How to cook buckwheat on water? How to cook buckwheat on milk, in bags, on a garnish, for complementary feeding to the child? How to cook friable buckwheat?

Favorite by all buckwheat can be prepared in many ways, and not only traditionally cook in a saucepan. How to diversify the menu of buckwheat and how quickly and tasty it is prepared - this will be discussed in the article.


  • How to cook buckwheat: in hot or cold water?
  • Video: How correctly to cook buckwheat?
  • How to cook buckwheat in a saucepan, proportions?
  • How to cook buckwheat in a microwave oven?
  • Video: Buckwheat in 15 minutes. Recipe for microwave
  • How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler?
  • How to cook buckwheat in a multivariate?
  • How to cook buckwheat with milk?
  • How to cook buckwheat in sachets?
  • How to cook buckwheat for complementary foods?
  • How to boil loose garlic for garnish?
  • Video: Buckwheat porridge - the best garnish!

The queen of cereals, without a doubt, can be called buckwheat for its nutritional value, rich vitamin and trace element composition, and impeccable taste of , which each of us has known since childhood.

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Everyone knows about the benefits of buckwheat, but about how how to cook it correctly , few people know about the variety of ways of this process. All methods of cooking buckwheat porridge consider in this article.

How correctly to cook buckwheat: in hot or cold water?

Traditionally, almost all cooked buckwheat throwing it into boiling water , without even thinking about whether it is right to cook this product. In fact, it is more correct to cook buckwheat in a completely different way, which was actively used by our ancestors.

Buckwheat can be cooked in cold and hot water

It turns out that if buckwheat is filled with cold water and put on the stove to cook, then it will cook faster, it will be softer and more tender. But to say that it is not right to throw buckwheat in boiling water is not right - this is just another way of preparing it, for which the porridge obtained by will be more friable.

Video: How correctly to cook buckwheat?

How to cook buckwheat in a saucepan, proportions?

If you decide to cook buckwheat, then for this simple undertaking you only need to know the correct ratio of water and cereals. Of course, to say unequivocally, with scientific accuracy about how much water is required for cooking a glass of buckwheat is impossible, since must take into account various factors:

  • under the lid will be cooked porridge or not
  • what will the firepower on the plate
  • in cold or boiling waterthe crock will be thrown
It's best to cook buckwheat in a cast iron, but if you do not have it, the usual

pan will do. Nevertheless with the approximate proportion, which can be corrected in the future, is ratio 1: 3 , when 1 glass of buckwheat and are taken for cooking porridges 3 cups of water .

If a glass of cereal per family is not enough, then, keeping the proportion, the amount of cereals can be increased, not forgetting that for 2 glasses of buckwheat it will take 6 glasses of water.

2 cups of buckwheat requires 6 glasses of water

It is also important to consider what kind of buckwheat is available, if it is too light , then it should be fried in a skillet without oil.

Before preparing the porridge, must be carefully cleaned with to extract all the foreign inclusions from it, such as pebbles, dry stems, other crops and chaffs.

After this buckwheat is washed under running water, , which removes small contamination. In order to wash the rump well, you can also soak for 20 minutes in warm water, then massage and rub with your hands.

After this, you can proceed directly to cooking porridge .If you want a soft and boiled mush, then you need to fill it in a saucepan and with cold water in the proper proportion, then put on a plate and cook until the water evaporates completely.

If you prefer crumbly buckwheat, then rinse the porridge to with boiling salted water .When the water with buckwheat boils, the fire can be reduced and cover the pan with a lid.

As a rule, butter

is added to the prepared buckwheat porridge. After the porridge has been prepared, butter, sugar, cream, cooked meat sauce or stewed meat is added to it.

How to cook buckwheat in a microwave oven?

Quick and fairly simple buckwheat can cook in the microwave .This way will not only be an excellent opportunity to make a crumbly muffin at home, but also to think up the delicious lunch right on the workstation at lunchtime!

Although it is not difficult to prepare a delicious porridge in a microwave oven, it is still necessary to follow certain rules, so that there is no unforeseen situation when instead of a delicious cereal you will get undercooked cereals.

Microwave - a great helper for cooking buckwheat

When cooking buckwheat porridge in a microwave, do not forget:

  • for porridge you need to take a deep bowl, and fill it with buckwheat for a third of , because the porridge during cooking increases significantly in the volume of
  • the proportion for this cooking method- 1 serving of cereals and 2 portions of water
  • before pouring the cereal with water it should be boiled
  • water for cereal can salt or add salt to the ready-made porridge
  • for cooking porridgeParts Required choose the maximum power microwave

If you bet prepare porridge on the power of 600 W , then complete the preparation required 8 minutes .

If the buckwheat is steamed, then it will take less time to prepare it.

To prepare the porridge in the microwave it will take the minimum set of products , which is available to all:

  • cereal buckwheat
  • water
  • salt( or sugar)
  • butter

If the cereal according to the recipe turned out to be rather dry and little steamed, then you can add some more water and put it for a couple of minutes in the microwave. After the buckwheat is completely ready, you can add butter, salt to taste or sugar.

Video: Buckwheat in 15 minutes. Recipe for microwave

How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler?

Steamer is a reliable and reliable assistant to any hostess who will help to prepare useful, tasty, juicy food that preserves maximum of useful substances .

And since buckwheat is one of the most dietary cereals and incredibly useful, it's no wonder that cooking buckwheat in a double boiler will create a tasty and healthy dinner for the whole family.

