Power for strength training

Drawing the heaviest barbell for a month, and the effect of zero? Do you feel tired and broken after training? The diagnosis is clear: you are eating wrong! Rapid growth of muscle mass lies on three pillars: correct and balanced nutrition, well-formed physical activity and timely rest.


products To make the workings useful and enjoyable, it is necessary to include in your diet:

Low-fat pork or beef tenderloin

Pork and beef are quite heavy for digestion products, so you should never eat them before training. Only, at least, 2 hours before the start of training or an hour after its end. To make meat easier to digest, you can bake it with lemon or onions.


Chicken and turkey meat( especially breast) is best digested, providing the body with essential amino acids. Best meat is suitable for snack after training and breakfast, especially in combination with green vegetables.


Earlier, the medicine claimed that the egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, but at present this opinion is refuted: cholesterol contained in eggs is practically not deposited in the vessels. So boldly prepare an omelet! The most affordable and affordable are chicken eggs, but quail vitamins are twice as large.

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Curd, cheese

You can not do without dairy products! They contain vitamins A, C, D, B and an indispensable protein methionine, not synthesized in the body. And if you add a little honey and pieces of fruit to the curd, you will get a delicious dessert, ideally suited for a snack after a workout.


Fatty acids, vitamins and calcium, contained in nuts, help muscles to grow faster, and due to this, increases metabolism and overall endurance. The best choice - almonds, cashews and peanuts. Do not forget that nuts are very caloric, a little handful a day is enough.


No, it's not about chips at all! In order to saturate your body with vitamins A, B, C, E and K, you need to eat salads from green vegetables( cucumbers, cabbage, avocado, zucchini, broccoli) and root vegetables( carrots, onions, potatoes) daily. You can also extinguish the vegetables under the closed lid, so as not to "evaporate" all the benefits.


Oatmeal is the favorite of many athletes, as it contains calcium, without which muscles can not grow. Supplement this list of buckwheat, rich in iron, and pearl barley - a source of coarse fiber.


To digest all the protein that enters the athlete's stomach, you need fiber. In bran it is more than in vegetables, and also they contain all the vitamins of group B.

Kefir, yogurt

An athlete in need of more calories than others must quickly digest and assimilate rather large portions. Kefir or yogurt containing bifidobacteria will help the intestines. The best time for a glass of kefir is a second breakfast or a second dinner.


In athletes, the demand for all micro- and macro elements is doubled. Phosphorus and calcium, the main sources of which are sesame, fish and dried fruits, will help to recover after training and relieve pain. B vitamins participate in protein metabolism, energize during exercise, especially in black currants, tomatoes and cabbage.


No coffee, no tea, no sweet compote! It is water in the calculation of 30 ml per kilogram of body weight( per day) increases the effectiveness of training and normalizes the overall metabolism. Muscles are 90% water, which means that the right drinking regime is a significant part of the success.

Prohibited products

Products that are better excluded from their menu: salt, sugar, smoked sausages and sausages, semi-finished products, chemical juices and yoghurts, alcohol.

Remember that the most important thing is the goal and the spirit of victory. Be persistent, move forward, and then everything will work out for you!

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  • May 15, 2018
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