What can I cook from frozen viburnum at home? What can be done from the berries of the viburnum: recipes

Recipes with Kalina.


  • Dried Kalin, useful properties
  • Cabbage sauce for meat: recipe
  • Video: Gorgeous sauce from the viburnum
  • Compote from the viburnum: recipe
  • Video: compote from the viburnum for the winter
  • Kissel from the viburnum
  • Video: Useful and delicious jelly from the viburnum
  • Vinaware from the viburnum: recipe
  • Video: Mussel from the viburnum
  • Pirozhki and pie with the viburnum: the recipe for the filling
  • Video: Pirozhki with kalina
  • How to make jelly from the viburnum?
  • Video: Jelly from the viburnum
  • Jelly from the viburnum and apples: recipe
  • Video: Jelly from the viburnum
  • Kvass from the viburnum: recipe
  • Kvass from the viburnum: recipe without yeast
  • Tea with kalina: useful properties, recipe
  • Video: Wonderful tea with viburnumfrom the cold

Kalina is a symbol of integrity, support, strength of spirit and courage. About it you can talk a lot. After all, it gives us a good mood, strong immunity, a charge of vivacity. Let's open it from the other side, and learn a lot of new things.

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Kalina Dried, Useful Properties

Kalina is a symbol of the sun, energy, activity. Any dishes from the viburnum will provide an influx of energy into the body. This is a very good immunostimulator , but again in small doses.

People have long noticed that it is able to cure any disease. The berries contain:

  • iron
  • amino acids
  • iodine
  • copper
  • very many vitamins
  • are phytoncides that kill all pathogenic bacteria.

Collect these miracle berries immediately after the first frosts , they just at this time lose bitterness and are saturated with microelements. To preserve all the vitamins you need:

  • Berry neatly cut.
  • Dip into boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • Then remove them from the water and leave to dry
  • You can dry them in the oven if desired.
Kalina has a lot of nutrients

Kalina is contraindicated to people with low blood pressure, arthritis, high acidity, women bearing a baby. For everyone else - it's just irreplaceable! Love yourself and the gifts of nature!

Sauce from a guelder-rose to the meat: recipe


  • 500 g of vinous
  • 250 g of sugar
  • 10 g of citric acid
  • spices

The sauce is prepared as follows:

  • If you picked up the viburnum directly from the bush, wash it and put it for two hours in the freezercamera, so that the berries are frozen, and the bitterness is gone.
  • In order for the peel to become softer and the stone easily separated, pour the berries for 5 minutes.in boiling water, thanks to this you then very easily can rub it in puree.
  • After the berries have boiled, pour them on a sieve with large cells, so that the flesh passes faster, rub.
  • Then pour the flesh of the viburnum into the saucepan, and cook for no more than 10 minutes. If you increase the time, the sauce will be more liquid.
  • Add sugar when boiling, add salt and spices to taste - it can be black and red pepper, if desired.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, add citric acid.
Cabbage sauce with meat

If you want to roll in jars for the winter, then in a sterilized jar in advance, pour the sauce, and sterilize for 30-35 minutes. The longer it stays, the more delicious it will be.

Video: The astringent sauce from the viburnum

The compote from the viburnum: the recipe

In order to prepare such a fragrant and delicious compote that will please your whole family, you do not need special culinary skills. First of all you will need:

  • Berries - 750 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • 50 g sugar or 15 g honey


  • Take berries, traverse from twigs and any damages and thoroughly rinse under running water.
  • Sell them with a wooden spoon. Juice, which will be allocated from berries, pour into a convenient container.
  • Boil the water, allow it to cool, and only then pour the berries there.
  • Put on the fire, and cook for 15 minutes, while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to preserve all properties.
  • In the resulting compote add juice, and sugar or honey.
  • If you want to close this compote for the winter, then carefully wash the cans, and sterilize them.
  • Pour the compote into jars and roll them in lids.
  • Take it to a cool place after completely cooling down.
Compote from a Kalina

If you are not going to store a drink, then after cooling it is ready for use. Do not be afraid to add spices to taste, they emphasize the feature and enhance the fragrance.

