Treatment with inhalations of cough, runny nose, pneumonia, bronchitis

A popular physiotherapy method for treating coughs, runny nose, pneumonia, bronchitis and other colds is inhalation - inhaling particles or vapors of medicinal substances for their transportation to the nasopharynx and bronchopulmonary system.

  • Types of inhalation
  • Apparatus
  • inhaler
  • Nebulizer
  • Pocket aerosol inhaler
  • spacer
  • Pencil and balm for inhalation
  • Drugs
  • Bronchodilators
  • Mucolytics
  • antimicrobial and antibacterial agents
  • Immunomodulators
  • Antiinflammatory drugs
  • vasoconstrictive( decongestants) drugs
  • Antitussive drugs
  • Oils
  • Herbs
  • Solution for inhalation
  • How to properlydo
  • Contraindications During pregnancy
  • Children
  • How do home
  • conditions for

prevention Due to the topical application achieved the maximum therapeutic effect, in which the drug acts directly on the airway mucosa and is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach and without disturbing its flora. Also, the procedures have a purifying effect, promoting the excretion of mucus and sputum.

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Types of inhalation

Depending on the origin, inhalations are:

  • Natural - by inhaling ionized air in the mountains, wet and salt - on the seashore and near waterfalls, phytoncides - in coniferous and deciduous forests. Such treatment is widely used in sanatorium-resort conditions.

  • Artificial( instrument) - saturation of the inhaled air with medicinal substances in the form of steam, gas, moist or oil mist, dry dust with the help of special devices.

According to the type of medication used:

  • Wet( steam) - involves mixing the active substance with water and inhaling the steam clubs from the solution.
  • Dry - medical solutions are dried( usually with the help of special apparatus) and enter the air in the form of the smallest crystals forming a fog.
  • Oily - effective for creating an oil film on the mucous membrane in inflammatory processes with the formation of crusts and for prevention.
  • Mineral - use of mineral waters( Essentuki, Narzan, Borjomi) for inhalation in sprayed form.

Depending on the temperature of the preparation:

  • Cold - usually pass with the application of substances of room temperature.
  • Thermal treatment - with heating of the therapeutic solution up to 30-40 ° С.
  • Hot( steam) - the medicines are heated by inhaling their vapors from 40 ° C and above. Because of the likelihood of burns in the upper respiratory tract, procedures with boiling water are not recommended, the maximum allowable heating of the steam is 52-57 ° C.
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There are many instruments, stationary and portable, helping to carry out inhalations. Some of them affect only the upper respiratory tract, others contribute to the penetration of medications deeper into the pulmonary system.

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The device intended for inhaling water vapor with dissolved medicinal substances is called steam inhaler. The procedure helps to soften the nasopharynx, facilitates the separation of sputum. The device creates only large-dispersed aerosols, therefore it is used to treat only the upper respiratory tract and for cosmetic purposes.

Minus in the application of the device is a fairly low percentage of medicines in the pair. In addition, at high temperatures, most drugs are destroyed, so a very limited amount of products is used for inhalation( essential oils, herbal infusions, alcoholic infusions).

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It is a kind of inhaler, its action consists in breaking up of medicinal substances into small particles of the necessary size and blowing them out with certain doses in the form of a concentrated cloud. Special nozzles( mouthpieces or masks) delay the preparation, preventing dispersion of particles throughout the room. The device allows you to deliver medicines to the lower respiratory tract.

According to the principle of action, nebulizers are:

  • Ultrasonic - ensure homogeneity and high density of drug particles, low solution consumption. Advantage is also the compact size and quiet operation of the device. Among the shortcomings is the destruction of some drugs in the ultrasound environment, the inability to work with viscous fluids.
  • Compressor( jet) - the splitting of the active substance into small particles is carried out by a stream of air under pressure. This method allows you to work with any drugs and is widely used both at home and in the hospital.
  • Electro-mesh( mesh-nebulizers) - are the most technological devices that disperse the drug through the nano-membrane, providing the best absorption of drugs.
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Pocket aerosol inhaler

Such portable devices contain a ready-made solution and are used not so much to treat colds as to relieve asthma attacks. Different operating principles:

  • With forced air supply, carried out by a rubber cylinder with a valve for unilateral discharge. Disadvantages of the device are low productivity and intermittent formation of a medical cloud.
  • With the generation of aerosol from the inspiration of the patient. Such inhalers are attractive for ease of use, accurate dosage and no loss of the active substance.
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When using aerosol inhalers, there is often a need for additional devices - spacers, which are cameras in which the aerosol with the drug is concentrated before it is inhaled by the patient. At one end, this adapter has a hole into which the inhaler nozzle is inserted, and at the other end a mouthpiece through which the sprayed product inhales.

