How not to eat after dinner: 7 steps to slenderness

"Do not eat after 6 pm", "Have dinner before 7 pm", "Do not have a snack after 9 pm" - there are many variations of the myth, that the food before bedtime is especially full. However, calories affect your body at any time of the day, say experienced nutritionists. If you are legally physiologically, a little hungry at night, then a bit of a snack - not scary.

If you eat from boredom or emotional problems - it's bad for your health. Once you realize the problem - apply an algorithm that helps avoid snacks after dinner.

Step 1

The basis of your dinner should be a source of high-quality protein - this is the most satisfying nutrient with a long-term perspective. Prepare dishes from seafood or cottage cheese, a bird without skin, soy or other legumes.

Eat lean red meat only occasionally, because although it is rich in protein, it also has a high content of saturated fats, calories and cholesterol.

Step 2

Include in the dinner fiber, because it is important for good health and the second in nutrition among other substances. Add whole grains to the evening meal, for example, brown or wild rice, quinoa, couscous, whole-grain and barley pasta.

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Beans, lentils, peas and other legumes, which have already been mentioned, are rich in fiber and contain protein. They can be successfully combined with dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, greens and mustard. Make a salad as a snack, and try to eat some vegetables for dinner.

Step 3

Balance the supper with unsaturated fats from butter, nuts and seeds, with some fruit and a portion of a low-fat or low-fat dairy product. Eat a sensible dessert, for example, low-fat yogurt or ice cream with fresh fruit.

Balance your dinner and dessert to get enough different nutrients. You need to feel full. This will help to avoid a later desire to eat, because they are not full.

Step 4

Drink a glass of water or a cup of decaffeinated tea or coffee when you feel like eating. Drinks without calories can still satisfy the feeling of hunger, and sometimes they mistake the thirst for starvation. It is perfectly permissible to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Step 5

Find ways to take your time and attention at night if you tend to eat out of boredom. Avoid pointless actions, such as watching TV or web pages, which, in fact, can push you to a thoughtless snack. Instead, read or write, solve puzzles or find a true hobby.

Step 6

Use anti-stress exercises to combat the desire to eat, resulting from stress and emotional factors. Take a walk or exercise, listen to soothing music, try yoga or meditation, or find other soothing pursuits.

Step 7

Pay attention to the personal pathogens of evening appetite, such as television, specific smells or certain activities. Perhaps these are topics for conversation, which contribute to the desire to have a snack.

Keep a diary of food, in which fix, when you have sudden desires to eat, and what you eat, if you are fighting emotional stimuli. Look for patterns that help to avoid them.

Tips for

Pay attention to your body to distinguish between cravings resulting from physiological hunger or other problems caused by emotional causes. If your stomach growls, and your desire to eat does not go away and even intensifies, then probably you should not starve.

In such cases, eat a few nutritious, nutritious foods, for example, a handful of nuts, a few slices of low-fat cheese on a whole-grain cracker, fruit or a few slices of raw vegetables with low-fat sauce or without it.

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  • May 16, 2018
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