Bursitis of the knee joint - causes, symptoms and methods of treatment

Bursitis of the knee joint is a purulent, serous( infectious) or hemorrhagic( with the presence of blood) inflammation of the mucous bag of the knee joint( bursa).Bursitis can be obtained as a result of injuring the knee cap from a stroke, from infection or diathesis, but in most cases appears for no apparent reason.

  • Types bursitis
  • Prepatellyarny
  • Suprapatellyarny
  • Popliteal
  • reasons
  • Symptoms
  • In acute bursitis
  • In chronic bursitis
  • Stages of development
  • Acute
  • Subacute
  • Chronic
  • Recurrent
  • Diagnostics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Massage
  • Treatment of noninfectious bursitis
  • Treatment of infectious bursitis
  • Folk remedies
  • Celery broth
  • Conifer bath
  • Compress cabbage
  • Ointment soap
  • Herbal infusion
  • Fresh leaves lilac
  • leaves of Kalanchoe
  • Sugar compress
  • Propolis
  • Flax seeds
  • decoction of burdock root
  • salt compress
  • Vegetable wrap
  • Massage aromamaslami
  • Consequences
  • Therapeutic diet
  • Prevention
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Types bursitis

There are three types of bursitis:

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This is a chronic inflammation of the prepatellar sac( bag with lubricant for lubricating the sustavov).Basically, the appearance occurs after the monotonous mechanical damage( often getting up on one knee).With such a bursitis, there is swelling above the knee, which is accompanied by pain during movement and load.

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Or infratellular, this type of bursitis causes inflammation of the popliteal sac itself, which is accompanied by stiffening of joint motion and sharp pains in the knee. Appears after injuring the knee cap as a result of a stroke or a fall.

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Or goose, with this kind of bursitis a synovial bag, or Baker's cyst, which is under the knee, becomes inflamed. It occurs in the elderly, patients with obesity or arthritis. There are difficulties when bending the knee when squatting.

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Reasons for

The causes of bursitis of knee joints are:

  • permanent, monotonous movements;
  • physical stress on the knee cap;
  • fall, knee injury on impact;
  • infectious inflammation after cuts, scratches or other injuries;
  • heavy weight, because of which there is a strong load on the legs;
  • infection of the body by infection( syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis of bones;
  • incorrect exercise load;
  • arthritis;
  • hormonal failure;
  • dilations;
  • salt deposition in metabolic disorders.

    Symptoms of

    With different types of disease and symptomatology manifests itselfdifferent:

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    With acute bursitis

    Acute bursitis is an inflammation that occurs immediately after a stroke or an injury

    There are such symptoms:

    • swells up popliteal bagthe touch becomes elastic)
    • pain at the site of edema
    • difficulty of joint movement
    • increases temperature, weakness appears
    • starts to get stronger with time, the temperature reaches 400C
    • begins a purulent process
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    With chronic bursitis

    Chronic bursitisbecomes after untimely treatment of acute bursitis.


    • movement of the joint is not hampered;
    • swelling becomes soft to the touch;
    • there is no swelling and pain;
    • decreased immunity;
    • probability of relapse.
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    Stages of development of

    There are different stages of development of bursitis of the knee joint:

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    In an acute stage, inflammation of the articular bag is observed, weakness, fever, acute pain, skin and muscle tissue in the site of inflammation becomes hot.

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    At this stage, most of the symptoms disappear( pain and swelling decrease, the general condition of the body improves).But in fact, the disease becomes protracted and acquires an infectious nature, lymph nodes can increase, the body temperature rises periodically and malaise occurs.

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    Chronic bursitis is considered, in which there is a violation of normal outflow of fluid from the bag. The bursitis sheath thickens, and this can cause problems with flexion and extension of the knee. If you do not treat chronic bursitis, then there is a possibility of growth and the appearance of small hemorrhages in the synovial bag, as well as the growth of the hygroma( a tumor-like growth with a turbid liquid inside).

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    At this stage of bursitis, exacerbations of the disease are possible due to repeated injuries of the knee and knee joint.

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    Before diagnosing bursitis, the following manipulations are carried out:

    • patient questioning for newly acquired injuries and transferred infections;
    • at an acute stage with a synovial bag a puncture is taken and sent for examination, to determine the presence of an infectious agent;
    • can also be used for X-ray, MRI( magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound( ultrasound scanning).
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    Several types of physiotherapy are used for treatment:

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    With this therapy, bursitis is irradiated, which removes pathogens in the synovial fluid. The mobility of the joint is restored, inflammation and pain are removed.

    The dose depends on the severity of the disease, mainly the course lasts up to three weeks. Such a procedure can adversely affect the body.
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    Shockwave therapy

    During this procedure, the bursitis is affected by electromagnetic waves of high and medium range. The duration of therapy is 5-6 sessions.

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    Massage enhances blood circulation in the diseased limb. It is necessary in circular movements to mow the femoral muscles, first behind, then in front from the knee to the groin.

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    Treatment of noninfectious bursitis

    For the treatment of non-infectious bursitis, such therapies are used:

    • to keep the limb at rest;
    • apply knee bandages and cold compresses to the knee;
    • use drugs that relieve inflammation( Ibuprofen, Furagin, Diclofenac, Flexen);
    • aspiration of synovial fluid( under local anesthesia, internal treatment of bursitis with antiseptic is done,
    • injections with corticosteroids for acute pain relief:


    Injections: The main active ingredient of the drug is betamethasone The drug is prescribed for the treatment of articular inflammatory diseases

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    The drug in the form of dry loose material in ampoules. The main active ingredient is methylprednisolone. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergymatic and immunosuppressive effects;

    • myorelaxation remover and vessel spasms and muscle:


    Tablets. The main active substance of the drug is diazepam. The drug has a sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effect.


