Alkaline diet for weight loss: benefits and harm to health, menus for a week and for every day, reviews and results. Alkaline diet: product table

What is an alkaline diet, a menu for this type of diet.

Contents of

  • What is an alkaline diet?
  • Alkaline diet for weight loss: benefits and harm to health
    • Use of alkaline diet
    • Harm to alkaline diet
  • Alkaline diet: table of products
  • Alkaline diet for weight loss: menu for a week
  • Alkaline diet for weight loss: menu for every day
  • Alkaline diet for weight loss:feedback and results
  • Video: Basics of alkaline nutrition

Human health is directly affected by a large number of factors, for example, metabolism. These indicators affect the health and result of diets.

In order to improve health and lose more kilograms, dieticians have created a special method - an alkaline diet. This technique is used with great success by many celebrities, for example, Victoria Beckham. Let's get acquainted with it in more detail.

What is an alkaline diet?

The state of the human body, of course, regularly changes from the impact of external and internal factors. To keep internal indicators in a normal, healthy state, the body stabilizes - homeostasis.

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One of main indicators of of this process is considered acid and alkaline balance. The alkaline environment of a person is responsible for ensuring that the pH is normal. Simultaneously with this process, acids contribute to the release of hydrogen. However, there must always be an ideal balance of these processes.

How does this diet work? Human blood has an alkaline environment. Its ideal level is pH 7.4.Alkaline diet means the use of products that support this balance. In the human diet should be present most of the alkaline foods, and a little acid.

Fans of this nutrition method argue that a large number of acids in food can lead to diseases, as it removes useful components from the human body, for example magnesium. Since a very few kilograms are discarded during a diet, nutritionists are advised to use it until the desired result is achieved.

Principle of alkaline diet

The principles of this technique are as follows:

  • During the meal, chew on the food well, eat slowly.
  • After a morning, lunch and evening meal, drink herbal tea. Instead of drinks, use plain water. You can include in the diet natural juice, made from fresh fruit.
  • Try to adhere to the correct proportion of alkaline products and those that have high acidity.
  • Eat the last time no later than 7 pm.
  • When you begin this diet, gradually increase the number of alkaline foods. In this case, reduce the amount of acidic products. It is acceptable to use seeds of different nuts, plus green beans and peas.
  • Do you prefer fish? This method allows you to eat fish products no more than 3 times a week.
  • Grain products are also allowed, as is the principle of fish consumption.
  • Eat natural sweets, for example, dried fruits.
  • Eat a little meat. It is forbidden to eat goose meat and duck meat, as these birds contain a lot of cholesterol.
  • Reduce the number of foods that contain preservatives and additives.
  • Some fruit with vegetables is forbidden. Also you can not eat smoked meat and salty foods.
  • Eat a fraction.
  • To add a better flavor, add oil that does not contain additives.

Alkaline diet for weight loss: health benefits and harm

Doctors-nutritionists prove that such a diet helps to decrease well in size, improve the skin condition, regulate digestion and get rid of many diseases. Now we will consider in more detail the benefit and harm of this technique.

The use of the alkaline diet

Is the alkaline diet useful for the human body? Yes it is. It includes a large amount of fiber, various vitamins. Another important plus of diet is the exclusion from the diet of products of animal origin. This significantly reduces the number of fats in the diet, accelerates weight loss. Although the process itself is not the main task, and, of course, not the only one.

How to achieve the maximum benefit from the technique, while not harming the body? It is important during weight loss to adhere to certain rules:

  • Begin losing weight slowly - a large number of fiber can harm the body.
  • If you have problems with the digestive tract, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Alkaline diet can not be used by nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, because when using it, foods with a small amount of protein are consumed.
  • It is advisable to leave lean meat in the diet. Thus, you can get more from the diet for the body and keep your muscles toned.
The benefits of the

diet The following indicators are related to the diet for the :

  • On Day 2, it feels light, strength becomes greater
  • At 3 weeks noticeably losing weight, hair becomes more beautiful, bruises disappear under the eyes
  • Memory improves. Sleep becomes deeper, calmer
  • No feeling of hunger, no need to count calories
  • Diet products are available to any consumer
  • The method is suitable for toning the body

Harm to the alkaline diet

There is not one stable pH value for tissues in the human body. In each case, it is different. However, it must always be remembered: this indicator should never deviate. Even a minimal deviation can lead to very serious consequences. By the way, it is for this reason that there is such a system as homeostasis, which maintains a constant environment of internal organs.

