Red clover: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications, application in folk medicine. How to take red clover with menopause, from pressure, cholesterol, to clean blood vessels for men and women?

Probably, each of us saw a red clover in his life. This plant is found in our country quite often. It is easy to recognize by the pinkish-red shishechkam, located almost at the very ground. But, the most recognizable part of this flower is its original three-fingered leaves. They, as well as the clover inflorescence, have long and successfully been used for medical purposes.


  • Red clover included in the Red Book: Photo of the
  • plant Red clover: useful and curative properties and contraindications
  • Does the red clover thicken or dilute the blood?
  • Application of red clover in folk medicine
  • Tincture of red clover: indications for use, instruction
  • How to take red clover to women with menopause?
  • How to take a red clover from pressure in hypertension?
  • How to take red clover from cholesterol
  • Purification of vessels by clover red: recipe for application
  • How to brew tea and decoction from red clover for rejuvenation?
  • Face masks from red clover: recipes
  • instagram viewer
  • Red clover for breast enlargement: recipe for use
  • Can a red clover be used for children?
  • Video. Herbal treatment: properties of red clover

Red clover included in the Red Book: photo of the plant

In Russia, the clover grows in the meadows and forest edges. And in neighboring Ukraine, it is listed in the Red Book. This plant can reach 30 cm in height. The stem of the clover is thin and straight. The original leaves of the plant consist of three, fused obovate leaflets. They have white check marks. This is one of the differences of this type of clover with a clover medium.

Photo of a plant

Blossoms a plant with globular inflorescences with a wrapper. The flowering of this plant begins at the end of spring and ends in September. In addition to medicinal uses, flowers and clover leaves are also used as feed for cattle. For this purpose, the clover is grown on an industrial scale. This plant produces a very tasty honey.

Red clover: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

Of the 250 species of clover, red has the greatest benefit. This perennial plant contains:

The use of the plant

Red clover products have antimycotic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Stables( another name for clover) can be used to prepare products from high temperatures. On the basis of this, plants are made to have expectorant, astringent and anti-sclerotic properties.

Red clover in folk medicine is used as a basis for antitumor and anti-edema drugs. The use of this plant for suppressing allergic reactions in the body is also noted.

Useful properties of this plant are used in the treatment of:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Avitaminosis and problems with the immune system
  • Catarrhal diseases. In particular - bronchitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Problems with the kidneys
  • Burns from high and low temperature
  • Ulcer and
  • abscesses Eye fatigue from frequent stays in front of the computer monitor

Does the red clover thicken or dilute the blood?

Although dense blood is not a disease, it can cause many pathologies. Therefore, this blood needs to be diluted periodically. This can be done with the help of special drugs or medicinal herbs. For example, clover.

For the preparation of infusion on the basis of this plant for blood thinning it is necessary: ​​

  • Dried red clover heads( 3 tablespoons) pour boiling water( 1 liter)
  • Insist such a substance before the fluid completely cools
  • Then the infusion should be filtered and dripped during the day

But, red clover, this is an amazing plant. If it is applied externally, the bleeding can be stopped. This is achieved through a large number of tannins, concentrated in its composition. In addition to healing wounds, tanner clover can be used to combat diarrhea.

Application of red clover in folk medicine

Healers of the ancient world have successfully used drugs based on this plant for the treatment of many ailments. In Russia it was valued due to the large number of isoflavones. They are essentially a plant analogue of female estrogen hormones.

Of course, our ancestors did not know about the chemical composition of the clover, but its useful properties for women guessed.

Later, useful properties of this plant were discovered to fight cancer. Thanks to the presence of phytoestrogens, red clover is the strongest anticancer drug for women. Especially useful are the products based on this plant for the prevention of cancer of the reproductive system.

Also in folk medicine, this plant is used to treat the negative symptoms of menopause. Especially such as hot flushes.

But, red clover is useful not only to women, but also to men. With the help of this universal drink on the basis, it is possible to improve man's strength and prolong the female youth. Prepare such a drink as follows:

A universal drink made from clover

To drink such a drink you need 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

Red clover can help in the fight against insomnia. Tea is prepared for this purpose:

  1. . Equal parts of the clover and willow-tea flowers are used.
  2. A mixture( 1 teaspoon) is poured with boiling water( 1 cup).