    Tablets. The main active substance of the drug is baclofen. The drug has a miorelaksiruyuschee and antispastic action.

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    Treatment of infectious bursitis

    Treatment of infectious bursitis is possible using such methods:

    • injection or oral antibiotic use;
    • non-steroidal medications to relieve inflammation and pain;
    • drainage for removal of pus from the synovial bag;
    • bursectomy( surgical intervention to remove the inflamed bursa);
    • corticosteroids:


    Nyxes. The main active substance of the drug is hydrocortisone. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effect.


    The drug is available in the form of ointments and tablets. The main active substance of the drug is triamcinolone. A hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects.

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    Folk remedies

    If for any reason there is no way to treat bursitis with the help of physiotherapy, then folk remedies can be used.

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    Celery broth

    To prepare this broth, pour a tablespoon of celery seeds with a glass of boiling water. Insist liquid for 2 hours. Drink a glass 2 times a day.

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    Coniferous bath

    To prepare a bath, you need to brew 1.5 kilograms of coniferous needles( pine, spruce, thuja, cedar) in 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2.5-3 hours to brew. Such raw materials should then be poured into the recruited bath and take it for 20 minutes.

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    Compress with cabbage

    For such a compress it is necessary to warm up hands with a leaf of white cabbage. Apply it for an hour to inflammation and reattach with a cloth.

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    Ointment from the laundry soap

    First of all, to prepare the ointment, grate 100 grams of soap on a fine grater, then mix them with 120 grams of honey and finely chopped large onion. Apply ointment on the knee and leave for half an hour.

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    Herbal infusion

    You can use the herb of St. John's wort or yarrow for cooking. You need 15 grams of raw material to pour a glass of boiling water, to insist for several hours. Take two tablespoons of ready infusion in the morning, afternoon and evening after eating.

    Read also what are effective pills against joint pains http://woman-l.ru/tabletki-pri-bolyax-v-sustavax/
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    Fresh leaves of lilac

    Fresh lilac leaves to beat into gruel in a blender orthrough a meat grinder, spread the gruel on the affected area, wrapping the knee over the top with polyethylene, and leave for 30 minutes.

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    Kalanchoe leaves

    To prepare such a compress, it is necessary to stretch several leaves of the Kalanchoe well, then attach it to the trauma and stand for 40-50 minutes.

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    Sugar compress

    On a hot frying pan you need to heat( not melting) 300-400 grams of sugar.pour it into a canvas bag or thick cloth and pin to the problem place for the night, covered with cellophane and scarf.

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    To prepare a compress, mix 10 grams of propolis and 100 grams of vodka. Insist a mixture of 5 days, make a lotion to bursitis while the swelling of the limb will not subside.

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    Flax seeds

    In calico cloth, 100-150 grams of flaxseeds should be wrapped and applied to the knee joint for the night until the problem disappears.

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    Broth of burdock root

    To prepare the broth, take 15 grams of burdock root, pour two glasses of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Make a compress with broth daily, for 2-3 hours for 20 days.

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    Salt compress

    To make a solution, mix half a liter of boiling water and a tablespoon of soda. After damp in a clean natural woolen cloth and wrap her knee, top with a plastic wrap and a warm scarf. Duration of the procedure is from 3 to 8 hours daily.

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    Vegetable compress

    Cut potatoes, beets or cabbage( you can alternate foods every day), lay the sliced ​​vegetable on a clean cloth and wrap up a knee with such a bandage. From above, you need to wrap it with a plastic bag and scarf. Do this compress every night.

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    Massage with aroma oils

    First of all, mix in equal parts vaseline, eucalyptus and lavender oil. The mixture of oils must be rubbed into the skin, massaging around the affected area, every evening before going to bed.

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    Consequences of

    If the bursitis is untimely or refuses to treat bursitis, the following consequences may occur:

    • sepsis - purulent infection of blood;
    • phlegmon - pus damage to surrounding bursi tissues;
    • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes next to the focus of the disease;
    • purulent arthritis - affects the pus of the entire joint, which leads to a violation of its mobility;
    • fistula - a canal filled with pus appears;
    • osteomyelitis - inflammation of bone tissue, which is in close proximity to the source of the disease;
    • contracture is a complete joint loss of the ability to move.
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    Therapeutic diet

    To comply with this diet, you must first of all refuse to eat table salt and foods with high acidity. It is necessary to consume more vegetable food( vegetables and fruits, cereals, milk, honey, natural juices).Also, you can not consume salted cheese and fish, preserves, alcohol, coffee, chocolate for the period of treatment.

    When cooking meat, it must first boil, and then stew or bake. Meat can be eaten no more than 3 times a week for 200 grams of finished products.

    For the period of treatment it is necessary to completely stop eating protein and fat.
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    Prevention of

    In order not to cause such a disease on the knee joint, it is necessary: ​​

    • to regulate the load on the knee joints;
    • not leave without treatment any skin damage;
    • if there is a constant load on the knees, then you need to wear special knee pads that reduce pressure on the joint;
    • regularly arrange rest for legs( baths, massages for improvement of blood circulation);
    • after a heavy load on the legs to attach to the knees packets of ice.
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