Video: Compote from the viburnum for the winter

Kissel from the vinous

It's very easy to prepare it. To do this you will need:

  • 3 cups of vinas
  • Quince yellow - 2 pcs.(all depends on the number of servings)
  • Water - 4 l
  • 1.5 cup sugar( best to taste)
  • 3 tbsp.l.starch
Ingredients needed

Just like when making compote:

  • Kalina wash and separate the berries from twigs.
  • Clean the quince from the seeds, and cut into thin plates.
  • Starch beforehand fill with running water.
  • In the boiling water, roll the sugar, mix thoroughly, and only then put the rest of the ingredients cooked up to this time.
  • Cook all no more than 4 minutes.
  • Then add the starch, stirring gently in shallow heat.
  • After 2 minutes. The compote is ready, remove it from the plate and cool.
  • While it is not frozen, pour it into beautiful molds, for decoration when served on the table can be decorated with clusters of viburnum.
Ready jelly

All your friends and relatives will appreciate such a tasty, and most importantly, very useful drink that perfectly matches with buckwheat biscuits or cherry desserts. Think often of the wonderful recipes of your family, and they will appreciate all your efforts.

Video: Useful and delicious jelly from the vinana

Morse from the viburnum: recipe

To please your friends with such a wonderful drink, take:

  • 0,5 l of water
  • 300 g of sugar
  • 0,5 kg of vinoda

Preparation is not difficult:

  • Wash berriesand let it dry.
  • Then pour the viburnum into a saucepan and mash it with a wooden spatula.
  • Add water and mix thoroughly, and put on fire.
  • Pour the sugar and mix again until it dissolves completely.
  • Give him a minute to boil.
  • Now you can turn it off, cover it and wait until it cools down completely.
Morse from the vinous

When the mors frost, strain it, and enjoy the true taste and aroma.

You can also prepare this drink with the addition of various spices:

  • Crush the fresh berries of the viburnum, directly in the glass with a fork.
  • Then transfer to boiling water( as in the first recipe).
  • To get rid of bitterness add 2 tbsp.l.cane sugar, stir well.
  • Then add the fragrant spices to taste: cinnamon and anise star. A special piquancy will give the fruit juice freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Bring to a boil and cook over shallow fire for 3-5 minutes.
Morse with orange juice

Delicious and healthy drink ready. Enjoy your appetite!

Video: Morella from the viburnum

Patties and pie with kalina: the recipe for the filling

In order to prepare the pies with taste like that of the grandmother, for the filling, take:

  • 500 g berries
  • 2-3 tbsp.l of flour
  • 100 g of sugar
Necessary ingredients

Further Your actions:

  • Put the viburnum in a bowl, drain the excess juice. It is very useful for blood circulation, so do not empty it, but drink it.
  • Then add flour and sugar to the berries, mix.
  • Roll out the dough and cut slices for future pasties.
  • Put in each pie the previously prepared filling. And blind the form that you like best.
  • Place the billet on a baking sheet, greasing it with vegetable oil beforehand.
  • Leave them for 30 minutes, covered with a thin towel.
  • Next, preheat the oven to the desired temperature and place the pan. Bake for about 20 minutes.
Pirozhki with Kalina

Very tasty pies with kalina ready! They can be safely dragged out of the oven and invited friends to visit. Serve with aromatic tea or other healthy drinks from the viburnum.
To make a stuffing for a cake with a viburnum, grab some more grapes. So the taste will be very unusual:

  • for 200 g of viburnum and grapes
  • 100 g of sugar
  • egg yolk
  • lemon juice


  • Take the Kalina, rinse and dry.
  • In a cup, combine with grapes of grapes. If the grapes are very large cut it in half, removing the seeds.
  • Sprinkle with sugar, pour lemon juice, mix thoroughly.
  • Lay gently on the rolled dough, cover with the second part of the dough.
  • Lubricate with a yolk diluted with a little water.
  • Then bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
Cake with a Kalina

A nice combination of sweet and light bitterness gives the pie features. Enjoy your appetite!

Video: Pirozhki with Kalina

How to make jelly from the viburnum?

  • You only need sugar and viburnum in the ratio 1: 2

Necessary: ​​

  • Clean the well-washed kalina from the twigs.
  • Then pour it with boiled water for 15 - 20 seconds, so that the bitterness is gone.
  • The water should be warm, so as not to kill all the healing properties of this berry.
  • strain through a sauté pan using a coarse corrugated surface.
  • Gently squeeze the juice with a wooden pistil and mix with sugar. When the juice is in the refrigerator, it will thicken and become jelly-like.
  • This juice is precisely due to pectin, which in the Kalina is very much, will turn into natural jelly, without any preservatives. If you fill with honey, the consistency will be more liquid, if sugar, you will get a high-grade jelly.
Jelly from the viburnum

Despite the fact that you have prepared a delicious treat, remember that you can not abuse it! Everything should be in moderation. Use it for 1 tsp daily, and you will feel a charge of vivacity and inspiration.

