Natural remedies for increasing appetite

Loss of appetite in most cases is associated with psychological causes, such as stress, anxiety and depression. Sometimes the cause may be a medical problem, for example a viral or bacterial infection, hypothyroidism, chronic liver disease, anorexia and the like. Some medicines can also contribute to loss of appetite, but fortunately, this can be remedied by alternative means, including herbs and natural products.

Appetite-improving plants

Amla - Indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, known as Amla, is a suitable remedy for stimulating appetite. It acts as a tonic for the digestive system, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and promotes liver detoxification. In combination with honey, it prevents nausea and vomiting.

The high content of vitamin C makes Indian gooseberry an excellent product for stimulating the immune system. Gooseberries are recommended in the absence of appetite, as this is a good source of nutrients.

Mix 2 teaspoons of Indian gooseberries, lemon juice and honey in a glass of water. Drink every morning on an empty stomach.

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Black pepper

Black pepper is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve digestion, increase appetite. In addition, black pepper activates the stimulation of taste buds, which, in turn, increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and improve digestion. Also, the compound, piperine, contained in it, helps absorb nutrients, including selenium, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Do not use this method if you have a stomach ulcer or have undergone abdominal surgery!


Cardamom acts as a means of facilitating digestion, gases, as well as increased acidity and stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. In order to get the most out of this, it is recommended to just regularly drink tea from several seeds of ground cardamom or pods.


The root of a dandelion is a means of improving digestion and appetite. Additional dandelion effects include improving liver function.

Dandelion tea can be prepared in the following way - boil the dandelion root in a glass of water for 5 minutes. If desired, you can add a stick of cinnamon and honey. Strain and drink.

Before using this herb, consult a doctor who will help you determine the correct dose and evaluate possible interactions with other medicines( if you take any)!


Garlic stimulates the digestive system and is used as a means to whet the appetite. Boil 3-4 cloves of garlic in a glass of water, strain and add the juice of half a lemon. Drink several times during the day until there is an improvement.


Coriander helps to improve appetite, as it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes. It relieves stomach upset, flatulence, nausea, colitis and other gastrointestinal disorders. A sufficient dose is 1-2 tablespoons of juice per day.


Ginger is a suitable remedy for improving digestion and appetite. In addition, it helps to clean the large intestine, regulates metabolism, soothes pain in the stomach and reduces nausea.

Take a little chopped ginger and cook in 2 cups of water. You can add milk and honey to taste. Drink 3-4 times a day. Bitter vegetables and herbs

Bitter herbs such as chicory, cabbage, arugula, watercress, sorrel are very useful for increasing the secretion of digestive juices and improve appetite naturally. Increased secretion of digestive juices and enzymes causes a contraction of the gallbladder and thereby frees more bile. Consequently, bitter vegetables promote the digestion of fatty acids, their splitting into smaller particles that are easily digested.


Cinnamon lowers the level of sugar in the body, which causes a feeling of hunger. Active substances in cinnamon increase the activity of insulin and maintain the level of sugar in the blood at an optimal level.

Cinnamon is also useful for alleviating other disorders, such as nausea and vomiting, which often occur in parallel with a decrease in appetite. Cinnamon can be mixed with a small amount of honey and used as a snack by spreading on a slice of bread.

Do not take cinnamon in combination with drugs to reduce the sugar in the body! This can lead to hypoglycemia!


Fenugreek improves appetite, promotes digestion and relieves gas and flatulence. Its properties are caused by a decrease in the level of sugar in the blood. You can add several fenugreek seeds directly into the food.


Grapes stimulate appetite, as it contains acidic juices that help digestion. It is recommended to eat it between meals.

Tips for improving appetite

Always have breakfast

Everyone has heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is due to the fact that a well-balanced and healthy breakfast prepares the body and metabolism for an increase in activity during the day. It also provides additional energy, through which you will be more active and energetic, and this inevitably leads to stimulation of appetite.

Suitable for breakfast yogurt, muesli with fresh fruit. If, in addition to increasing appetite, there is a goal of weight gain, you can spread peanut butter on bread or toast. It is tasty and at the same time useful.

Avoid unpleasant odors

Avoid products with a pungent smell, such as fish or cheese( if you do not like them) or others whose odor causes discomfort. Remember that hot food is usually more flavorful than cold food.

Make a meal pleasant

Food can become very pleasant, accompanied by a pleasant atmosphere and company. You can use scented candles and music( show or film).Avoid discussing problems and stressful situations while eating. Avoid eating alone.

Moderate physical activity

Light physical exercises help stimulate appetite. The body needs more energy after burning calories.

Drink water

A sufficient amount of water drunk every day will help digestion and prevent a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. But the use of excessively large amounts of water is not recommended, as this creates an artificial feeling of satiety. Part of the fluid can be in the form of herbal tea from anise, mint, licorice and others.

Persistent loss of appetite, especially if accompanied by rapid and / or significant weight loss, requires urgent consultation with a doctor to exclude the presence of serious diseases and injuries! Consult a dietician before adding any product, herbs or supplements to your diet, especially when you are on a special diet!

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  • May 16, 2018
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