Scabies in children: symptoms and signs. Treatment of scabies in children: ointments and medications for treatment

A rash, found in the folds between the fingers, on the palms, soles and bends of the child's elbows, can be scabies - one of the most contagious skin diseases. Scabies require immediate specific treatment.


  • Scabies in humans
  • What does scabies look like in children?
  • Scabies in children, on the face
  • Scabies in infants
  • Symptoms and first signs of scabies in children
  • Scabies - severe itching
  • How to treat scabies in children
  • How to treat scabies? Treatment of scabies in children
  • Video: Treatment of scabies: Sulfur ointment, Spregal, MediFox, Benzyl benzoate, antibiotics
  • Scabies for children
  • Treatment of scabies in children benzyl benzoate
  • Ointments for mange for children
  • Prevention of scabies in children
  • Video: Scabies in children:symptoms, treatment, quarantine, disinfection. Scabies during pregnancy

Scabies during pregnancy - one from most common skin of diseases with named

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, exactly describing sensations of infected . There is error opinion , that scabies are sick only people , leading asocial image life .On the fact scabies can hit even of cleanliness human after random short contact carrier disease or his personal items .

Scabies between the fingers of the hands of a child

Itch mite in human

causative agent of the disease is itch mite , which settles and parasite in skin human . Ready to reproduction offspring individuals paired on surface skin . Then males mite die , and fertilized females burrow deep into skin and continue to parasitize .

Itch mite under a microscope

Ticks doing a in skin moves , outwardly resembling minor scratches , in each of which daily lay eggs .

IMPORTANT : For month life one female mite lays about 30 - 50 eggs , of which soon hatch larvae , and of them - new parasites. disease supports only females .

Size of the not exceeds 0 , 5mm , average duration its lifetime - 1 mos .Remote with body mite lives at room temperature from 2 to 3 days , and at negative temperature or boiling - killed instantly .
Speed ​​ advance mite under skin - 1 - 5 mm in day . The move becomes noticeable not before , than through 2 - 3 of day .

scabies mites under the skin

IMPORTANT : In time disease typical scabies on human skin is simultaneously from 15 to 30 ticks .

How does look like scabies from children ?

Symptoms and general pattern scabies from children have their features and several differ from scabies from adults .
Scabies in children characterized :

  • advent rash , externally reminiscent hives
  • defeat nails children younger age ( nail plates are thicker and « loosened ")
  • the appearance of of itch moves over to the entire body , even on head

The disease in children is accompanied by itching , caused by movement parasites under skin . most strong itching appears in night time , to morning he calms down .

Optional first wounds and scratching on body child will in characteristic for itch ticks places habitat : between fingers hands and on folds palms .
Accurately diagnose disease and assign correct treatment can only doctor - dermatologist .Therefore , at first suspected on scabies in child , parents should immediately same apply in hospital.

IMPORTANT : For treatment from scabies of children use diluted medicinal preparations . Apply weakly concentrated medication for adult not has meaning .

Scabies on the child's body

Scabies in children on hands, on face

It with delicate skin face and hands can start manifest scabies in child . Invisible comb in these places lead to thin damage of skin layer of and skin to formation of crusts.
Detect scabies on and hands face child can on characteristic rash , like on small pale bubbles .They formed in places bites ticks .

IMPORTANT : Children with low skin sensitivity can not complaining on itching and not combing wound . In such cases disease can remain undetected several weeks . However all is itch moves become well noticable already through 2 weeks with of the moment defeat skin .

Scabies on hand

Scabies from of nursing of children

To Unfortunately , get scabies can even babies . Infection of the of the baby can occur with contact with patients with or relatives personnel of the children of , institutions who is visited by the baby .
first signs scabies in babies :

  • restless behavior , crying
  • frequent awakening in sleep at night
  • appearance on skin small acne in a nodules , wound
    apparent multiple lesions skin in area face and hairy part head
  • change structure nail , thickening nail plates
  • attempts scratch body , accompanied crying

IMPORTANT : In connection predisposition gentle skin children younger age to manifestations prickly heat , allergy and atopic dermatitis , diagnose scab in itself the onset of disease fails not always .

Treatment scabies in infants passes at help special creams , lotions and antihistamines funds , under the supervision of a physician - dermatologist .

Itch mite affects the nail plate in infants

Symptoms and first signs scabies in children

peculiarity spread itch mite on children body is unpredictability places dislocation these parasites . If in adults people first sign scabies is itching and appearance small acne between fingers hand, the in children itch rash can occur where please .
can include By main symptoms scabies in child :

  • complaints on strong itching ( in any part body )
  • scratching
  • presence on skin itch moves - short thin winding lines with bubble at end
  • reinforcement itching at night and after adoption hot bath
Sorrel strokeon

hand Despite on the , that mite can settle on any site skin baby , often all in children scabies begins with appearance rash in areas armpits , on folds elbows , on palms , buttocks , soles of feet and head .

IMPORTANT : To determine the presence of itch stroke , enough spend cotton swab , dampened iodine , on intended place habitat ticks . Healthy skin instantly will absorb iodine and will take light - brown shade . , skin affected by mite, will be painted in dark - brown color , clearly denoting boundary of scab stroke .

One of the signs of scabies in children - causeless irritability

Scabies - strong itching

Most people , in skin which parasitic itch mites , complain on strong intolerable itching .Patients comb scabies rash or trying to alleviate irritation , taking bath , but unpleasant sensations from this only amplified .