Little kids will definitely appreciate this delicacy, and look forward to a new day. With the mind, use the gifts of nature and get from this great pleasure, a new charge of energy and energy for the whole day.

Video: Jelly from the viburnum

Jam from the viburnum and apples: recipe

Prepare a delicious jam, very easy. You will need:

  • 300 g of vinas
  • for 1 kg of apples and sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp of cinnamon

Do as follows:

  • Kalina well wash, peel off the twigs.
  • Remove the bitterness with boiling water, as described earlier.
  • Wash the apples, cut out the core and cut into small strips of medium thickness.
  • Pour them with water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, in order to make the skin soft.
  • When the apples are ready, grind them with a blender until the gruel is formed.
  • Connect the viburnum with apples and add the spices to taste. Cook until ready.
  • Pour over cans, sterilize for 20 minutes.and roll up.
Jam from apples and viburnum

Now you need not fear winter winters. Enjoy the spicy aroma and unsurpassed taste. Your family will like this recipe. It does not require much effort. Even a beginner mistress can deal with it, the main thing is to have a great desire and fulfill everything, as it is written in the recipe.

Video: Jelly from the viburnum

Kvass from the viburnum: recipe

Kvass has long been considered a cooling drink that brings real pleasure and wakes after sleep. One sip returns strength, gives cheerfulness and cheers up. A lot has been said about the beneficial properties of the Kalina.

If you are still in doubt, do or not, then of course choose the first option. Only by preparing it, will you feel what many are talking about. And you can share this simple recipe with everyone. He will not take much time and energy from you, but the result will undoubtedly please. For kvass you will need:

  • 10 l of water
  • 2 kg of sugar
  • 30 g of yeast
  • 1 kg of viburnum
Kvass from vinous

Preparation of kvass:

  • Put in a suitable pan of water.
  • Be sure to add the malt, the well-washed and selected viburnum and yeast.
  • When you mix it all in one container, it should not be very steep, so you can freely mix.
  • Tomite on low heat for at least 10 hours. After that, leave to cool.
  • For further fermentation, transfer kvass to a warm place for 9 hours.
  • Healing kvass is ready.

Kiln from Kalina: recipe without yeast

For a recipe without yeast, you will need half the ingredients than in the previous version:

  • Carefully pick berries, wash and separate from twigs.
  • You can experiment and add some more berries. Kalina is perfectly combined with all kinds, adding its zest and unique taste.
  • While you are engaged in berries, pour water into the pan and add sugar. Stir thoroughly until it dissolves completely.
  • Turn off the syrup and allow it to cool slightly.
  • Mix with berries and leave for two days, covered with a thin mesh.
  • After two days, remove the mesh and mix again and strain through the mesh, folding it into three layers.
  • The resulting juice pour over the jars, and put the wander for another seven days.
  • Kvass is very useful, it helps to strengthen the whole body, gain strength and prevent the manifestation of many diseases.
Kvass from viburnum without yeast

Natural, without any preservatives and coloring agents. Try to cook it yourself, so as to be sure of everything and advise this recipe to your friends.

Tea with kalina: useful properties, recipe

Tea is very relevant in the season of the spread of various colds. It is prepared very easily.

The first option:

  • As in all previously described recipes carefully my berries, we rinse and mnem in ceramic ware, in order to preserve all the vitamins.
  • For 0,5 glasses of fruit - 300 g of boiled water.
  • When the mixture has cooled, strain and add honey to taste. Recipe for the second:
    • Take 2 tbsp.l of fruit, and pour 1 cup of boiling water.
    • Two hours later the fragrant welding is ready!
    • Add honey to a bit of cooled honey to taste and enjoy.
    • This tea will not only relieve stress, but it will also strengthen your body perfectly.
    Tea with Kalina

    Option three:

    • You can add mint to all of the above.
    • Or complement the taste with a slice of lemon and plain black tea.
    Tea with viburnum and sea-buckthorn

    Fourth version:

    • For children who often get sore throat, you can brew a handful of sea-buckthorn in a cup with the viburnum and drink.
    • Tea is sour, very pleasant in the defeat of mucous membranes, removes inflammation and restores the circulatory system.
    • This decoction can be drunk to adults. The main thing to adhere to established doses of

    Whichever of the proposed recipes you do not cook, they all perfectly relieve tension after a difficult working day, strengthen immunity and charge with energy. Discover your favorite recipe and share with everyone.

    Video: A miracle of tea with a cold boar for cold

  • May 15, 2018
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