You can prepare the buckwheat in the steamer

. For delicious cereal from a double boiler you need to take water and croup in a ratio of one to one .Typically, for cooking buckwheat enough, 30-35 minutes .The process of cooking is very simple:

  1. Choose from the buckwheat the foreign contaminants and thoroughly wash it
    2. In the water tank add the proportioned water, but is not less than the minimum mark , otherwise instead of tasty buckwheat porridge will turn out the burned steamer
    3. Placebuckwheat in the compartment for products and put the timer for the required time
Loose steam buckwheat is perfect for breakfast

After cooking buckwheat can be transferred to a pan and refill with oil, tushenkoFried vegetables.

How to cook buckwheat in a multivariate?

Preparation of buckwheat in the multivarquet will be elementary if your machine has mode for porridge or even special for buckwheat. In this case, it's enough to lay buckwheat in the multivark, fill it with water, set the desired mode and do your own business until the clever kitchen device "tells" about the completion of cooking. If in the multivarker does not have a mode for the porridge , then many have a logical question: how to cook buckwheat in this case?

Buckwheat porridge in the multivar

You should not despair and consider such a multivark unfit for cooking porridge. All you need is just to find a mode with characteristics that will allow buckwheat to weld .

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that constantly boiling water is necessary for the preparation of cereal throughout the cooking process. This means that the temperature regime in the multivarker must be at least 100 °.

In the multivariate the porridge turns out to be especially tender

On average, in order to cook buckwheat it takes 30-50 minutes .If all these parameters are taken into account, of any of the following modes of the multivariate will be optimal for preparing a tasty mash:

  • "Baking"
  • "Steam"
  • "Custom"
Ready porridge can be decorated with greens

To make a porridge in one of these modes in a multi-Place buckwheat and water in the ratio 1: 2 , as well as half a teaspoon of salt. Set the mode with the desired temperature and time and wait until the dish is ready.

Important: when cooking buckwheat in a multivarker, you can not open the lid until it is ready.

How to cook buckwheat with milk?

To get acquainted buckwheat porridge with milk love not only children, but also adults, and cook it is easy. The product obtained is useful, it is a variant of dietary nutrition( if you choose milk with low fat content ), it is pleasant to taste and perfectly absorbed by the body.

Porridge with milk - a product from childhood

To make buckwheat with milk, it is necessary thoroughly to sort the buckwheat and rinse .After this, the croup is completely ready for cooking, which includes following steps:

  1. Measure the water, milk and buckwheat in the ratio 1: 1: 1
    2. Pour water into a pan and bring to a boil
    3. In boiling water throw the rump and cook under the lid until the liquid completely evaporates
    4. Pour into the pan with buckwheat milk , stirring to bring to a boil over low heat
    5. After 10 minutes cooking the buckwheat can be turned off and press under the lid for 15mchickpeas
Consistency buckwheat with milk may be very different, and even more like the milk soup

The finished porridge can add sugar, jam, a few spoonfuls of condensed milk or honey - it all depends on your preferences.

How to cook buckwheat in sachets?

Modern make buckwheat found a way that allows to save the useful substances of buckwheat when cooking, speed up its cooking and leave the dishes after cooking clean.

All this is possible thanks to buckwheat in bags , which not so long ago appeared on the shelves of supermarkets. Many have accepted the know-how, but they have not figured out how to cook the packaged porridge correctly.

Buckwheat in packages

Buckwheat in a package is much easier than plain buckwheat. To do this, you only need to put a large pan on the plate with 1.5 liters of water and slightly podsolit. When it boils into the water place bag with porridge ( or several) and cook for for 15-20 minutes.

After cooking, the porridge is taken out of the packages and broken down portion by part

After this time, the bags must be removed from the boiling water and placed in a colander to allow excess water to drain. After this, the bag is steamed with a knife, butter is added and the flavored cereal is ready for use.

How to cook buckwheat for complementary foods?

One of the most suitable porridges for the first complementary food of is, undoubtedly, buckwheat. It, as a source of nutrients, will simply be indispensable for the full growth and development of crumbs. Preparation of buckwheat for a baby's ration has its own peculiarities that a young mother should know.

Most babies are very fond of buckwheat

Buckwheat for a child can be prepared based on:

  • water
  • milk
  • breast milk

If the child is not allergic to and you have already tried ordinary cow's milk of low fat in his diet, then you can brew it boldlykashka. In the event that you do not want to start lure from the dishes, containing cow's milk , then you can use the expressed milk of the mother or just the special baby water that you use to give your baby a drink.

Cooked porridge is whipped on an

blender. As for buckwheat, it can be brewed by whole kernels or pre-ground in the coffee maker. Do not forget that if you cooked unprocessed buckwheat, after completing the cooking of the porridge, should be knocked down by an blender to a homogeneous mass( the consistency should be of medium density, so that the baby could easily swallow the porridge in this form).

Very important: for the first lump in the porridge categorically is not recommended add salt and sugar!

How to boil loose garlic for garnish?

To make the buckwheat cereal fragrant and crumbly, needs to be properly prepared by .The first rule on the way to the ideal cereal is the the correct proportion of cereals and water - 1: 2 .If there is more water, the buckwheat will be too soft and viscous, which is not what everyone likes.

Buckwheat - an excellent garnish

Also important is that the buckwheat should be placed in cold water and so put on fire .After the water boils it is poured, the fire is reduced and the pan is tightly covered with a lid. So the porridge should languish for 20 minutes.

Buckwheat fits well with meat, stew and vegetables

This does not end with cooking - the buckwheat needs to be "wrapped" and the should stand for 15-20 minutes after removing from the cooker. Rasparivshis, porridge becomes crumbly and at the same time gentle. Well, of course, do not forget about the fact that porridge oil will not spoil - generously fill buckwheat with butter and until it has cooled down, serve a fragrant side dish on the table.

Video: Buckwheat porridge - the best garnish!

  • May 16, 2018
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