Dolls amulet - for the child, Bereginya, Nerazluchniki, fortunately, Bell, for the house, Zhelannitsa: value, description, history, photo

In this article we will continue to talk about the Slavic dolls-amulets. For each case of life our ancestors made certain amulets, and it will be useful for novice craftsmen to learn the nuances of such manufacture.


  • How to make a doll-amulet for a child?
  • Doll amulet motanki Keeper: description, value, photo
  • Doll Charm lovebirds: description, history, meaning, photos
  • doll talisman for good luck: the description, the value of the photo
  • Doll Charm Bell
  • Dolls, amulets Housing
  • Kukla-amulet Zhelannitsa
  • Video: Dolls amulets

Dolls-amulets did not just serve as an amusing decoration of the house - these small creations were thought to help their masters. How? And how to create such beauty?

How to make a doll-amulet for a child?

A doll-amulet The diaper is done quickly enough, and this procedure is possible even for those mothers who are far from needlework. In addition, Pelenashka can serve as the basis for for many puppets , which is very useful for beginners.

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IMPORTANT: Previously, it was customary to make seven Pelenacek dolls for the first year of the baby's life. These amulets lay in a crib, they were put into the crumb's handle, tied to his clothes.

dolls Pelenashek for a child to do a lot to create

pupae required :

  • natural fabrics - cotton desirable .It is even more desirable for the fabric to be already used and homespun - so it will give the doll a human warmth, vitality.
  • Filler
  • Braid, ribbons, threads, buttons - in short, what you can bandage and decorate the doll

The procedure for creating The diaper is as follows:

  • To begin with, the filler ball was placed in the center of the body tissue of white or .
  • Then he was wrapped in a string and bandaged - created the head of .
  • One more piece of fabric was taken, but already brighter - for diaper .He was wrapped below the head around the so-called trunk.

IMPORTANT: The craftsmen believed that the fabric should be wrapped six times.

  • And now you can also tie a doll with .
  • Then took another piece of cloth, which covered the head of the pupa. The ends should have been dragged criss-cross. It was possible to reinforce with a thread.
  • And again the amulet was messed up on a piece of cloth - this time already has the upper diaper .Pelenashka neatly wrapped in it, was bandaged with a smart band and adorned with .
Here under this scheme can be created Charm doll for a child

Doll amulet motanki Keeper: description, value, photo

As we wrote above, this doll has been very common, as was of special significance. It was designed by the to meet everyone entering the house, serving as an obstacle to the evil forces of the .Also drove away illnesses, quarrels.

IMPORTANT: Beregini's ideal location is opposite the front door. At the same time, it should be higher than the heads of incoming people, in order to better observe them.

It is advisable to place the shade at the entrance to the dwelling

. Although we described the process of making this doll-amulet, Bereginya once from the time can get completely different. It is believed that is not a person who chooses Bereginya, but she chooses it. Therefore, if you want to buy such a doll, take the one that first attracted attention.

Doll-amulet Берегиня в кокетливых ярких наряддах
Doll-amulet Берегиня in colorful sarafan
Doll-amulet Берегиня in spring bright clothes
Doll-amulet Берегиня in folk motif dressed
Doll-amulet Берегиня в простостеньком домашне одеянии
A stupendous doll-amulet Bereguinya in multi-layered clothes
A doll-amulet Берегиня in a dress of warm cozy shades

Берегиню it is quite it is possible to give. Such a gift will become a wish for comfort, kindness, joy of happiness and well-being in the house.

The craftsmen of the early eras knew that to wind the different parts of the pupa always needed the same side of the .It was believed that only in this way, Bereginya will be able to drop all evil from her masters, to bring harmony.

IMPORTANT: Special attention was paid to the creation time of the amulet. For example, the growing phase of the moon was ideally suited for the creation of Bereginya for harvest, farming and addition in the family. In the full moon, a pupa was created to protect the prosperity of the house, successful completion of important affairs. But needlework in the waning moon was intended to protect against various diseases.