  • In the stomach, with an ideal physiological performance, the environment is only acidic. And when the level of this medium is shifted from either side, there is a huge risk of digestion disorders.
  • In the presence of pathologically high acidity, the doctor-gastroenterologist perfectly copes with the problem. Any intervention and eating of alkaline food in this case is not required.
  • Alkaline diet in some cases, very rarely, leads to a huge number of negative effects. Therefore, if you decide to use it, consult a nutritionist beforehand. Doctors do not advise themselves to resort to this method of losing weight, because the harm to health in this version may be more significant.
Harm to the diet

To to negative qualities should include the following indicators:

  • For 4 weeks you can lose weight by a maximum of 10 kg
  • Many people throw a diet, as it can cause irritation
  • You have to significantly change the diet
  • Because of the small amount of milk and dairy productsdecreases the amount of calcium in the body. Consequently, doctors advise to use special vitamin complexes in order to make up for the loss.

Also the technique has some contraindications. It can not be used for:

  • Heart disease
  • Gastritis and other stomach diseases
  • Reduced acidity
  • Sharply worsening of overall health

Alkaline diet: table of products

Those foods that you see daily on the shelves of supermarkets and stores, with high acidity and alkaline environment,have different effects on a person. The acid can destroy the integrity of bones, and the alkaline environment neutralizes the effect of this acid. It balances the ideal pH environment.

If you eat food with a pH of no more than 6, then in your body will be acidification, resulting in the washing out of useful elements. Let's look at products that have more alkali, acids and neutral products.

Products with high alkalinity Products with large amounts of acid Products with a neutral effect
Vegetables Pork and beef Chicken meat, turkey meat
Fruit Any kind of nuts Margarine, butter
Berries Blueberry crème All kinds of seafood, fishproducts
Wheat with sprouts, wild rice, pearl barley Sugar sand Eggs quail, chicken eggs
Greens of any kind Natural juices, drinks with gases Dark rice
Dry Rice, wheat flour Milk and all dairy products
Seaweed, sea-borne cabbage Beans Oat groats
Herbal tea leaves, green Products made from flour
Olive oil Cheese

Alkaline diet for weight loss: menu onweek

If you want to achieve the ideal result, lose excess weight during weight loss, then observe the diet that we will offer you. Of course, before you start a diet, prepare your own body in the technique. Enter the diet for 3 days, increasing slowly the number of necessary products.

Day 1:

  • Breakfast - low fat yoghurt
  • Lunch banana
  • Lunch - pasta with mushrooms, tomatoes
  • Snack - tangerine
  • Dinner - salad dressed with olive oil, boiled chicken meat

2 day

  • Breakfast - an omelet prepared from a pair of eggs
  • Lunch - dried fruits
  • Lunch - chicken soup, cabbage
  • Snack - smoothies cherry, banana, milk
  • Supper - vegetables, preferably baked

Day 3:

  • Breakfast - bread, boiled egg
  • Lunch - apple
  • Lunch - wild rstewed, vegetables
  • Snack - banana
  • Dinner - boiled potatoes, cabbage salad
Alkaline diet menu

Day 4:

  • Breakfast - egg, orange
  • Lunch - nuts
  • Lunch - salad with tomatoes
  • Snack - pear
  • Dinner - salad fruit

Day 5:

  • Breakfast - vegetable stew
  • Lunch - orange
  • Lunch - vinaigrette, chicken meat
  • Snack - banana
  • Dinner - omelette

Day 6:

