Symptoms and Treatment of Lipoma

Lipoma( lipoblastoma, adipose) is a benign tumor that forms from the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Some of its types can develop between muscles and vessels, germinating to the periosteum, afflicting internal organs and joints. Typically, lipomas do not pose a health threat, but with an increase in size can cause discomfort, which is expressed in cosmetic defects and pain. Before treating such an education, you should consult your doctor.

  • Causes

  • Symptoms
  • Types
  • Than dangerous
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies
  • In children
  • In pregnancy
  • Prevention
  • Causes

    Why lipomas are not properly established. Doctors distinguish several factors contributing to its appearance:

    • The disturbance of the cellular metabolism, namely, disruptions in the work of enzymes( protein-enzymes, accelerating biological reactions).
    • Diseases and disorders of the hormonal system, endocrine pathologies( diabetes, hypothyroidism, decreased function of the pituitary, menopause).
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    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, overweight.

    • Circulatory disturbance.
    • Heredity.
    • Genetic disorders of intrauterine development.
    • Traumatism.
    • Unbalanced nutrition with a lack of vitamins and minerals, excess in the diet of food additives, preservatives.
    • Passive way of life.
    • Bad habits.
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    Wen can be formed in any person, regardless of age, but most often they occur in women 30-50 years.

    In most cases, the lipoma is a soft, elastic, mobile and painless tumor of 5-50 millimeters, appearing under the skin. Detect it can be felt and visually.

    Pain occurs when the neoplasm is located along the nerve trunks and presses on the nerve. Also, discomfort is possible if the internal organs are affected - they are displaced from the pressure.

    The size of the lipoma does not depend on the body weight of the person, even with a general weight loss the wenikik continues to grow. Because of the slow growth, the tumor can go unnoticed for many years. There are cases of giant lipomas( up to 40 centimeters), such formations are characteristic of obese women over 50 years of age.

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    Depending on the number of tumors, lipomas are:

    • Single - represented by a single tumor on the body.
    • Multiple - in the tissues formed a few zhirovikov( lipomatoz, Dercum's disease).Often they are located symmetrically( Madelung's disease).

    According to the structure, the following are distinguished:

    • Nodular is a nodule consisting of fractions( fat cells of different sizes) encapsulated. The most common form of formation.
    • Diffuse ( spilled) develop without shell( capsule).In this case, fat cells grow between the tissues of the body. Often such lipomas accompany diseases of adipose tissue.
    • On the pedicle - subcutaneous form, is typical for chronic formations, when the grown tumor under the weight of the capsule draws the skin, and its base becomes thinner and takes the shape of a leg.

    Depending on the composition, lipomas are:

    • Classical - is formed exclusively by fatty tissue.
    • Fibrolipoma ( fibrous lipoma) is a combination of fat cells with connective tissue cells.
    • Miolipoma is a fatty tissue that penetrates the muscle tissue and involves muscle fibers in its structure.
    • Angiolipoma ( cavernous) - grows from adipose tissue wall of blood vessels. Most often affects the kidneys, spine, liver.
    • Mixolipoma - includes fat and mucosal tissues.
    • Myelolopoma - consists of fatty tissues and hematopoietic cells( elements of the bone marrow), located in the cellulose of the retroperitoneal space, the pelvis, the adrenal glands.
    • The hibernoma - develops from brown adipose tissue.
    • Adenolipoma is a fatty gland with components of the sweat gland structures located in the axillary region.
    • Treelike - located in the joints( mainly the knee, elbow, shoulder, rarely - cervical, hip) and has many branches resembling a tree.
    • Ossified ( ossified) - with the inclusion of bone tissue.
    • Petrified ( calcined) - with the presence of calcium salts.
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    According to the area of ​​localization:

    • Subcutaneous - located in the subcutaneous fat.
    • Ring-shaped neck lipoma - multiple tumors forming a chain of bulges in the region of the neck tissue.
    • Breast cancer - on the chest.
    • Perineural - along the nerve trunks.
    • Lumbosacral - in the spinal canal.
    • Mediastinal ( parasternal or mediastinal lipoma) - in the middle of the thoracic cavity( lung, heart, cardio diaphragmatic corner).
    • Intraosseous - affects the bones, most often metaphyses of long bones( shins and thighs).
    • Inguinal - in the groin. It often happens in women than in men.

    Lipomas can affect almost any area of ​​the head and body, including the face( forehead, eyelids, ears, cheeks), the scalp, arms, legs, back, abdomen, internal and external parts of the genital organs, brain and spinal cord.

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    is very rare. Widgets can lead to negative consequences:

    • Inflammation of - lipoma turns red, grows, becomes painful, accumulates fluid. This condition occurs when the tumor is injured.
    • Liposarcoma - degeneration of a wen in a malignant tumor, occurs in rare cases.

    Large chronic lipomas cause displacement of surrounding tissues and other unpleasant symptoms:

    • The tumor of the peripheral nerves causes pain.
    • Their location in the preperitoneal tissue can promote the development of a hernia of the white abdominal line.
    • The defeat of large airways with weners often leads to respiratory failure caused by bronchial obstruction.
    • Tumor in the oropharynx provokes difficulty breathing during intubation( insertion of the tube into the trachea or bronchus).
    • The esophageal lipoma can cause difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, vomiting, throwing the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus.
    • Lipomas on the heart are quite dangerous and require urgent surgery.
    • Intramedistinalnye lipomas can lead to a syndrome of the inferior vena cava( impaired blood circulation and worsening of outflow of venous blood from the upper parts of the trunk).
    • Intestinal adenomas are manifested by obstruction, obstruction, hernia, bleeding.
    • Tumors in the intramuscular septum cause swelling.
    • Lipomas in the intra-articular and intraosseous spaces lead to impaired motor activity and pain sensations.
    • The appearance of a wen in the dura mater or brain components of the spinal cord also leads to complications.
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    Detection of superficially located lipoma is easy and performed by the method of palpation.