Simplicity of operation and better delivery of medicines in the respiratory tract with less settling in the oral cavity make such devices very convenient, especially when inhalation is performed by patients with spontaneous breathing.

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Pencil and balm for inhalation

Auxiliary remedy for symptomatic treatment of the common cold are balms and pencils for inhalation Gold Star( Asterisk).A set of essential oils in the composition creates a short-term irritating and warming effect, facilitating breathing and causing sneezing, which helps to clean the nasal cavity of mucus.

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The choice of the active substance used for inhalation depends on the type of disease. The composition of the solution, dosage and instructions for use must be prescribed by a doctor.
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Means that dilate the bronchi and eliminate spasms in them are effective in bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, cough. Among them:

  • Beta2-agonists - Salbutamol( contained in ready-made solutions for inhalation Ventolin Nebula, Nebutamol, Salgim, Sterineb Salamol, Astalin), Fenoterol( Berotek).
  • Combined medicinal preparations - Berodual, Seretid.
  • M-cholinolytics - Ipratropium bromide( Atrovent).
  • Theophylline of short action - Euphyllin.
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Drugs that dilute sputum without increasing its volume are prescribed for rhinitis, cough, sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis( acute and chronic), pneumonia, asthma, cystic fibrosis:

  • Preparations based on acetylcysteine ​​- Fluimutsil, ATSTS.
  • Ambroxol and its containing( Lazolvan, Ambroghexal, Ambrobene, Mukolvan).
  • Phosphate( sodium chloride) 0.9%, slightly alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi, Narzan, hypertonic sodium chloride solution( 3 or 4%), Soda buffer .
  • Phytomedication - Sinupret, Mukaltin, Pertussin, Prospan.
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Antimicrobial and antibacterial agents

Indicated for adenoids, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis:

  • Antibiotics, for example, Fluimucil antibiotic.
  • Antiseptics - Miramistin, Furacilin, Dekasan, Dioxydin 0.5% solution.
  • Phytomedication - alcoholic infusion of Chlorophyllipt.
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Effective for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases( acute respiratory viral infection, influenza): Interferon, Derinat.

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Anti-inflammatory drugs

Used for acute inflammatory processes - laryngotracheitis, tonsillitis, asthma attacks:

  • Glucocorticosteroids - Pulcicort( Budesonide, Budenit), Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Nebuftuson, Fliksotid.
  • Kromony - Kromogeksal.
  • Phytopreparations - Rotokan, propolis and eucalyptus solutions, alcohol extract of calendula extract, Malavit, Tonzillon N.
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Vasodilating drugs

Used for laryngeal edema( laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, allergic manifestations), bronchospasm( asthma, bronchitis): Adrenaline( Epinephrine), Naphthysine.

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Antitussive medications

Inhalations are indicated with a pronounced dry cough during viral tracheitis, laryngitis, lung cancer: Lidocaine, Tussamag.

Read also how to use for saliva inhalation saline
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Treatments with essential oils improve the drainage function of the respiratory tract, relieve the inflammatoryprocess, reduce puffiness and promote liquefaction of sputum. In addition to inhalers, use aromamedalony and aromalamps, spray and fans, apply the substance directly to the skin, shawl, pillow, add to the bath, do oil massages.

Most common colds, accompanied by coughs and runny nose, use essential oils of fir, pine, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, mint, rosemary, lavender. They have a high antiseptic and antimicrobial effect and stimulate the body's resistance to infections.

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Decoctions and infusions of one or a mixture of several plants are often used for steam inhalations. To achieve greater effect, you should know the properties of various herbs:

  • Eucalyptus, elecampane, coltsfoot, mint, oregano, chamomile will help cope with dry cough;
  • expectorant effect is the root of licorice, marshmallow, calendula, elderberry, St. John's wort and sage;
  • increase the protective properties of the dog's body, hawthorn, raspberry, linden.
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Solution for inhalation

When working with nebulizers, there are a number of rules for the preparation of a solution:

  • . It is desirable to use saline solution( 0.9% sodium chloride) as the solvent. Distilled, and even more tap water( even boiled) water does not have sufficient sterility.
  • For a nebulizer it is recommended to use special ready-made solutions - homemade preparations and essential oils can damage the device.
  • At the time of inhalation, the temperature of the drug should be at least 20 ° C.
  • Each procedure requires 2-3 milliliters of solution.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug.
  • For steam inhalations saline is usually not used - when it boils, water vapor forms, and sodium chloride precipitates.
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How to do

  • The procedure is possible after 1-1,5 hours after a meal.
  • Within 1 hour after inhalation it is recommended to refrain from eating and smoking, not to go out into the cold air.
  • For the treatment of the common cold, inhale the drug preferably through the nose, with diseases of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs - through the mouth.
  • By sucking in air, you should hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then - as much as possible to exhale.
  • In the appointment of several inhalations simultaneously, the first is carried out with bronchodilators, after 10-15 minutes mucolytics are used, and after sputum discharge - antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The clothes should not constrain the neck and make breathing difficult.
  • The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes, it can be carried out up to 4 times a day.
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In some states, inhalation can damage health( for example, cause obstruction when thick mucus blocks the airways), among them:

  • body temperature above 37.5 ° C( only cold inhalations allowed);
  • susceptibility to nasal bleeding;
  • cardiovascular disease( arrhythmia, heart failure, arterial hypertension, cerebral artery atherosclerosis, stroke or heart attack, transferred less than six months ago);
  • some diseases of the respiratory system( pleurisy, severe pneumonia, pneumothorax, emphysema, pulmonary insufficiency 3 degrees);
  • bacterial infections( purulent sore throat);
  • pain or congestion of the ear( there is a risk of otitis);
  • allergy to the components of medications;
  • preschool age.
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In pregnancy

Inhalations are an effective and safe treatment for colds in pregnant women. In doing so, remember some rules:

  • solution temperature should be low or medium - hot steam can cause dizziness;
  • pre-consultation with a doctor is mandatory - many drugs are prohibited for use because of the ability to penetrate the placenta;
  • harmless procedures are considered with saline, mineral water, interferon, some phytopreparations;
  • can not use the essential oils of anise, arnica, basil, cloves, oregano, hyssop, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, lemon balm, myrrh, juniper, wormwood, rosemary, thyme, dill, fennel, sage - some of them are able to raise blood pressure, provokebeginning of menstruation, contraction of the uterus;
  • during pregnancy, atypical reactions to the use of familiar medications are possible, during the procedure it is necessary to focus on your own well-being.
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For children

The baby's narrow respiratory tract is quickly clogged with mucus. Humidify them and withdraw the phlegm from the body by inhalation. During the procedures, you should pay attention to some of the features:

  • to babies under 1 year of inhalation are prohibited;
  • in preschool age procedures are not performed without the appointment of a doctor;
  • solution is prepared by instruction, the dose of active substance is determined according to the age and weight of the child;
  • the duration of one approach should not exceed 2-3 minutes;
  • in children the likelihood of allergic reactions to drugs is greater than in adults;
  • should not be left alone during inhalation;
  • recommends the use of specially designed for children devices.
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How to do at home

There are cases when there is no possibility to go to the pharmacy, or the disease finds in an unusual place( on the road, at the dacha).Then folk methods of treatment come to the rescue:

  • To prepare saline solution, in 1 liter of boiled water, dilute 9 grams( 1 teaspoon with a slide) of salt, bring to a boil and cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
  • The steam inhaler can be replaced with a pot of boiling water or a kettle, on the nozzle of which a paper funnel is put on.
  • As the active substance, boiled potatoes, honey or broth of herbs will do. For greater effect when inhaled, you can cover yourself with a towel.
  • Among the common plants suitable for inhalation are needles and pine cones, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, linden, raspberry.
  • Nutritional soda is an effective and safe mucolytic, which makes it possible to thin and excrete sputum.
  • Steam procedures should preferably be performed with closed eyes to avoid irritation.
  • In the absence of essential oils, cold inhalations can be made using vegetables and spices - finely chopped onions, garlic, radish release a large number of phytoncides with antiseptic action into the air.
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For prevention of

Natural inhalations help to strengthen immunity. People who walk in any weather, spend a lot of time in nature( in forests, mountains, at sea) are less likely to get sick and are much easier to tolerate colds.

During epidemics of viral diseases, residential and working premises should be often ventilated, used with aroma lamps or open with vials of essential oils - they help moisten the air while disinfecting it.

  • May 15, 2018
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