Pain in the ear after a cold or during it often occurs in both adults and children. Unpleasant sensations and aching pain can arise as a result of the transferred catarrhal diseases, which took an acute form. Especially with the ears suffer little children up to 3 years of age. As with the first signs to remove the pain yourself and what doctors can prescribe for treating an ear cold, it is described in this article.
- 1 Why laying on your ears
- 2 Treatment in adults
- 2.1 Home recipes
- 2.2 Medications
- 3 Treatment in children
- 3.1 Home prescriptions
- 3.2 Medications for earwash
Why lays the ears
Earache can occur suddenly, after bathingor intensive physical exertion, after them the ear sulfur increases in size and overlaps the passage, which does not threaten life, but entails considerable discomfort and even temporary loss of hearing.
Sometimes the pain can occur as a result of excessive accumulation of earwax. It serves to moisten and purify the passage in the ears. In most cases, it is removed naturally. But in some people, in connection with the physical characteristics or the environment in which they work, sulfur accumulates in large amounts and forms stoppers completely covering the ear canal. After they are deleted, everything is restored.
The throat, nose and ears form a single interconnected system. With a cold, the mucous membranes of the nose and ears become prone to various infections and often they form edema that can move into the Eustachian tube that connects the throat and ears. This structure normalizes the pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane. But at the time of the common cold or after the middle ear, swelling forms, which blocks the lumen, this causes noise and pain in the ears, sometimes it can lead to dizziness.
On video, what to do when the ears are laid with cold:
Lumen obstruction can occur for several reasons:
- Weaknesses of the body as a result of chronic or prolonged rhinitis, which leads to a decrease in immunity.
- When inflammation occurs in the pharynx or tonsils.
- Simultaneously with leaking rhinitis and acute respiratory viral infection.
- Flow of inflammatory processes in the pharynx or tonsils.
What signs of a chronic cold are most common, will help to understand this article.
And here is how Albucid cures for a child, and how effective this tool is, will help to understand this article.
What causes the swelling of the nasal mucosa without a common cold are most often found here: http: // otek-slizistoj-nosa-bez-nasmorka.html
And here is how the onion juice treatment is handled, and which recipe is the best, is very detailed in thisarticle.
Treatment in adults
Most often, these patients have ear ailments, when the cold has already passed, so treatment can be limited to the use of available proven means.
Home recipes
The easiest way is to rinse the ear with warm water or a soda solution, which is prepared from a pinch of salt and 100 grams of boiled liquid.
Among the popular remedies are:
- Pine nut oil or petroleum jelly, which lubricates the ears.(and here's how to use cyclamen oil for sinusitis, this article helps to understand)
- Take a small branch, moisten it with alcohol solution and put it in your ear for a while, just not deep. Then wrap your head with a warm kerchief or a terry towel. But with inflammation, this method is not suitable.
- Compress of boric alcohol, it must be applied to the parotid zone.
Sometimes from pain can save the usual washing with hydrogen peroxide, especially it is effective in fungal diseases of the ears.
Other drugs that quickly cope with the disease include:
- Ointment Vishnevsky - it is used for disinfection.
- Normak - treats different forms of otitis, it can be used for children over 12 years old.
- Candles "Tentorium" and "Reamed".
- Ointment "Hydrocortisone" and "Oxycourt".
- Wash solutions: "Penicillin", "Amoxiclav"( but how to use Amoxiclav in an adult sore throat will help to understand this article), "Clarithromycin" and "Cefipim."
Treatment in children
Colds in the ear in babies can turn into purulent otitis almost the next day. With him from the ears of the child will be allocated pus, which indicates a violation of the tympanic membrane, with this phenomenon it is urgent to see a doctor. To provide first aid, it is necessary to make a wick of cotton wool and lay it in a sore eye. If the child complains of pain in the ears, but there are no obvious changes and strong secretions, then people can be treated with proven means for treatment.
Home recipes
They passed to many of the grandmothers who carefully passed effective recipes:
- Take one tsp. Drink chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the liquid infused until it cools. Strain through gauze or a fine strainer. The resulting infusion should be washed ears twice a day. Chamomile means perfectly for otitis, inflammation and purulent discharge.
- Sprig of fresh lemon balm pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse until it becomes warm. Strain the tincture. Wash them gently ear twice a day. If the child normally tolerates lemon balm and it does not cause allergic reactions in it, then tincture can be given to him inside.
- Preheat the nut or almond oil to make it warm. Then the medicine should be digested one drop three times a day.
- Bake a small piece of the bulb and attach it to your ear.
- Honey and water must be mixed together in equal proportions and brought to a boil, then add to them a cleaned slice of beetroot. Boil the medicine for half an hour, then cool, knead the beets, wrap it in gauze and attach it to your ear. Such a compress can be used for any ear cold.
- Spirituous tincture of propolis and honey to take in equal proportions and mix. Use a two-component medicament to dig in 1 drop three times a day. But how the treatment of pharyngitis with Propolis takes place is described in great detail in this article.
- Salt compress - effective at any stage of the disease. You need to sew or pick up a small bag of natural cloth, so that its dimensions are just on the ear. Salt cooked or sea heated in a frying pan, wait for a while until it cools, pour it into a bag and put it to your ear. On it the child can lie down while the compress does not cool.
It is not necessary to take a great interest in folk remedies, if the chosen prescription during the day did not help, then you need to contact specialists, they will prescribe the right treatment.
Medications to treat an ear cold
For children, ear drops are most often prescribed, the most common are:
- The otinum - has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but for children under one year is contraindicated. But how to use ear drops Otynum, will help to understand this article.
- Remo-Wax is suitable for children who do not give to clean the ears, the tool will help remove the accumulation of sulfur.
- Otypax .It contains lidocaine, which can cause allergies, so before using it for infants, consult a pediatrician. Drops should not be used in case of a damaged eardrum. And in this article, you can learn more about the instructions for using Otypaks.
- Sofredek - effectively eliminates acute otitis media and infectious diseases of the ears. It can not be used for individual intolerance to drug components, perforation of the tympanic membrane, in viral infections and if the child is not yet six months old.
- Cipromed - will help with pain caused by diseases and injuries to the ears. It is used for children who have reached one year.
Antibiotics can also be prescribed if earaches are caused by inflammation or infections. They need to be buried for 7 days.
If in time to not start treatment, a cold of the ear can result in mastoiditis, meningitis or brain abscess. There is no way to immediately consult a doctor, then you can apply home prescriptions and relieve unpleasant sensations.