. You should drink this tea in the evening before going to bed. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to replace this tea with coffee and other tonic drinks. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The legendary prophetess Vanga used clover to treat leg pain. To do this she:

  1. Blended stalk, leaves and flowers of white and red clover in equal quantities
  2. Poured with boiling water and cooked in enameled dishes
  3. In such a decoction you need to add a small amount of kerosene and in such a way to soar the feet of

Such treatment can be used until,until the pain recedes.

Lotion with clover infusion is very effective against abscesses and burns. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Pour dry clover( 2 tablespoons) with boiling water( 1 glass) and let it brew
  2. . In the finished product, you need to soak the gauze tampons and apply them to the affected areas.

You can make a special ointment to fight tumors and variousskin lesions( including cancer).To prepare such an ointment it is necessary: ​​

  1. Dry powdered clover
  2. The obtained powder( 50 g) is mixed with Vaseline to the state of the

ointment. This remedy must be gently rubbed daily into the affected areas until the skin is completely restored.

Red clover tincture: indications for use, instruction

One of the most versatile tools on the basis of red clover is tincture. It can be used to treat furuncles, abscesses, conjunctivitis, trophic ulcers, burns and cuts. Use this remedy for gynecological diseases and to alleviate premenstrual syndrome.

For rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, tincture of red clover is used to alleviate the suffering of the patient. This means can reduce pain syndromes and accelerate recovery in fractures and sprains.

Due to the diuretic and antibacterial properties of such tincture, it is used for the treatment of cystitis and urethritis. This tool can help with flatulence and atonic constipation.

Having a lot of vitamins, tincture of red clover can be used as a restorative. With its help you can cope with chronic fatigue and increase efficiency. With bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthma, use the expectorant properties of this tincture.

There are several recipes for tincture of red clover. Most effectively reveals the useful properties of this plant vodka or alcohol. The traditional recipe for this remedy is simple:

  1. Dry flowers of clover( 4 tablespoons) should be poured with vodka( 500 ml)
  2. Insist the product for about 10 days, periodically shaking the container
  3. Then, the tincture must be filtered and poured into a storage tank

Apply this tincture in the form of drops of 30PC.half an hour before meals three times a day.

You can also prepare the tincture according to the alternative recipe:

  1. Clover flowers( 200 g) must be collected at the time of maximum flowering of this plant.
  2. . Wash, pour them with boiling water( 1 liter) and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  3. . Insist for 3 hours and strain

Use this tincture you need four times a day for 250 ml. For flavor, you can add a little sugar, honey or milk. With the help of such a tincture, you can restore the strength of the body during the autumn-winter season.

It is worth noting the reception of tincture of red clover with:

Tincture of contraindication

Pregnant women who are nursing mothers and children should not use alcohol tincture of red clover.

How to take red clover to women with menopause?

Climax is a period of aging of the female body. At this moment, its restructuring takes place. The internal hormonal background of the woman and her figure changes. Symptoms of such changes are:

  • Changes in the mood
  • Hot flashes
  • Sweating
  • Sleep disorders
  • Apathy

In order to cope with such changes in the physical and psycho-emotional plan, you can use the red clover. The use of this plant during the menopause has been scientifically proven. Phyto-compounds of clover can normalize the hormonal background and reduce the number and consequences of by-catch.

In addition, as recent studies show, during the menopause, every second woman is susceptible to loss of bone mass. Red clover can help. The compounds from this plant can stop this process and improve the general condition of the body.

Tea from red clover helps to cope well with the consequences of menopause. It is very easy to prepare:

Clover tea from

Also, in order to cope with the consequences of restructuring the female body during aging, it is necessary to eat fresh clover leaves. For example, add them to green salads or soups. Clover leaves can be used as a seasoning for fish.

How to take a red clover from pressure in hypertension?

Tea, brewed on a red clover, is very effective in combating high pressure. To do this, you need to collect the plant during its flowering period and dry it. The tea is prepared in the following way:

  1. Dry grass( 1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water( 1 glass).
  2. Insist the mixture for 20 minutes in a thermos.