Kuklu-amulet Bereginja for the harvest should be done with the growing phase of the moon

Doll-amulet Unshaven: description, history, meaning, photo

Our ancestors liked to make such a doll when someone created or dreamed of creating a family. It was believed that she will help keep the new family united and amicable. That's why pupae, which were two, in fact were made from one fabric cloth.

Common in pupae was one arm. Separate hands were connected by a common thread of the so-called thread of destiny of red color - this thread should not break anywhere. Similarly, it would seem that the fortress of the family is a common destiny and a common basis.

Puppies-amulets Nerazluchniki have one common hand and a thread of destiny
Cloth pupae-amulets Nerazluchniki
Pupa-amulets Nerazluchniki can be made from straw
Puppet-amulet Splashes can be created and out of yarn

Often Unshaven people were dressed up in beautiful clothes, who were chosen for the holidays.

Pupa-amulets Nerazluchniki in elegant clothes and festive towel
However, pupa-amulets Nerazluchniki looks beautiful and in ordinary clothes

If the pair had a child , on the common hand a loop was created. However, small figures of newborns are also quite nice.

Doll-amulet Unshaven with figures of newborns
To puppets-amulet Unbreakers can also be attached to such small figures

IMPORTANT: As a rule, they were not given away as non-henchmen. The girl who wanted to create a strong family, had to make a doll-guard for herself.

It was believed that for a young chaste girl , who was not previously married, should make two pupae. And if the young lady had earlier serious connections - three .However, this recommendation is not always adhered to - often crafted one amulet.

And that was mandatory, so this is a positive attitude. Often, girls invited their girlfriends or relatives who, in a friendly atmosphere, made Nerazluchnikov each for themselves.

IMPORTANT: Nedazluchnikami did not play. Preferably they were generally put in the farthest corner, so that the evil eye would not look.

Pupae-amulet Unbreakers should be fastened where no one sees

And here when the newlyweds rode from the church , this guard was adorned with on the arc of the team - it was thought that drives the evil eye away. By the way, it was from here that the tradition of decorating wedding cars with dolls went.

Such elegant pupa-amulets Nerazluchniki could decorate the harness of the newlyweds

A doll-amulet for happiness: description, value of the photo

It was considered from ancient times that women's power and beauty are in the hair. A woman with thick long hair, as our ancestors believed, is necessarily successful, successful, able to cope with all adversity. Therefore a large braid - an indispensable attribute of the amulet for happiness.

A braid that is longer than the pupa itself - an indispensable attribute of the amulet for happiness

The first such amulet was found thanks to the excavation of on the territory of Rzhev .Pupa Rzhev's fortune dates back to in the 10th century. For its manufacture, an ancient craftsman used flax.

The long thick braid has a practical function - it makes the puppet resistant .By the way, not all amulets, and even folk dolls, can boast of this.

Big thick bent braid of bracelet dolls Happiness gives stability to

While Happiness itself is very small - about 8 centimeters - the braid can be twice, or even three times as much! And it is sure the is curved by .

Happiness doll is several times smaller than its braid
This size is this amulet for happiness

Such a small size of the amulet was invented for a reason. The person who took this tiny doll in his hand realizes that his is really in his possession - you just need to make an effort.

Happiness in the hands of the word

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that this crumbs have bast shoes. They will help to navigate the path of happiness search more conveniently, and in fact such way happens long! You can add and handbag - in her happiness will develop.

Pupa-amulets for Happiness in bast shoes
Handbag in which the doll-amulet will add happiness

This little doll can not help but be moved. And it is quite you can play , without fearing that it will be untwisted like most Motanoks.

It can also be to carry , having hung up as a keychain. And you can put on your desktop. As gift such a charm will be very good.

Such a beautiful doll-amulet for happiness will not be superfluous on the desktop

Doll-amulet Bellflower

The homeland of this amulet is Valdai , and the time of its appearance is about the 15th century .