IMPORTANT : With combs in wound can fall infection, and on of inflamed areas of ulcers are formed . In of cases to scabies is attached bacterial infection , that only aggravates over disease .Skin itching

at scabies - no that other , than allergic reaction to the excrement and other products livelihoods ticks . Unpleasant sensations also delivers motion parasites under layer skin . Facilitate is the state will help antihistamines preparations .

IMPORTANT : If child contracted scabies first , response reaction of the organism to disease is still not formed . Therefore itch will appear not before , than through 2 weeks with of the moment occurrences of mite under skin . If same child caught scabies re-, itch will begin with first hours disease .

Scratching an itch itch when a child

incubation period scabies in children

  • no clear temporal boundaries incubation period at infection child scabies be not can . C points settlement on skin mite to appearance first signs disease may pass from several hours before 10 - 14
  • days Such significant time run can easily to explain .If on skin child got adult fertilized female scabies mite , she immediately begins to gnaw moves and postpone in them eggs . In cases infection occurs very fast
  • When occurs infection larvae parasite , incubation period increases on 14 days . is is is time is larvae is turned in adult ticks , start multiply and propagate parasitic activity

IMPORTANT : In average incubation period scabies lasts 7 - 12 days . Than more ticks simultaneously turned on skin child , topics shorter incubation period .

The more ticks hit the skin, the shorter the incubation period of

. How does treat with scabies of ? Treatment scabies in children

To cure scabies in child , addition application medicinal drugs very important take measures to remove and destruction ticks and their larvae , randomly of the remaining in clothing and underwear patient .
General principles treatment scabies in children and members their families :

  • simultaneous treatment all members family
  • most careful processing skin hands and areas body with delicate skin
  • max shortening nail
  • careful boiling and ironing garment and laundry, thermal processing all tissue surfaces , to which touched patient child
  • treatment complicated forms scabies only under control doctor or in hospital strict compliance schemes and processing schedules
  • extract ten-day quarantine
To remove parasites heat treatment of clothing and linen of the infected child is required

Video: Treatment of scabies: Sulfur maSpiGal, MediFox, Benzyl benzoate,

antibiotics remedies from scabies for children

Modern methods treatment scabies provide reception antihistamine means , and also use synthetic skabitsidnyh preparations and insecticides in form ointments , sprays , lotions and emulsions . With severe current disease to this preparation can be antibiotics added.

Remedy for scabies for children in emulsion form

IMPORTANT : Assigns medications to and their dosage treating physician after carrying inspection and receiving results analysis . Self apply for children which - or medical preparations from scabies is prohibited . In Other case of possible poisoning of organism of child by strong poisons or of incomplete removal of of ticks.

For treatment scabies at children usually prescribed one or several preparations of list:

  • Benzyl
  • ointment sulfuric
  • aerosol Spregal
  • Medifoks
  • ointment Permethrin
  • Ivermectin
  • Lindane

IMPORTANT: Rash , redness and itching can persist on skin some time after complete recovery ont of scabies . In such cases doctor appoints antihistamines means ( Fenistil , Eden , Alerzin and t . n .)

Treatment scabies in children benzyl benzoate

Treatment of scabies of in children with benzyl benzoate has its specificity .If for adults used 20 % benzyl in form ointment or emulsion , the for children concentration preparation should be reduced twice .
Complete course treatment consists of from two treatments . The first processing child is conducted by in evening time , after making bath .

IMPORTANT : Before treatment anti-scratch medium , skin child need very carefully wash with soap and washcloth .

  • After soul skin slightly dried and applied on all its surface ointment or emulsion benzyl , trying rub means how can stronger
  • Rinse medicine with skin can not as minimum 12 clock . If child can suffer longer , efficiency from procedure will above
  • Repeated processing is performed by on 4 day of . No in any case impossible neglect this procedure , so how its goal - destruction new parasites , appeared of eggs and larvae for last three days
Benzyl benzoate

IMPORTANT : On eggs scabies tick benzyl benzoate not valid !

Ointments from scabies for children

preparations for treatment scabies are manufactured by in form aerosols , emulsions and ointments . The most effective ointments for treatment scabies from children :

  • Sulfur - inexpensive ointment with caustic odor . Rub into affected by mite skin areas daily on during weeks
  • Permethrin - highly effective ointment from of scabies .For complete deliverance from mite need to spend two processing skin patient
  • Benzilbenzoat - ointment destroys adults individuals scabies mites for 2 application . Well is absorbed by is absorbed by skin , is not leaves traces of on clothing

IMPORTANT : The listed preparations can have different concentration of . Buying at at pharmacy ointment from scabies for child , not forget indicate to pharmacist its age .

Sera Ointment

Prophylaxis of scabies from of children

Prevention spread scabies in children teams in the first place provides simultaneous treatment all exposed to infected baby and quarantine infected children.
Sarcoptes mites killed at high and low ( negative ) temperatures , so reliable prevention re infection is processing laundry , bed, clothing and soft of child child by boiling or with steam. In winter frosty days can just expose packages with infected things on balcony on several days .

IMPORTANT : Compliance with rules hygiene and frequent wash of hands not will be able to to protect of child from of infection with scab with mite. These parasites not are susceptible to to soapy solutions of and water to .

Frequent hand washing is not a means of preventing scabies

If you suspect , that your child caught scabies , not delay visit to to doctor . As and any cutaneous disease , scabies well is amenable to treatment on early timing . If same in skin toddler already parasitizes large amount of ticks , cured its will several harder .

Video: Scabies in children: symptoms, treatment, quarantine, disinfection. Scabies during pregnancy

  • May 16, 2018
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