To drink such tea is necessary throughout the day in small portions. This tool not only can restore pressure, but also improve the work of the heart. In addition, tea based on red clover will help relieve stress and physical overload.

How to take red clover from cholesterol

Red clover products help well in the fight against cholesterol and other harmful compounds in the vessels of the body. For this purpose, you can apply the tincture on this plant. It will not only break down the compounds of harmful cholesterol and accelerate their withdrawal, but will also strengthen the walls of the vessels.

Also in the fight against cholesterol is very good such tea. For its preparation it is necessary: ​​

Tea against cholesterol

To drink such tea it is necessary for 1 cup three times a day. In addition to removing harmful cholesterol from the body, red clover tea can be used to combat colds.

Purification of blood vessels with clover red: prescription for application

Contamination of blood vessels is associated not only with incorrect cholesterol metabolism, but also with poor vessel wall conditions and bleeding disorders. With the help of funds based on red clover can improve the condition of blood and clean the vessels.

The vessels can be cleaned by the following means:

  1. Dry clover flowers( 4 tablespoons) should be poured with boiling water( 500 ml).
  2. It is necessary to insist such a remedy within seven hours.

Then it must be filtered and taken 100 ml three times daily before meals.

Alcoholic tincture of red clover can also help to clear blood vessels. It should be taken at 1 tbsp.spoon( diluted in ¼ cup water) once a day before breakfast.

How to brew tea and decoction from red clover for rejuvenation?

Clover, this is a very effective assistant in the fight against old age. You can rejuvenate the body with several recipes of teas and decoctions based on this plant.

  1. KIDNEY ASIOUSIONS Dry clover( 3 tablespoons) is poured over with boiling water( 500 ml).
  2. To add a handful of ashberries to the teapot

Drink this tea one cup three times a day.



  1. Mix dry shoots and leaves of oregano with clover and melissa in equal proportions
  2. Fill the mixture( 3 tablespoons) with boiling water( 500 ml) and add a little bit of
  3. . To enhance the effect, this tea can be boiled on low heat near5 minutes

You need to drink this tea 1-2 times a day between meals.


  1. Dried red clover( 4 tablespoons) filled with boiling water( 500 ml)
  2. Infused for half an hour and used to rinse hair or as a facial skin care product.

Face masks from red clover: recipes

Clover can also be used as cosmetic masks. A universal remedy of this type on the basis of this plant is the mask:

  1. Fresh flowers and clover leaves are crushed with the help of a combine or meat mincer
  2. To the resulting mixture( 1 tablespoon), add liquid honey( 1 tsp), kefir( 1 tbsp.spoon) and egg( 1 pc.)
  3. Ingredients are mixed until homogeneous and immediately applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Use this mask 2 times a week.

You can remove redness on the skin with this recipe:

  1. Fresh clover should be cut into pieces and poured with boiling water
  2. In the infusion you need to soak the folded gauze several times and attach to the lesion

This mask is good for sunburn, acne and other problemswith the skin.

Red Clover for Breast Breast Augmentation: Prescription for Application

The hero of this article is rich in isoflavones and anticoagulants. Among other things, these substances are responsible for regulating the level of female sex hormones. It is these compounds that affect the appearance and attractiveness. And as we know, one of the standards of female beauty is a large and firm breasts.

In order to increase the volume of this part of the female body, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of red clover( 2 tablespoons of dried flowers for 500 ml of water).Apply it you need one tablespoon three times a day.

Also, such a decoction can be applied externally, rubbing it into the bust with light circular motions.

Can a red clover be used for children?

Rarely did not try the fluffy and bright flowers of the clover as a child. At the same time, nothing happened with the child's organism. Clover to children is not dangerous. Certainly within reasonable limits. But, preparations based on this plant should not contain alcohol.

In addition, when treating a child with clover-based products, the dosage should be slightly reduced. And it is advisable to consult a doctor before using such medications.

Red clover is a plant that not only has great benefits, but can also be used in various dishes. From the young leaves of this plant you can make salads or add them to soups. In Scotland and Ireland, buns are widely distributed, in the dough, when added, dried clover leaves are added during baking. And in Germany clover is accepted to replace spinach.

Video. Herbal treatment: properties of red clover

  • May 16, 2018
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