How to wash the oven? Than to clear fat? What means to wash the oven?

To the landladies for a note: what shop and folk remedies you can wash the fat and soot in the oven, quickly and effortlessly.


  • Than to wash the oven inside of burnt fat?
  • VIDEO: Clean the oven of grease and carbon quickly and easily
  • Cleaning agent-gel Amway for ovens
  • VIDEO: We clean the baking tray from the oven with Amway
  • How quickly to clean the oven? Folk remedies
  • How to wash the oven with ammonia?
  • How to wash the glass in the oven?
  • How to wash the oven: reviews
  • VIDEO: How to AVOID strong oven contamination? How to wash a soiled oven?

A good housewife must keep clean. And not only outwardly. She must be able to keep in proper condition, not only the countertop or the facade of the kitchen, but also hard-to-reach, hidden, at first glance, place.

For example, an oven. Despite the fact that today there are a lot of store tools to clean it, and no less than the number of proven national recipes, not everyone knows how to remove fat and soot, and, moreover, knows how to do it.

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Than to wash the oven inside of burnt fat?

  • Oven is a must in every kitchen. It is used very often, because baking is one of the most healthy ways of cooking
  • . As with any other kitchen appliance, the oven has its own rules of use. One of them is a requirement for cleanliness. The oven must be clean and hygienic, and for safety reasons
To avoid the question of how to clean the oven of old fat and carbon deposits, you need to do this regularly.

IMPORTANT: The idea is to wash the oven after each use. Then this process will be easier and faster, because you will have to remove a small amount of fat and carbon deposits. But, unfortunately, the rare mistress does just that.

Someone does not have enough time, someone just is lazy. After several operations inside the oven and on the glass a significant amount of contamination accumulates. And then their removal turns into a real struggle

To remove the old fat and carbon in the oven and on the glass, it will take a certain amount of time. Perhaps, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

A modern woman, first of all, will pay attention to high-tech store tools for cleaning kitchen surfaces and ovens. They have a number of advantages:

  • ready-made products, thanks to the formula and composition, are created in order to remove the fat and deposit
  • . They act quickly and efficiently.
  • possess the antibacterial and antifungal effect of
  • . Simultaneously with dirt, they eliminate and smell
  • . Harmful to surfaces intime and after their application of the minimum
  • are considered harmless to humans
  • do not need to search for recipes, extract any ingredients and prepare a cleanser itself
Many women preferspolzovat-store means for cleaning ovens.

Such products are available in the form of powders, gels, creams or aerosols.

The largest number of compliments received( listed in alphabetical order):

  1. Astonish( spray for cleaning glass in the oven)
  2. Cif cream active lemon( universal cleaner for kitchen)
  3. Powder Comet Lemon with chlorinol( universal cleaner for kitchen and bathroom)
  4. Active gel for cleaning ovens Dr. Beckmann( cleaner for ovens)
  5. Green & Clean Professional( cleaner for hoods and ovens)
  6. Oven Cleaner Amway( cleaner for ovens)

The above funds do not require special preparation.

IMPORTANT: The owner of the oven must prepare rubber gloves, a water basin, sponges or napkins for washing and cleaning surfaces, clean cotton napkins or microfibre

before cleaning the oven. The oven is cleaned as follows:

  1. The grate, trays, trays are removed from the oven. They are washed separately under running water or in a basin with water in which a certain amount of
  2. cleanser is diluted with a sponge or a napkin with the necessary amount of cleaning agent applied, all internal surfaces of the oven are treated. Do not touch the heating element!
  3. After a while, when the fat softens and dissolves, the oven is cleaned completely with water
  4. If necessary, the detergent is recycled
How to clean the fat from the oven: before and after cleaning.

IMPORTANT: After using aggressive chemical cleaners, the oven door must be kept open for an hour or even all night. If the "chemical" odor persists, you can put a plate of milk or several tablets of coal on the baking sheet, or wipe the inside surfaces of the oven with a solution of vinegar and water.

VIDEO: Clean the oven of grease and carbon quickly and easily

Amvei cleanser-gelfor ovens

The products of the Amway network company are twofold. Some consider it the best company for manufacturing and selling ecologically clean and natural cosmetic and household products, others - scammers and charlatans, speculators on the same ecological purity.

