How to draw a picture on a winter theme easily and simply? How to draw a house in winter, winter landscape, children, animals with pencil and paints?

The article will tell you how to easily and simply draw a winter landscape of your own.


  • How to draw a house in winter with pencil and paints?
  • How to draw children in winter with pencil and paints?
  • How to draw animals in winter with pencil and paints?
  • How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with pencil and paints?
  • Drawings about winter with children and animals for beginners and children for sketching:
  • photo: "Drawing lessons. How to draw winter? »

How to draw a house in winter with pencil and paints?

Drawings depicting winter landscapes have a special attraction magic: they want to be seen and hung on the wall in a recreation area( hall, bedroom, study).Images of snow-covered trees and roofs of houses instill in the human soul a feeling of comfort and tenderness, fairy tales and magic that is present in New Year's time.

Drawing winter landscapes is not difficult. The main thing - to pick up the right paper and paint.

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About 50% of the success of the entire work depends on the selected paper. Drawing paints, you will need tight cardboard from the category of "kraft".You can also use a colored matte cardboard, for example, blue or black, on which white paint, pastel and pencils look particularly contrast.

Thinking about what you can paint in the winter landscape, the first thing that comes to mind is the house. The house is present in human consciousness since childhood, since the child first sees a fairy tale about Morozko or forest animals. It does not matter which house you represent, the main thing is to draw correctly.

We suggest you to depict a cozy forest house:

  • Choose a perspective, i.e.approximate location of the house on a piece of paper.
  • Best if the house is in the center of your image, or near the center. So it will attract attention to itself and be the main storyline.
  • For drawing an even and proportional house with a roof, you can use a ruler, but then always circle the house pattern by hand so that the picture does not look angular.
  • After you draw the main lines: walls, roof, windows, threshold and so on, proceed to detailing.
  • Do not hurry to draw snow. Only when the house is painted completely, with the help of white paint or chalk, literally "cover" the house with a "snow cap".If you only draw with a simple pencil, you will need an eraser.
    House in the forest: drawing on the steps
    House, winter landscape: step one "main lines"
    After the main lines are depicted, sketch out the snow on all surfaces
    Begin to detail the picture, depict the nature: trees, Christmas trees, paths and other small things
    Erase excess lines with an eraser
    Begin painting the drawing with paints

    How to draw children in winter with pencil and paints?

    Decorating a picture depicting the winter can be supplemented with a fun-loving children. Such a drawing will necessarily evoke pleasant emotions and associations with childhood. This idea is also good for drawing New Year's cards and pictures for competitions and exhibitions.

    How to draw:

    • Plan the storyline in advance: how your characters will be depicted, where and what they will do: dance, play snowballs, sculpt a snowman, ride a sled, spin around a Christmas tree and so on.
    • Schematically depict the shapes of children. You have to choose a position for everyone: someone raised their hands, someone sits on the sled, someone closes his ears or tickles his companion.
    • After you have depicted the children's figures, you can begin to detail them and create a winter landscape.

    How to portray children:

    Children sledding
    Snowball, snowman
    Winter fun: children
    Snowman, playing snowball

    Ready drawings:

    Drawing paints: winter fun
    Sledging: drawing with paints
    Drawing winter with the image of entertaining kids

    How to draw animals in winter with pencil and paints?

    Winter is a "fairy-tale time", which means that even animals at this time of year are pleased with the lush snow, waiting for the New Year and having fun. You can draw a landscape depicting any "forest dwellers": a wolf, a fox, a squirrel, a bear, a hedgehog, a hare and others.

    Step-by-step drawing of a wolf

    Step-by-step drawing of a hedgehog
    Step-by-step drawing of squirrel
    Step-by-step drawing of a woodpecker
    Step-by-step drawing of a moose
    Step-by-step drawing of a hare
    Step-by-step drawing of a bear

    How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with pencil and paints?

    In order for the drawing to turn out to be rich, interesting and positive, draw several storylines at once. For example, in a forest or in a clearing, children have fun with winter fun together.

    Drawing ideas:

    Forest animals, children: "winter" drawing
    Beasts: winter fun
    Animals meet the New Year
    Children and animals in winter
    New Year's winter drawing
    Children and beasts: winter
    Winter animals entertainment
    Feeding animals in winter

    Drawingsabout winter with kids and animals for beginners and children for sketching: photos

    If you are not strong in self-drawing, you will always help with sketching. You can draw a pattern through the glass or by attaching a sheet of white paper to the computer monitor( preferably in the dark).Independently adjust the size and location of the pattern.

    Patterns for sketching:

    Pattern for drawing No. 1
    Pattern for painting No. 2
    Pattern for painting No. 3
    Pattern for painting No. 4
    Pattern for painting No. 5
    Pattern for painting No. 6
    Pattern for painting No. 7

    Video:"Drawing lessons. How to draw winter? »

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