How to live after a divorce: 9 effective councils

Sacramental phrase "Divorce and maiden name!" - is it about you? It all began with a bedside table between the beds, and ended up sending his old slippers in the mail?

Do not be discouraged!

We have gathered for you the best advice on how to live after a divorce. Yes, not anyhow, but "so that the soul unfolds!"

"Shards of leaving summer": 3 main recommendations of psychologists on how to live after the divorce of

"Soul Physicians" to those who revel in self-pity( do not be so!) And reflects on how to live after a divorce recommend:

  1. Get rid of the accumulated negative.

    So we see how you maliciously smirk and raising your left eyebrow, ask us: "Well, how to do it"?Before, "bathe", as after a divorce live, you need:

    • Spill out emotions.

      And how to do it-enroll in taekwondo, break a couple of terrible services or bellow all night beluga in the kitchen of the best girlfriend - it's up to you.

    • "Drop the knife and turn to the world!"

      You should not live after four divorces, turning off the phones, eating kilograms of ice cream and sobbing over depressive films. Think about your favorite relatives and girlfriends.

      instagram viewer

      That's right, go and say "Listen, Mashka! Now I'm fucked up and I'm going to cry after the divorce! Stay with me!".

      And if Masha is not really a finished bitch, she'll stay, and cry with you, and pat her on the head.

    • After the divorce you need to occupy yourself to the maximum.

      It's time to think about work-in-progress, write an ingenious business plan, at the worst - remember where you put the bicycle and embroidery frame or figure out why your washing machine from designer underwear makes a cloth to wipe the dust.

    "My husband filed for divorce when our son was only 2 years old. The situation is just terrible - no money, no full communication( I'm on maternity leave!), No prospects. I had to remember that I graduated with a red diploma in English. At night she prepared translations, wrote articles on English-language sites and sobbed into a pillow, as the heroine of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears!".But now I am a successful entrepreneur( I am sending people to the USA to work on cruise liners) and earn such amounts, which I did not even allow myself to dream about. So it is quite possible that there would not be a divorce - there would not be my professional self-realization. "

    - Tatyana from St. Petersburg is reassuring.

  2. There is no place for revenge after the divorce.

    If you do not want your soul to be nasty and disgusting, do not try after each divorce to tell at every corner about what a scoundrel your ex-husband was, do not put sugar in the fuel tank of his car and do not expose the photos of the ex-spouse in some "families"for everyone to see on the Internet.

    It's your real life, not the Rose Family War!

  3. Find the benefits in your new free life after a divorce.

    If you think about it, you can live very hard after a divorce, for example:

    • all day off to hang around the apartment in crumpled pajamas and no one will demand that you immediately change clothes and look like a "sexy chick";
    • you are now a full "master" of the remote from the TV;
    • no one will grumble at the refrigerator, finding there only a jar of yogurt and a cabbage of cauliflower, because you are on a diet;
    • you can at any time of the day and night screaming your favorite songs at the top of your voice. Emotional shock from your fake singing threatens only to Cat Cannon;
    • you can safely lower all of your salary on boots, in which you "fell in love" at first sight and not get a label "truer";
    • you now, as a "free woman of the East", have the right to smile on strangers in the streets, desperately flirt with a colleague and flirt with the boss.

In a word, feel like a kind of Bulgakov's Margarita - "invisible and free"!

I want to divorce my husband: 7 legal nuances

You - left, me - to the right: 3 councils for men and women, how to live after the divorce

Whoever you are, gentleman or lady - we have something to tell you about how to live after the divorce:

1) "Do not hang your nose, midshipmen. ..": 3 worldly wisdom for the ex-spouse

  • do not put on yourselfmask of a cynical misogynist after a divorce.

    As if your relationship with your spouse was not finished, there must be a woman who will heal the wounds of the "old soldier who does not know the words of love";

  • do not "get killed" at work, they say, at home no one is waiting.

    And will not wait, if all your "silk heroes" will be directed only to increase sales of ice cream "Lakomka" in the area entrusted to him. Find time and courage for gay companies and new acquaintances with women;

  • be extremely careful with alcohol after a divorce.

    The old Russian method of dealing with stress in most cases does not work. Ask about this red-necked peasant, who digs in the trash near your house.

2) The girl is not with the "mileage", but with experience: 3 councils from the wise women who have already survived the divorce. ..

  1. Do not take your whole life after divorce only to caring for children.

    What will you do when they grow up and "dodge" into adulthood? By the way, if you "choke" them with your love, then they will try to get rid of you as soon as possible.