Handbell is considered messenger of good events .How else, if he rang under the arc of festive triplets, and the ringing of big bells chased the plague? In addition, the bell above the bell reminds the sun, and in form it is domed - all this in the eyes of the Slavs was symbolic.

Pupa, however, really reminds of the shape of the bell thanks to three lush skirts. By the way, the number of skirts is not accidental: the Slavs sentenced that the if the body is good, then the spirit is calm, and the soul is joyful.

Bell-shaped dolls were supposed to have three bright skirts

In other words, the doll Bell - this protects you for happiness, joy, fun, and just for a good mood. Often such a guard gave with heartfelt wishes of good news and joy.

A motley doll-amulet Bells with their own appearance gave a great mood

Often in the house there were not one, but several Bells - good news really does not happen much. Often the pupae were linked together.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to hang them at the entrance door. It is especially good in this case to attach a bell to the guard - then everyone entering the house will announce the dwelling with a clean and joyful ringing.

Doll-amulet Bells will look especially good on the entrance door
You can put a real miniature bell

in the handle of the doll-guardian. Dolls-amulet for the house

Doll "Day and night" was often used to protect the home. As the change of day and night ensures the order in the world, as well as dolls-amulet will ensure order in the house.

Day doll - the impersonation of mobility, youth, fun and hard work. It is designed to ensure that the inhabitants of the home work diligently, and during the holidays heartily rejoiced. It is possible that this amulet will help you to spend a day with plain , filling it with useful events.

Night the same doll embodies reverie, calmness, wisdom. It's not for nothing that the night makes everyone and everyone unrecognizable. It is at this time of day that the most intimate conversations occur.

However, of course, the main thing that a person should do at night is to sleep. Obereg monitors that the sleep is serene, gives strength and allows you to properly rest.

IMPORTANT: In the afternoon you should set forth a light pupa, and at night - dark.

Dolls-amulets Day-night

There are two variants of making such a charm. Most often they make two puppets of different colors , connected with each other. Sometimes it was possible to meet even more interesting variant - one doll, divided as if on two sides.

The variant of making dolls-amulet Day-night - two sides in one doll

The doll-amulet Broomstick was also popular. When everything fell from the hands, someone was irritated without reason or illness, they changed one another, the verdict was unambiguous - the evil eye. In such a case all unnecessary was thrown out and the doll-amulet of Metlushka was made.

Hence the name of the pupa - it sweeps the negative. And it does not matter where exactly the negative came from - the Broom was considered a good helper in its elimination.

Filler for Broom was bast or straw .It is recommended that you still use the bast.

Doll-amulet Broomster

Doll-amulet Desing

To have a magic wand that will help realization of desires, it would be desirable also to our ancestors. And in women such a stick served as a doll-charm Zhelannitsa.

IMPORTANT: It was believed that Zhelannitsa should be made for life in a single copy. And it was necessary to make it alone.

As a rule, such handicrafts were entrusted to very young girls - 12-14 years. At this age, they began to realize their place in society, their responsibility for the role of women.

When the girl later wanted a wish, she had to cajole doll gift in the form of tape, beads, buttons or something similar. Then the amulet received the praise of from its hostess. And only after that the girl voiced her wishes to the doll.

A doll-amulet A croissant with ribbons-gifts
A doll-amulet A croissant in a coquettish kokoshnike and beads
A little doll-charm A croissant with beads

As this amulet accompanied this woman all my life, the doll clothes changed from time to time. But gifts should not be removed.

When the foreman was working on the next doll, she invested her soul in her creation, concentrated on desires, defined goals for the future. Agree, this is very similar to what is called "art therapy" in the modern world. So why not try your hand at it?

For the meaning and description of other dolls, see articles:
Dolls amulet - Herbalist, Plantain, Health, Krupenichka, for family, Angel, Successful, for marriage, Prosperous, for pregnancy: meaning, description, history, photo.

Dolls self-protection from the fabric and thread: step by step instruction, master class. History, description, meaning and photo of the protecting dolls.

Video: Dolls amulets

  • May 15, 2018
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