    In the case when the wen is in places that are inaccessible for probing, conduct such examinations:

    • X-ray. When soft tissues are diagnosed, long-wave( soft) radiation is used. To study formations that lie deep, for example, in muscle tissues, the rigidity of the beam of X-ray radiation is increased. When examining the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, the X-ray is carried out with artificial contrasting gas.
    • Computed tomography( CT). With a deep layer of lipoma, it is possible to clearly distinguish adipose tissue from denser structures of soft tissues.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI). Shows the exact location of the tumor and allows you to visually determine its structure and composition.
    • Ultrasound examination( ultrasound). Shows the lipoma in the form of a hypoechoic formation with a thin capsule, located in the thickness of adipose tissue.
    • Puncture aspiration biopsy. Carried out in doubt in the benign nature of the tumor. To do this, using a thin needle, a part of the lipoma is extracted, and then the cytological examination of the resulting biomaterial is carried out under a microscope.
    Read also what is hygroma, why it is formed and how to treat it
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    Treatment of

    The only method of treating lipomasis its removal. Tumors of small size usually do not cause harm to the body and do not require surgical intervention.

    The indications for the operation are:

    • Large size or rapid increase in size.
    • Pressure of a tumor on surrounding tissues that causes functional disorders of organs, pain sensations.
    • Cosmetic defect.

    Removal of small subcutaneous tumors is performed under local anesthesia in a clinic. To handle large or hard-to-reach adipose patients, they are hospitalized in a hospital.

    Among the methods of surgical intervention are the following:

    • Surgical excision. Through a wide incision, the lipoma is removed with the capsule. If the tumor is large, after removal for 1-2 days, drainage is applied. Advantages of the method in radicality and the absence of possible relapses. The disadvantage is the formation of a scar.
    • Minimally invasive removal of ( liposuction or puncture-aspiration method).It is a pumping out of the contents of a tumor with the aid of a lipoaspirator( through a 3-5 mm incision) or a syringe with a thick needle. Advantages of the method are low traumatism and absence of cosmetic defects. However, when removing without capsule excision, the probability of re-formation of the wen is high.
    • Laser removal. Conducted under local anesthesia and suitable for neoplasms located in open areas of the body. The use of the laser is characterized by high accuracy and minimal damage to adjacent tissues( absence of scars and scars).
    • Radiosurgical method. It is carried out with the help of a radio wave scalpel with small lipomas( 3-5 centimeters) in open areas of the body. Education is excised together with the skin, leaving no cosmetic defects and shortening the period of restoration of the skin to 4-7 days.
    • Cryodestruction. is a liquid nitrogen freeze and is used to remove small greens on the body. Aesthetic consequences after removal are minimal - in the form of pigmented spots, slightly scarred scars.
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    Folk remedies

    There are known cases of getting rid of lipoma without surgery with the help of preparations made at home:

    • Burdock tincture - has antitumor effect, purifies blood, breaks fats. Leave the plant leaves, grind in a meat grinder, pour vodka in a 1: 1 ratio, put for 2 weeks in a dark dry place, shaking daily. Drink 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 30 minutes before or 1.5 hours after meals.
    • Applications with mother-and-stepmother. The plant leaf is moistened with water and kneaded with fingers, put green side to the lipoma, wrapped in bandage, keep for 5-6 hours or left overnight. To dissolve the tumor requires 8-12 sessions.
    • Mixture of onion with laundry soap. Clean the bowhead and bake in the oven( microwave oven) until soft, then cool and grind in a blender. Grate the laundry soap and mix with onions in equal parts. Keep the product in the refrigerator and apply to the lipoma daily, leaving for the night. After a few days, the tumor will open and the contents can be extracted with a light touch. By the same principle, you can use crushed leaves of aloe or calanchoe.
    • Hydrogen Peroxide. Moisten the cotton disc with a solution and do compresses, wrapping the top with a film. After a while the lipoma will break.
    • Ointment of Vishnevsky. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad or bandage and attach it to the wen using a cloth. Change the compress every 10-12 hours.
    • A mixture of honey, salt and sour cream. Helps from multiple limes. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and apply daily to a body soothed in the shower or bath.
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    In children

    Lipoma can form even in childhood. Do not wait until the wen will reach an impressive size - removing a small tumor is always preferable. However, surgical intervention is not applied until the child reaches the age of 5 years. If a neoplasm is detected, it is necessary to see the doctor.

    Newborns and babies on the face often experience small white pimples - milies. The reason for their appearance is the accumulation of sebum due to the undeveloped sebaceous ducts. Such a rash is not a lipoma and passes by itself.
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    During pregnancy

    During the gestation of a child, a hormonal alteration of the organism takes place, therefore the lipomas that previously did not bother the woman may increase in size. If such a tumor does not cause discomfort, it is advisable to postpone its removal until the postpartum period. In case of rapid growth and the appearance of pain, it is advisable to consult a surgeon and cut out the adipose under local anesthesia.

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    To date, there are no specific actions to prevent the appearance of lipoma. However, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

    • Maintain hygiene - regularly cleanse the skin.
    • Eat right.
    • Go in for sports.
    • Refuse bad habits.
    • In time to treat or control the disease.
    • Avoid injuries, overcooling, thermal and chemical skin burns.
  • May 14, 2018
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