Colorful food and our health

It has long been proven that the color scheme of everything that surrounds us affects the human nervous system in different ways. If red and yellow have a warming and stimulating effect, then turquoise, blue and violet - cooling, soothing and relaxing.

So, all this applies not only to clothes and interior, but also to what we eat with you.

If you follow a multi-colored diet, you can get all vitamins and trace elements, so necessary for our body, and at the same time rationally organize your diet.

The main features of products of different colors

Red products( tomatoes, many berries, etc.) can fill you with energy for the whole day. Thanks to them, the processes of digestion and the removal of toxins from the body are improved. Moreover, red color is an excellent stimulant for energetic work, achievement of goals, which, moreover, can give confidence.

Orange products( oranges, tangerines, sea-buckthorn berries, pumpkin, carrots, etc.) also have a toning effect on the body. They are able to strengthen the nervous system and improve blood circulation, activate digestive processes.

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In addition, orange - the color of joy, it is able to rid of the accumulated negative. Orange food adds to people's communication and optimism.

Yellow products( yellow pepper, bananas, wheat, etc.) have a positive effect on the mental processes that occur in the human brain. In addition, yellow food can improve the condition of the skin, help with diseases of the nervous system.

Green color, as is known, symbolizes peace and harmony. Green food has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system. It calms the nerves and has a beneficial effect on lung function. In addition, the green diet is an excellent remedy for stress and migraine.

Violet products( beets, eggplants, grapes) improve the human ability to contemplate the world, strengthen the nervous system and the brain. They help to cope with stress and are very useful for mental health.

Perhaps purple is one of the most tranquil colors, embodying spirituality and intuition. Especially useful is purple food before bed.

Brown products( tea, coffee, cocoa, buckwheat, etc.) are often recommended for use in ENT diseases and eye diseases, as well as in disorders of thyroid function and heavy loads. Brown color often correlates with the "third eye", it is able to bring clarity into everyday life and allows you to see the invisible. Compassion, caution and honesty - that's what is inherent in this color.

The effect of different colors on the body manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, you should know that eating food of a certain color in food is better guided by the time of day: red and orange - in the daytime, at night and at night - purple, yellow and green - in the morning.

Controlling the color of food that you eat daily, you will be sure that you care about your body, although it may seem funny. Control over the color of food - control over your mood and health.

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  • May 15, 2018
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