How to get rid of pregnancy at home? How did you get rid of unwanted pregnancy?

Interruption of pregnancy is not uncommon, an inevitable step that should be taken in order to live on. There are several main types of abortion, they all have their own shortcomings and possible consequences.


Pregnancy week: how to get rid of an unwanted fetus?

Sometimes there are life situations that require a woman to make serious decisions. An acute and painful issue is the problem of getting rid of an unwanted child.

And no matter how critical it is that the surrounding people did not react, calling this act immoral, it has its own, quite accessible justification. Not every child is welcome and should be born. The reasons for this are:

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  • intrauterine underdevelopment of the fetus - the presence of serious pathologies incompatible with life in a child, underdeveloped organs, lack of organs and abnormal body structure - this is a weighty reason why a woman should get rid of the fetus at an early pregnancy. So, it will save the little creature from suffering after birth and will give itself a chance to conceive another, but healthy child
  • rape - is a serious reason why a woman wants to get rid of the fetus as soon as possible. And although the guilt of a small intrauterine creature is not there, he was conceived in very terrible and painful conditions for a woman, perhaps even a stranger and completely out of agreement. To rid herself of shame and anguish for life woman makes abortion
  • unhappy living conditions - are another reason for getting rid of pregnancy. Many women commit completely rash acts and engage in promiscuous unprotected sex, not planning a pregnancy at all. Most often, these are women who have bad habits: drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, women without permanent residence and documents. They understand that pregnancy and a child are not desirable for them and they are unlikely to be able to afford such a happiness.
  • has many children in the family - although the is not quite right, but still the reason why women get rid of pregnancy. Having a large number of children: three or more than three, women understand that they are emotionally exhausted and are no longer able to raise and raise children, and perhaps the financial conditions of this simply do not allow
  • pregnancy at an early age - , however sad it may be, modern childrenbegin to have sex very early. Girls know what "sexual relations" are already from the age of twelve or thirteen, and since they have menstruation, they are already able to have children. It is not uncommon for pregnancy at sixteen, fifteen and even fourteen years old. This pregnancy changes the life of the child at the root and to have a future - they get rid of it
  • fast pregnancy - that is pregnancy, when it comes almost immediately after birth. The cause of this are hormonal disorders in the body. The second child in such cases is completely undesirable and women are trying to get rid of him because he can not take care of immediately after two and the babies.

Getting rid of pregnancy has a clear medical term - abortion .Abortion is different, depending on the week at which it occurs. In any case, abortion violates women's health and is considered dangerous for a woman.

If you break a pregnancy by weeks, then you can build a schedule telling what kind of abortion is allowed in what period:

Pregnancy Week: Pregnancy termination type:
1-3 week abortive medication, folk remedies for unwanted pregnancy
1 - 4 week medical abortion - abortive medication taking
4 - 7 week vacuum abortion
with 13 weeks surgical abortion

The very first days and three weeks of pregnancy are the most decisive, during this time the fertilized egg is already in the uterine cavity, the fetal egg has already stuck to the wall, but has not yet formed a reliable plaqueentu. The fetal egg is under the extreme attention of the body, because it has to determine whether the embryo has anomalies of development and if so, tear it away.

Medical abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy

  • To get rid of this unwanted pregnancy at this stage it is possible with the help of folk methods that our grandmothers used, as well as with the help of medications for abortion. Abortion with medications is called - "medical abortion"
  • Such abortion is recommended not to be planned for longer than seven weeks after conception, so it will not favorably affect the fetus and the woman. Such a drug can be recommended by a gynecologist after the examination, but if you want to buy it yourself, you can buy it at the pharmacy
  • . Be careful not to self-medicate, such abortifacients may be completely incompatible with you and can do a lot of harm.

Medical abortion should be strictly superviseddoctor, since it includes three stages of action:

  • examination and analysis.which will eliminate ectopic pregnancy and severe chronic diseases that are not compatible with this type of abortion
  • taking medications that provoke uterine contraction and it is for this reason that rejection of the fetal egg occurs. As a rule, this is not a very pleasant action and it is accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen, profuse bleeding, poor general state of health
  • by the doctor during the following week for complete purification from pregnancy, to exclude the possibility that parts of the fetal egg will remain in the uterine cavity. These residual parts can begin the process of decomposition and decomposition of
pregnancy relief with medication

Medical abortion in terms of impact on fertility( the ability to have children in the future) does not affect in any way, but nevertheless it is not the most popular method and it does not give 100%guarantees of getting rid of the fetus.

Vaccine abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy

Vaccine abortion is not often called mini-abortion because it occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is recommended to hold it no later than the seventh week. This is considered one of the most safe ways for a woman, which will keep her reproductive function and will not bring pain.

This procedure is not carried out in every clinic. First of all, this is a mechanical method of extracting the fetal egg from the uterine cavity.

