Healthy Eating in Lent

Every year on the eve of Easter Orthodox Christians adhere to the Great Lent. During this time, many people are puzzled by the question of how to eat right.

Who should not fast

Before starting a post, you need to check your health. Perhaps some of the limitations in products during this period of time can adversely affect your health. For example, it is not recommended strictly to limit oneself in food with diabetes and a number of other chronic diseases. If the doctor has prescribed a diet for you, meals during fasting should not contradict its principles. Also, you can retreat from fasting to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Are there any risks to the body during the

fasting period? Food should always be balanced, including during Lent. In the diet of each person should be present protein food, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

During the period of fasting, a ban on products of animal origin is imposed. But animal protein is one of the most necessary elements for the body! Therefore at this time it is worth using more products rich in vegetable protein: legumes( chickpeas, peas, beans), mushrooms and high-quality soy. Soy protein is very useful, because the body absorbs it well. The daily protein norm for an adult is 80 grams.

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It is also worth noting that when meat and dairy products are removed from the diet, the body loses vitamins, calcium and other microelements, which can disrupt its normal functioning. Vegetable products that arrive on the shelves of our stores are not able to fill the resulting deficiency of vitamins and minerals, since they lose a significant part during transportation and during storage. To compensate for the deficiency of macro- and microelements, it is desirable to use a complex of multivitamins. Which one - about this it is better to consult a specialist dietician or a doctor.

How to safely start and finish the post

It's strictly forbidden to change your eating habits abruptly. This can adversely affect the work of the digestive tract and lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The transition must be smooth. Believers strictly adhere to the recommendations in this regard.

For example, a week before Carnival there is a ban on meat consumption on Wednesday and Friday. A week before the fast, meat is completely excluded from the diet. The next day after the end of the fast, you can not overeat meat. Give the body time to adjust to a new diet, and for the festive Easter table do not forget about the measure.

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  • May 15, 2018
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