How to make a man miss?

More precisely, hello, readers, because today I want to share with the fair sex, who feed their brains with useful information thanks to my site, secrets, how to make a man miss the .

"It's easier than you think," psychologists and my friend Anna say!

Why is it important to get a man bored?

We all know that there is nostalgia.

This yearning for home, which often pushes an expatriate to strange deeds: to abandon a secure life abroad and return home to dwell in poverty, often exposing his life to danger.

During the reign of Stalin, a cry was sent to the children of emigrants and the emigrants themselves: "Come back! Motherland is waiting for you, she will forgive everything! ".

Many agreed, came and were at best in camps, at worst - in the cemetery.

And now imagine that the main characters of the play are not a homeland and an emigrant, but a man and a woman.

Imagine what kind of sacrifices and deeds a man can go for the sake of a woman who will make him greatly miss himself?

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Making a man bored is not so difficult.

This is confirmed not only by psychologists, but also by my friend Anna.

Anya and Dima are an ideal couple who have lived in love and harmony for 7 years now, but they did not become an example for imitation.

They started dating at the university.

How to interest a guy?

Anya Dima loved very much, but he was young and stupid, he did some idiotic deeds, then he broke into quarrels, then went to spree.

Girlfriends advised Ana to leave the guy, they say, would not be of use to him, but the girl believed that they were just made for each other.

But how on this fact to open Dima's eyes?

Making him bored!

How did Anya make Dima miss?

The school year was coming to an end, the session loomed on its nose, after which the holidays began.

An excellent Anny usually helped Dima's 3-year-old to take the session - they were preparing together.

The couple planned to spend a couple of months at sea, resting in tents.

But the girl, tired of the inconsistency of her man, acted differently.

At first, she refused to prepare with him for the session, then, referring to the great employment, refused various dates under various pretexts.

Dima became agitated that Ani had another, started to watch her at the hostel, ask her friends about the presence of another guy, monitor her pages in social networks, call 20 times a day.

And Dima was terribly bored, because, as it turned out, Anya played an important role in his life: she was having fun, she was an excellent cooker, she was helping him, a dude, with the preparation for couples, she liked his friends and parents, shewas an excellent lover.

Dima was afraid to lose the girl.

Finally, Dima was re-educated by Ani's refusal to travel to the sea and her departure home( the girl is not a Kiev woman, she is from a small town in the Kiev region).

Dima flew to Ana two weeks after she left to tell him that he was a fool, that he had missed her terribly all this time, that he was madly in love with her, and also in order to ask his parents for consent to marry themdaughter.

As you can see, Anin's way to make a man miss is extremely simple.

You just need to show that you are an important part of his life and that without you he will be much worse than with you.

This method, however, has its own motivation: if a man is not in love and subconsciously wishes to part, then he will be happy if you become less in his life and will not be bored for sure.

Therefore, I suggest you and other ways.

How to make a man miss: mark his territory

Do you know how the dogs are looking for a pair?

The girl is marking the territory, signaling to the boys: "I want to get acquainted!", And the boys, smelling her scent, rush to a meeting.

You can do this.

No, it is not necessary to write on his chair, his territory( apartment, car, office) needs to be marked in other civilized ways:

  1. Give him on holidays your joint photos in frames and control that they stand at his house and on the desktop.
  2. "Forget" his things after spending the night, and when he finds them, then find reasons to not take them for a while - let them remind you of and make the guy miss.
  3. If you have a serious relationship, ask them to give you a shelf in the closet and bathroom so that you can leave some things there.
  4. When you spend time at his house, go to his T-shirts and shirts.

    So they will smell like you, and the smell can make even the most hard-hearted man bored.

    How to fall in love with a man?

  5. "Accidentally" damage something in his apartment( sabotage should be in an easy form), for example, dirty the upholstery of the sofa with your lipstick, scratch the keys with a coffee table, sprinkle coffee on the wallpaper.

    Every time a man looks at the results of your subversive activities, he will remember you, which means - be bored.

Method number 3, which will make a man miss the

You should not allow that in your life a man becomes too much.

Even married couples are useful from time to time to conduct separately and it is certainly useful to work in different offices.

And at the stage of relations "we meet" allow ourselves to turn into something routine and constant in his life - criminal in relation to himself.

A man should constantly experience a slight deficit of attention on your part and communication with you.

So he will be constantly bored.

Here's how to achieve this:

  1. Always put the first handset on a phone call without waiting for the man to do it.
  2. Sometimes find an excuse not to go on a date, especially those that are appointed at the last moment. A man should not give the impression that you are just waiting for him to invite you somewhere.
  3. Log out of your account on social networks and Skype, when you're done talking.

    Remember how your heart fluttered when the window popped up the window "Beloved Vasya Pupkin appeared online."Let Vasya feel the same feelings.

  4. Never answer his question "What did you do today?" With the phrase "Nothing, waiting for your call."
  5. Though sometimes finish dating first, without waiting for the man to say "Oh, how late, let's leave already."

How to interest a man?

Using this method how to make a man bored, the main thing is to observe a reasonable balance so that the deficit of attention and communication in an easy form does not turn into a complete ignore.

And 5 more tips on how to make a man bored. ..

On the one hand, making a loving man bored is easy, because he will do it automatically, counting the hours before your meeting.

It's much harder to have with a guy who does not yet have strong feelings for you.

Here it is necessary to use the whole arsenal of means:

  1. Odor.

    Use the same good perfume.

    Every woman should have a fragrance that is associated with her.

  2. Help.

    Do something for him that no one else can do except you.

    For example, learn how to perfectly fry meat or bake the world's most delicious cookies.

  3. Its life.

    You have to live a full life, have your social circle, work / study, personal interests.

    A man will never miss a woman whose world is focused on him alone.

    They are not interested in what is always at hand.

    How to understand men?

  4. Music.

    You should have a "your" song, for example, the one for which you first danced.

    It is desirable that it is often played on the radio, then every time you hear it, a man will miss you.

  5. General lessons.

    Ideally, if you have a common hobby or are engaged in some kind of charity, then every time you do it alone, a man will remember you.

Finally, I recommend you to watch the video, how to do so,

so that the man often thought of you and missed you:

If you have any ways how to make a man miss, share them in the comments.

  • May 16, 2018
  • 74
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