  • Abortion occurs by means of an electronic pump, which creates a negative pressure in the uterine cavity.
  • Due to the negative pressure, the fetal egg exfoliates from the uterine wall
  • The fetal egg leaves the uterine cavity along with all the contents of the

This method of getting rid of pregnancy is not able to rid of the ectopic pregnancy because the ectopic egg is in the fallopian tube, rather than the ectopic tubein the uterus. Vaccination abortion is also not recommended in the case if not so long ago you have already given birth and since then it has not passed half a year.

How to get rid of pregnancy with vacuum abortion

Vacuum discharge from pregnancy brings minimal harm to the mucous membrane of the uterus and after such a procedure a woman is still able to have children. To choose for this abortion, only a highly qualified gynecologist with many years of experience is needed, only a specialist of his or her own business will be able to do the procedure so that no excess tissues remain in the cavity, which eventually have the property of festering, inflamed and decomposed.

Surgical abortion in early pregnancy

Surgical abortion is the simplest and most popular method among women for getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is often practiced and every experienced female doctor has performed this procedure once. In comparison with vacuum abortion, this method is much more affordable and less expensive.

  • Surgical abortion involves cleansing the uterus by scraping
  • Scraping occurs with special medical instruments
  • Scraping has many complications and it is very traumatic for a woman
  • Scraping tears the inside of a fetal egg into parts and removes it from the uterus cavity outward
  • Scraping can damage the uterus
  • Complications after curettage appearalways: lower abdominal pain, fever, heavy bleeding, inflammation, genital disease
  • The most serious complication of curettage is the continued inability of a woman to have children
surgical abortion and early pregnancy cessation

How did pregnancies get rid of before?

  • The problem of unwanted pregnancy exists as much as there are women on earth. This is why hundreds of years of women have come up with ways to make sure that unwanted pregnancy disappears. Of course, those methods that modern doctors could offer did not exist and that is why they came very much to the strange ways of
  • . In ancient times, women realized that provoking an abortion could overheat the body. That's why Russian women spend hours and weeks spending time in the rooms, where they created the highest possible temperature. Of course, this was not the most effective way, which did not always work, but he gave a lot of health problems. Not infrequently such overheating women suffered long bleeding
  • One of the most brutal and dangerous ways was the introduction of a foreign acute body into the vagina, for example a needle with the purpose of scraping the fetal egg. Of course, this was very dangerous and in most cases it provoked severe bleeding, sepsis, inflammation and infection. Such intervention led to the death of a woman
  • One of the most popular ways in that place was drinking decoctions of herbs that have abortifacient action on the female sexual organ. As a rule, such broths do not always work and most often just lead to numerous poisonings and complications of fetal development.

. Folk remedies for abortion.

. All women who try to get rid of pregnancy first of all start their way by taking decoction of herbs that affect the fetus abortifacientact. This is the simplest, painless and affordable way to interrupt the unformed fetus. However, this way of getting rid is very tricky.

The fact is that not all herbs have a beneficial effect on a person and many of them are able to give a lot of complications to a pregnant woman. If a woman has strong immunity, he will protect her from harm and poisonous substances, and if not - give a mutilation.

There are the most popular and common herbs that have an abortive effect on the uterus:

  • zhiruchovy juice
  • tansy decoction
  • decoction from the carnation
  • barberry broth( from fruits and leaves)
  • decoction from the

plant These plants have many useful properties, but they are strictlyare strictly prohibited during pregnancy, since they can lead to its interruption.

Remember that in the event of an unsuccessful termination of pregnancy, you do not purify yourself of the fetus, but grant a mutilation to a future child.

How to interrupt pregnancy in an early period with pills?

A medical abortion is only possible for a professional gynecologist. Self-medication and self-selection of medications should not be dealt with, as this can harm women's health and the fetus in the early stages of development.

  • The most common quick-acting medication is the postinor. He is boldly called "a pill that you can drink the next morning."Buy it freely in the pharmacy is not easy enough, it is only produced strictly by prescription. Only a doctor can prescribe it. The principle of its action is quite simple: it changes the properties of the endometrium and for this reason the fetal egg is unable to attach to the wall of the uterus.
postinor - pregnancy-relieving tablet
  • Another medication is " mifegin". It provokes contraction of the uterus, which is the reason for getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. The uterus contracting rejects the fetal egg and the pregnancy disappears.
mifegin - a pill that relieves pregnancy
  • Mifeprex - provokes an excessive contraction of the muscular organ and as a result, the fetal egg from the uterus
  • Pencroftone - blocks the production of progesterone, as a result of this occurs underdevelopment and rejection of the naturally fetal

. It should be noted that eachThe way to get rid of pregnancy is not natural and contradicts all laws of life. Children are not guilty of anything, and most often during the escape, a woman thinks only of herself, and not of a small innocent being who wants to live. Choosing for themselves any of the ways of aborting the pregnancy, completely cock all the pros and cons to make the only true decision.

Video: "Unwanted pregnancy"

  • May 16, 2018
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