  • Breakfast - pancakes zucchini
  • Lunch - fruit
  • Lunch - salad with seafood
  • Noon- orange
  • Dinner - salad, any fruit optional, as indicated in the table above
Alkaline diet menu

Day 7:

  • Breakfast - fruit, cottage cheese
  • Lunch - dried fruits
  • Lunch - mushroom soup, bread
  • Snack - mix of berries and fruits(see table above)
  • Dinner - fish baked, vegetables

Alkaline diet for weight loss: menu for every day

For this technique, you can independently make a diet, plan the dishes that you are going to use. As a rule, morning it is desirable to eat some green or yellow product: apple, cucumber, beans. If you want at least something to know about the style of such food, study the options that we will describe below. Choose the one that you like best.

  • Vegetable soup, a piece of boiled chicken
  • Soup, vegetables, tofu cheese, green beans
  • Fish stew, zucchini, soy milk


  • Product from soy milk
  • Natural juice
  • Fruit, black chocolate( 1/5tiles)

Evening meals:

  • Fish, vegetables, herbal tea
  • Chicken meat, vegetable salad, yoghurt

You can also prepare one of the following dishes according to our recipe:

Nutrition on an alkaline diet

Salad "Spring":

For cooking, stock the product:

  • Cucumbers - 200 g
  • Radish - 150 g
  • Almonds - 50 g
  • With green
  • Liquid honey - 1/2 tsp.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth

Preparation process:

  • Put the nuts in cool water for 10 h
  • Garlic clean. Narubite
  • Put nuts, garlic, honey, lemon juice, water in the blender. Whisk
  • Wash the vegetables. Cut, put in a salad bowl
  • Add greens and dressing

Cabbage rolls:

For cooking, store with products:

  • Peking cabbage - 14 leaves
  • Seeds of sunflower without skin - 200 g
  • Avocado - 400 g
  • Sweet pepper - 600 g
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Celery root - 100 g
  • Green
  • Onion green - 30 g
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Extra virgin olive oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 80 ml
Nutrition during the alkaline diet


  • Seeds put in cool water for the night
  • Garlic clean. Slice finely
  • Grind greens with celery blender. Add garlic, nuts, seeds, butter, lemon juice, spices
  • Avocado clean. Sweet pepper too. Cut the ingredients with the stripes
  • Grind the onion
  • Wrap the mass of the cabbage from the blender. Sprinkle avocado, pepper, onion
  • Roll with roll

Alkaline weight loss diet: testimonials and results

Elena Volodina( professional dietitian):

"This diet is considered an excellent cleansing method. I advise very many patients this diet. I believe that you can improve your own health and cleanse your body of negative substances with this diet alone. In addition, during weight loss, it is not necessary to follow all the rules of this diet. Use products that are simply allowed. It is advisable to include in the diet dishes of fruits and vegetables, drink herbal decoctions, juices. Meat products exclude, eat a little. Before you start losing weight, consult a doctor. Since the diet has a mass of contraindications. "

Olga Ivanova, 25 years old:

"This diet is really a great method that cleanses the body. The technique is the most ideal on days off. In addition, in just a short time you will be able to normalize metabolic processes, improve your own health. Do you want to achieve the best results? Then use only the permitted products. "

The result of the diet

Svetlana, 28 years old:

"I love a healthy lifestyle. For a long time I tried to find a method of losing weight, during which you can eat only healthy food and lose weight. After long searches and read websites about healthy nutrition, I found this diet. I immediately decided to try it. Really a wonderful method of cleansing the body. After a month of such nutrition, I lost about 7 kg of weight. "

The result of the diet

Tatiana, 22 years old:

"For a long time I dreamed to unload my body, to clean myself. When I tried this technique, she liked me very much. Of course, from the very beginning it was quite hard, but over time I was used to the diet. A wonderful, healthy food for every day. I was able to lose 8 kg per month. Besides that, I feel great now. "

Result of the

diet Video: Basics of alkaline nutrition

  • May 16, 2018
  • 54
  • 549