended:

  • 100 g of plant seeds, pour 0.5 l of vodka
  • infuse 10 days
  • 20 ml of ready tincture dilute with a glass of water
  • ,100 ml before eating ( about an hour) two weeks

Application of Kirkazone in traditional medicine

According to ancient sources, fever grass( Kirkazon) had a wide use in curingGOVERNMENTAL purposes all over the world:

  • in Europe, it was used for the purpose of wound healing, treatment of skin lesions, enhancement of the
  • immunity in Africa, infused it with lubricant snake bites as as antidote for
  • in China, the herb was used for malignant tumors
  • in America, the agent was used for gastrointestinal ailments

This healing plant is used today. On the basis of the kirkazon, popular healers make various medicinal products. Infusions for internal use( depending on the disease are prepared in various ways):

  • from chronic cough, dropsy, tuberculosis, hypertension - 1 tsp. Pour 1 tbsp.cooked boiled water, put it for 8-9 h. Strain, dilute with water to the same volume. Take a quarter cup three times a day after eating
  • for colds, migraines, stomach and intestinal disorders - 0.5 tsp. Leave the leaves with boiling water( 1 cup), cook over minimal heat for about 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day
  • from neuroses, insomnia, stuttering - 1 tsp.herbs, pour 0.5 liters of water. Allow to infuse for 8-10 hours. Eat a teaspoon before eating( 3-4 r per day)
  • against heat, myositis - 1 tbsp.rhizome pour 1 liter of boiling water. Heat for 10 minutes. Let stand for half an hour. Drink a glass twice a day
  • water infusions for external use( used in the treatment of purulent and hard healing wounds, furunculosis and scrofula) - 1 tsp.roots or stems brew a glass of steep boiling water. Apply a water bath, cook for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew for about half an hour, strain. Dilute with water to the same volume. Wet gauze in the liquid and apply a compress to the affected areas.
  • medical baths( treat skin rash, eczema, salt deposits, rheumatism) - root( 3 tsp) pour boiling water( 600 ml), cook for 10 minutes and strain. Pour into the tub. It should be taken 15 - 20 minutes
  • alcohol tincture( facilitates the condition in the presence of cystitis and dropsy) - 1 tsp herbs pour 1 or diluted alcohol. Keep in the closet for a week. Take should be 20 drops three times a day. Before use, shake
  • ointment( used to heal wounds, skin irritations) - mix 100 g of stems or leaves and 0.5 L of interior pork fat, cook for 2 hours using a water bath. Keep in the cold. Twice during the day rub into the affected skin areas
  • powder( has a purgative effect) - a spoonful of grass powder mix with wine and let it brew for 5 hours.
. In different versions, the kirkazone is used in folk medicine.

. However, do not forget that the unintended use of kirkazone can harm the health. Therefore, you can apply these methods only after consulting a doctor.

Grass Kirkason with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease in which spots, rashes and other lesions are formed on the skin. Kirkason has long been used to alleviate the condition of a person with this ailment. The unique pharmacological features of the plant render beneficial for the patient with psoriasis:

  • contribute to the normalization of the nervous system
  • purify the blood
  • have anti-inflammatory characteristics
  • have the antibacterial property
  • exert an analgesic effect

Apply the drug either externally or orally. However, according to experts, a greater effect is achieved with the external use of the plant:

  • lotions - prepare a decoction of 2-3 tablespoons of herbs or roots of kirkazone and 2 cups of boiling water. Cool and rinse with the resulting wound of
  • compresses - insist 1 st.lozhku grass in 1 glass of boiled water. Wet a cotton or gauze swab in the infusion, apply to the affected area and wrap it with a film. After 2 hours, rinse without detergent
  • medical baths - 0.5 liters of ready-made broth from the rhizome of aristolochia pour into the bath. Immerse yourself in 15 minutes. It is not necessary to rinse
  • with a tincture of tincture - prepare a tincture from the herb of Kirkazon and alcohol. Wipe affected areas. However, remember that this tool can have a side effect, so first test on a small area of ​​the skin. Children can not use this tincture with
  • ointment - mix 4 tbsp tincture of comfrey and 2 tbsp tincture of kirkasone with a glass of melted pork fat. Lubricate the wounds daily. But first, as in the previous case, do the
test. The bath with the Kirkazone is curative in psoriasis.

. We remind you that the doctor's advice before using this plant for the treatment of psoriasis is mandatory, since the determination of the exact dosage is the key to preventing negative consequences.

Grass Kirkazon with cancer

According to some different sources, Kirkazon can be used to treat cancer. In folk medicine of Korea and China, this plant is used as an antitumor agent. It should be noted that there is no scientific evidence of a positive effect in the treatment of cancer by Aristophilia. However, many folk healers argue that the use of tinctures and decoctions from this liana leads to getting rid of the terrible disease:

  • infusion from ovarian cancer - dry herbs( 1 tablespoon herbs kirkazona and celandine, blue cornflower petals, 2 tbsp.hemlock) pour boiling water( 1 liter), cool and add 1 tablespoon.preparation of befungin. The agent to use by means of enemas( to make 2 р on 400 and 150 ml).The remainder is used gradually every day in a teaspoon, squeezed freshly squeezed carrot juice
  • a remedy for metastases - crushed rhizome of Kirkazone( 1/2 st.), Honey( 1 tbsp.), Sour cream( 2 tsp), chilled water( 3 liters) are mixed and insisted in a darkened place about a week. Drink 0.1 liter for 15-20 minutes before meals
  • bath to ease the condition with melanoma - the usual infusion of herbs added to the bath and take it for 15 or 20 minutes
Kirkazon helps to overcome the cancer

We draw your attentionthat these recommendations are based only on the feedback of people and do not have confirmation by official medicine.

Negative properties of Kirkzon

In the spectrum of positive therapeutic properties that this plant possesses, it should be noted that its use can lead to irreversible consequences. A case is known when, in the middle of the last century, in some areas of the Balkans, the seeds of kirkazone fell into a grain crop, of which flour bread was baked.

Many people who used it, subsequently suffered from renal failure and malignant tumors.
According to doctors, uncontrolled use of kirkazone can lead to respiratory tract paralysis , in which there is a probability of a lethal outcome.

Studies have also shown that the plant's aristophilic acid, which is recognized as a strong carcinogen, leads to cell mutations and can provoke cancer of the urogenital system.
In Russia, Europe and America it is prohibited to import and sell dietary supplements based on this herb.

Video: Harm and benefit of Kirkzon

  • May 14, 2018
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