Baking soda for dermatitis: treatment, bath. How to use baking soda for atopic, seborrhoeic, allergic dermatitis: recipes

Treatment of dermatitis with baking soda.

Contents of

  • What is the use of baking soda for dermatitis?
  • Baking soda for allergic dermatitis: application of
  • Baking soda for seborrheic dermatitis: use of
  • Bath with baking soda for atopic dermatitis: prescription
  • Contraindications to the use of baking soda for dermatitis
  • Video: Treatment of skin diseases

As a rule, any adult knows perfectly well thatof itself is dermatitis. However, not everyone knows why this disease occurs, and how it should be treated. In this article, you will be able to find a way to treat this ailment using baking soda.

How useful is baking soda for dermatitis?

Dermatitis is an inflammatory process that appears on the skin. This disease can appear by itself or be a signal of some kind of violation in the body, because the skin of a person is able to respond sensitively to all changes.

There are several types of dermatitis, as well as some minor skin inflammations, which also belong to the varieties of the disease.

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The most common types of dermatitis:

  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis

Each of these species is similar in some degree to each other, respectively, and the treatment of these diseases occurs almost identically. There are so many methods and folk remedies that help cure dermatitis. But the most common remedy is ordinary baking soda.

When dermatitis appears pruritus

Soda, as therapy against dermatitis, is mainly used in several methods:

  • As a therapeutic lotion
  • As a bath
  • In the form of masks

Baking soda has been used to treat dermatitis for a long time. But this component can not be called antihistamine. Soda has a positive effect with all sorts of skin diseases, including during dermatitis.

It kills fungi, removes strong inflammatory processes, and is also considered an excellent sedative. It is thanks to these qualities that the treatment of dermatitis with the help of baking soda brings a very good result.

Treatment of dermatitis with soda

But it should be noted that this substance is considered only a symptomatic method of treating the disease. In order to completely get rid of dermatitis, it is necessary to use soda together with medicines.

In addition to the above listed methods, it is also recommended to consult the treating doctor before starting treatment, you must make sure that soda is not contraindicated before the beginning of the treatment process.

Baking soda for allergic dermatitis: application of

Many people on the Earth suffer from allergic dermatitis. Now a huge number of different medications have been developed that help fight this disease.

But no matter how popular folk remedies are popular, they have been able to prove themselves over many years of practice. One of the most common methods is the use of ordinary baking soda.

This snow-white powdery substance is familiar to every mistress. Soda can eliminate allergic dermatitis and other allergies.

Allergic dermatitis on the hands of

The simplest and most popular method that helps cure this disease is a lotion made from soda. To prepare such a product, you need to take these components:

  • Baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Warm water - 1 glass of

Mix both ingredients so you will get the composition that you need to apply to the red areas and places where there are rashes. Repeat this procedure three times a day to get a steady effect.

If you have allergic dermatitis appeared on the face, then the next mask can help you. For its preparation, take:

  • 1 egg
  • Flour - 2 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp

Mix all the ingredients together. Add the warm water to the composition so that the necessary consistency is formed.

The use of folk remedies during the treatment of allergic dermatitis requires regularity. For the treatment to be successful, apply the formulation 4 times a day until the rash is completely gone.

You can use the soda agent for medicinal purposes as long as you want, but only if you do not have the intolerance of those present in the component medium.

Soda for dermatitis

Soda lotion against allergic dermatitis - the main method of use. You can prepare them in just a few minutes.

In order to prepare a soda lotion, you need to take these components:

  • Warm water - 1 glass
  • Baking soda - 1.5 tbsp
  • Napkins
  • Bint

Prepare a composition - dissolve in water soda. Wet a bandage in the compound and attach it to the affected areas of the skin.

Try to wet the bandage again in the tool from time to time, because at the temperature that is present in the room, the bandage will dry quickly. This procedure should be performed within two weeks, a couple of times a day. Baking soda will help you if you use this lotion regularly.

Baking soda for seborrheic dermatitis: application of

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that is accompanied by an abundant amount of sebaceous discharge on the skin, due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are actively starting to work. Characteristic signs of the disease: severe itching, the appearance of red areas on the skin, which are accompanied by peeling.