    Who wants to be pulled at the age of 25 by a hat on his head or led by a pen to the doctor?

  2. If you are an impressionable woman, then collect everything that reminds you of an ex-husband, up to an album with wedding photos, and throw the to hell, or build a bonfire right before the eyes of the amazed public in the face of grandmothers on the bench!

    Oh, your favorite coffee maker and silver ring can leave even after the divorce!

  3. Do not "hammer" on your appearance after the divorce.

    We are absolutely confident that a woman can find her soul mate at any age, but how to discern your fine thin soul, if you look like a lumberjack from Siberia?

    Therefore, long live the morning exercise, manicure, fashionable haircut and clothes to the face!

There is a way out! It can not be!2 steep psychological exercises for those who do not know how to live after the divorce

No. 1. Funeral of Love or For Whom the Bell Tolls?

If after a divorce you "stuck" on your ex-spouse and do not understand how to live on, try:

  • sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax;
  • recall all the brightest moments of your relationship before the divorce;
  • mentally "fold" in the box all the memories( good and bad) that you have associated with the ex-husband / wife and buried in the cemetery.

# 2."Ventilate" yourself after the divorce: a draft in the heart of

After the divorce live "with chic, brilliance and beauty", you can only "let go" the situation:

  • rub on a few drops of fir or lavender oil on the forehead, neck and chest
  • imagine that inthe heart area you have a hole from which black smoke is pouring( all in the best tradition of "film-lusters");
  • breathe smoothly and deeply, until a bright, warm light begins to flow from your "hole" instead of soot;
  • at the end of the exercise you should feel a full "relax" and serene joy, as if you are lying on the best beach of the Cote d'Azur, and in the evening you will meet with Ryan Gosling. And away the bitter thoughts of divorce!

Children's question: 9 rules of how to live after a divorce, if you have children

You and your second half will scatter "on slums of terrestrial latitudes", but you need to know how to live after divorce your child:

The error has come out!5 tips on how not to live after the divorce

We are sure that it will take a very short time and you will not be killed over how to live after the divorce, and "burn not like a child," but first let's find out what mistakes most people makeafter parting:

  1. Most women after the divorce blame themselves for not being able to save the family.

    Well, listen, the marriage certificate was issued to two, the two were responsible for it, therefore, both the husband and the wife are responsible for all "jambs".Or it was necessary to kill each other, but stay together?

  2. In a fit of nostalgia( "Ah, how we once loved each other!") Or out of fear of loneliness they return after a divorce to the former / former.

    Are you serious? Do you think that under the influence of your female enchantments he will stop "peeking into a bottle" and spend 99% of his time in the favorite place of Russian intellectuals - a crocked couch?

  3. Immediately after the divorce enter into a new relationship.

    That's really really: "From the fire - yes into the fire!".Psychologists say that without understanding your "demons" of the past, you can not build a happy love story.

    There is a risk very soon in the new boyfriend to see the features of the old "monster" that you got rid of after the divorce.

  4. Often women become like "iron ladies" after divorce, and men - "knights without fear and reproach."Both those and others with a head go into work.

    Believe me, there is nothing wrong with that porevet from the heart to the vest best friend and "get drunk" with a friend after leaving the "shrew".Stress after a divorce is absolutely normal!

    He needs to give a way out in the form of playing sports, intimate conversations, new hobbies and other distractions. Otherwise it will be like in American thrillers, when a respectable family man after a divorce "flies off" and with a sweet smile shoots half the city.

  5. Many, especially women, view divorce as an unambiguously unpleasant event.

    And life experience? He, as they say, will not spend on drink. Now, after the divorce, you know for sure that you should not make a scandal about the unwashed dish. And you learned to cook borscht simply amazing!

How to live before and after the divorce?

tips from psychologist Tatiana Zolotova:

Top 5 celebrities who know how to live after the divorce

think the rich and famous do not throw?

If you have thoroughly wet the pillow with tears, thinking about how to live after the divorce, we will guide, for example, only 5 stars with honor to survive the heavy parting:




Demi Moore


Miranda Kerr


Jennifer Aniston


Gwen Stefani


Heidi Klum

So you are in the same "harness" with all these amazing women!

But in general, want the most important advice on how to live after the divorce of ?Bright, light, "tasty" and with imagination!

Do your favorite thing, meet with friends and relatives, go on dates - and very soon you'll find a new love! And here you are, "shot sparrow", do not make the same mistakes as in past relationships.

  • May 15, 2018
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