Nutrition on the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers say that when compiling a diet, you need to take into account your zodiac sign. Doctors, nutritionists, however, relate to their words rather skeptical. Whether to believe such prescriptions of stars regarding nutrition or not, decide for yourself. What products, according to astrologers, it is desirable to use to representatives of different signs of the zodiac?


They are characterized by migraine, nervousness and depression. Therefore, you need to give preference to products that stimulate the brain, and also positively affecting the kidneys and liver.

Be sure to include in your menu cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, watercress, beets, dates and apples.

Your body also needs iron. It can be obtained from red currants. As for the protein, this substance with you "share" low-fat varieties of meat. If you prefer an unusual taste, you can choose mustard. It has more useful substances in it, rather than, say, hot pepper.


They constantly stop metabolism. In most cases, the cause of the appearance of problems with well-being are addictions to various buns and dainties. You just need to moderate your appetite.

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Give preference to products that contain vitamin A. This substance activates the metabolism. Vitamin A can be "found" in the liver. If you have swelling, then you need to include cabbage and spinach in the menu. It is not superfluous to begin to consume beet and radish.

If you want to reduce the likelihood of endocrine diseases, then you need to use iodized salt when creating dishes. Do not forget about vegetable oil. It has a vitamin E.


As a rule, they constantly have problems related to the nervous system. In this regard, their body needs calcium. Note that this substance positively affects the coagulability of the blood and raises the immunity. So you must include cabbage and milk in the menu.

To prevent various heart disorders, you should consume food that contains potassium. These are pineapples, apricots, carrots, corn, cabbage and celery. Remember that your muscle system needs proteins. These are nuts, eggs and fish.


They are very fond of all kinds of dishes. As a rule, when they are consumed, they do not know about the sense of proportion. Many of their health problems are the result of overeating.

If you have swelling, then you should reduce fluid intake, as well as foods that have a significant amount of sugar and fats. You should preferably give preference to products that are sources of iodine and protein. This is seafood, nuts and meat, which is not fat.

If you suffer from dental problems, or your vision has deteriorated, then you should definitely give preference to lemons, oranges, cheese, onions and watercress. Of the dried fruits is best to choose raisins. Milk and black bread will not be superfluous.


They live "on emotions."It is worth noting that their psychological mood has a great effect on metabolism. You should activate the activities of all kinds of systems. Blueberries, figs, onions, lettuce, apples and lemon are excellent for this. Since you have a predisposition to atherosclerosis, you should not overdo it with the consumption of animal fats.

If you are used to eating starchy and sugar-containing foods, then you should remember the sense of proportion. For you will be very useful food that has proteins in it. These are eggs, game, as well as meat, which is not fat. To raise the body's resistance to diseases, you need to provide your body with ascorbic acid. This vitamin is found in large quantities in citrus fruits.


They need to forget about medications that negatively affect the walls of the intestine, as well as about alcoholic beverages. To avoid the ailments associated with the digestive system, you should include in the menu more products in which the vitamins of the B group are. This is buckwheat, legumes, and also meat, which is not fat. These products are preferably consumed with yoghurt. It will help them to digest well in the body.

For your health, proteins are extremely useful. On your table there should always be eggs and soy. We do not recommend overdoing you with "heavy" food. After waking up, it is desirable for you to choose tea as a drink. If you have skin problems, then you should start consuming almonds.


They prefer to consume exotic dishes and food. In this regard, they now and then have problems associated with the genitourinary system.

You certainly need to include in your diet products that release the body from toxins and stabilize the acid-base balance. Start consuming brown rice, carrots and beets. Not superfluous will be peaches, apples and strawberries.

Keep in mind that if you are constantly nervous, it will negatively affect your metabolism. For acquiring spiritual balance, you should consume the products in which the copper is located. These are pears, buckwheat, lean meat, salad and radish.


They also like to eat deliciously. It is worth noting that they have an excellent metabolism. However, for them it is not superfluous to reduce the consumption of heavy food.

If you are accustomed to eating all kinds of cream, then you should replace them with yoghurts. It is not superfluous to consume seafood, eggs and nuts. After all, these products have proteins in themselves.

For your body, you just need fruits and vegetables that raise your immune system. This prune, figs, garlic, radish, cabbage, watercress and much more.


They constantly suffer from ailments associated with the liver. The reason for this is their preference for all sorts of desserts. Many consume dishes with a lot of various spices.

Such a diet always leads to the appearance of excess cholesterol in the body. Naturally, this has a negative effect on blood circulation. So you should include fish and game in the diet. They contain B vitamins.

You also should not forget about ascorbic acid, which is found in tomatoes and rose hips. If you continually malfunction in the pancreas, then you should eat the skin of fruits and vegetables. An excellent alternative can be cherry, brown rice and strawberries.


As a rule, they do not have the right metabolism. In this regard, they should not abuse various spices and fatty foods. Otherwise they will have a "heavy" feeling for quite some time.

You should include in the diet products that contain ascorbic acid( it is found in strawberries and watermelon), vitamin A( found in sea-buckthorn and pepper), as well as vitamin E( contained in vegetable oil).

If you want to improve your overall health, then you need to start consuming yogurt, lentils, as well as meat that is not fat. These products are sources of proteins. They are easily absorbed by the body. Between meals you need to consume a considerable amount of mineral water. Your most "weak spots" are bones and teeth. So you do not have to give up unrefined wheat, cabbage, celery, spinach and beans.


They are constantly tormented with ailments associated with blood vessels. Therefore, you need to consume foods that are sources of vitamins E and Group B. This is a salad, vegetable oil and legumes.

If you have swelling, then you need to include in the menu figs, apples, seafood, asparagus, cabbage and celery.


As a rule, they constantly have problems associated with the thyroid gland. Most people have excessive dryness of the skin. If you want to improve your health, then you need to start consuming nuts, yogurts, cheese, and low-fat meat. These products will provide your body with the necessary amount of protein and relieve it of liquid.

To strengthen immunity, you need to "lean" on almonds, raisins, strawberries and lettuce.

Author of the article: Kassirova Elena Nikolaevna.

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  • May 15, 2018
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