Curing seborrheic dermatitis is very difficult. Each method used leads to the fact that the disease does not begin to develop further and to correct the symptoms already present. This dermatitis occurs after disruption of the sebaceous glands, and staphylococcus and fungi develop in the body.

In addition to the above described factors, the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis can cause:

  • chronic infectious diseases
  • excess kilos
  • nervous breakdowns
  • permanent stresses
  • improper diet
  • drinking alcohol

The healing process of seborrheic dermatitis can occur with the help of folk methods. It is always worth remembering - that the skin always remained healthy and the symptoms of dermatitis disappeared, it is necessary to add more supportive therapy to folk remedies.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Baking soda is used by people against seborrheic dermatitis for many years. People claim that this folk substance is quite effective during the treatment of all sorts of skin diseases.

To prepare the most simple remedy, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • Heated slightly water - 125 g
  • Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

Mix the ingredients. The resulting remedy, apply 10 minutes to the zones that are affected by the disease. Then rinse off the skin with cold water. If you use this compound on your head, then you can rinse your hair after soda with apple cider vinegar( dilute it with plain water beforehand).

If seborrheic dermatitis is found on the scalp, then you can prepare a special shampoo. Prepare these components:

  • Some shampoo
  • 2 tsp baking soda
Use with shampoo

Take these ingredients, mix them well and apply the resulting composition to the hair. Leave it on your head for a couple of hours. Field this thoroughly rinse your hair. Soda helps kill the fungi of the disease, as they die in an alkaline environment.

Bath with baking soda for atopic dermatitis: prescription

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease. People, as a rule, begin to complain of dermatitis in autumn or winter.

The basis of atopic dermatitis is the predisposition of the human body, which is caused by genetic and other allergic reactions. For example, for food( chocolate, nuts, honey, oranges and so on), woolen products, perfume, fish food.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis appears after the human immunity weakens, there are interruptions in the work of internal organs, the functions of the nervous system are disrupted, there is inflammation of the urogenital system. As a rule, dermatitis appears in the area of ​​the cheeks, forehead, eyelids, and mouth. After that, he can move to the genitals and buttocks, there is a strong itch on the elbows and under the knees.

If you find atopic dermatitis on your skin, then you can use the baths prepared with the addition of baking soda and starch. To prepare the first option, you will need to take the following components:

  • Starch - 100 g
  • Slightly baking soda

Dilute the ingredients in cool water, then add the resulting mixture to the bathroom. To prepare the second option, you need to take these components:

  • Water - 1 l
  • Baking soda - 1 tbsp
Baths with soda

Dilute baking soda in warm water, and then pour the product into a prepared bath. Doctors recommend adding more herbs to the soda bath, for example, motherwort and celandine:

  • Grind the herb, pour 1 l of cool water into it.
  • Wait for the remedy to infuse.
  • After this, put the composition on a water bath, bring it to a full boil, and boil on low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the product, add it together with a small amount of soda into the bath.
  • Take this bath every day for about 20 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of baking soda for dermatitis

Before beginning treatment of dermatitis with soda, you need to understand that its use has some limitations.

It is not recommended to apply soda on the skin if it does not dissolve in water.

In this state it is considered to be the strongest alkaline substance. Do not ignore this rule, otherwise you may get severe burns or irritation.

Do not allow soda to get on the mucous membrane, as it can cause severe harm even after dissolving.

If you notice that the reaction will intensify after using soda, then apply other folk remedies. After this, completely eliminate the baking soda from the treatment and do not use it inside.

That's why use baking soda very carefully.
As for soda baths during the treatment of dermatitis, they also have some contraindications.

The use of soda for dermatitis has contraindications

Doctors categorically forbid taking such baths if a person is sick with such diseases:

  • Cold
  • Influenza
  • Diabetes
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Oncological disease

Also doctors do not advise taking soda baths during pregnancy,skin and burns. In addition, some people may be allergic to such baths, which can lead to edema of soft tissue.

Video: Treatment of skin diseases

  • May 16, 2018
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