Opinions have a right to exist, in any case. But to check how effective the tool - the gel for cleaning the oven and grills, you can only by your own experience.

Amm Oven cleaner.

The gel paste is designed for cleaning:

  • ovens
  • grilles
  • frying pans

Cleaning with Oven Cleaner Amway is as follows:

  • is applied to the surface with contamination
  • after application of the product, the fat softens and becomes easily detachable from the surface, it takes 10 to 30 minutes.time
  • means together with contaminants is removed from the surfaces of the oven

The court is according to reviews, Amway means really effective, economical and safe.

IMPORTANT: Even if the brand for the production of household chemicals positions its products safe and environmentally friendly, you should not forget about precautionary measures. Amway oven cleaner should be tightly closed and hidden away from children and pets

VIDEO: We clean the baking sheet from the oven with Amway

How quickly to clean the oven? Folk remedies

High-tech household chemicals are certainly effective in fighting the pollution of the oven, but many housewives, even young ones, still prefer to use folk remedies for this purpose. In comparison with store they find them:

  • cheaper
  • safer
  • no less effective

IMPORTANT: To dissolve fat, acids are usually used. They not only eliminate dirt, but also kill microbes, fungi, eliminate the unpleasant odor of

. Folk remedies clean the oven no worse than store.

Here are the most commonly used recipes.

RECIPE No. 1: Cleaning agent for soda and vinegar

Vinegar and baking soda should be mixed in the 1x1 proportion. To make the product better applied, it is recommended to add a small amount of gel for washing dishes.

Vinegar with soda is applied to the previously washed surfaces of the oven, after 15 minutes thoroughly washed together with the contaminants

Soda and vinegar to clean the oven.

RECIPE № 2: Cleaning agent of soda and vinegar

For preparation of the preparation take: vinegar - 100 ml, soda - 50 g, grated soap laundry - 30 g. The components are mixed. The resulting thick substance is put inside the oven, rinse after 3 hours.

Quickly clean the oven with soda, vinegar and household soap.

IMPORTANT: Vinegar has a natural but pungent smell. To neutralize it, you can add a couple of drops of essential oils

to vinegar-based cleaner RECIPE 3: Lemon juice or citric acid

To remove fat and burnt out the oven, you need one lemon or a half-pack of citric acid. In the first case, the lemon juice is diluted with water in the proportion of 1 x 1. In the second, the capsules of the powder are diluted in a glass of water.

Further, the surfaces of the oven are treated with a duster( or sponge) soaked in a solution. It takes half an hour for the fat to separate. After the oven is cleaned with clean water

Lemon and citric acid quickly clean the oven.

How to wash the oven with ammonia?

Ammonium alcohol is considered one of the most effective means for removing fat, which burnt on the walls of the oven.

There are several recipes, how to wash the oven with ammonia.

The simplest version of its use is simply to apply alcohol on the surface and leave for the night, and in the morning wash it with running water.

You can try another way:

  • oven is heated up to 100 degrees
  • at this time prepare two bowls - with water and ammonia
  • first put in the oven a bowl of water, on the lower shelf
  • when the water comes to a boil, the fire switches
  • to the topthe oven shelf is put on the bowl with ammonia
  • leave the oven in this state for the night
  • in the morning, treat the oven surfaces with a mixture of water, dishwashing detergent and ammonia

How to wash the glass in the oven?

Glass on the oven door is easier to clean than internal surfaces.

Glass in the oven can be washed with soda.

To cope with greasy streaks on it you can use the same store tools or ordinary soda.
Fans of household use simply moisten the oven's glass and rub it with soda. After half an hour, when the soda is rinsed with the fat, the glass becomes clean and transparent.

How to wash the oven: feedback

Sooner or later, each hostess finds her way quickly and with minimal effort to launder the oven using store or folk remedies. In order to win the war with fat, it is better not to run pollution, but to clean regularly and in a timely manner.

VIDEO: How to AVOID strong oven contamination? How to wash a soiled oven?

  • May 15, 2018
  • 69
  • 231