Correction of bite without braces in adults

Incorrect bite is not a rare phenomenon. Adults and children suffer from this problem in almost the same degree and quantity. Of course, it is much easier to cope with the anomaly in the childhood and adolescence period.

Until the age of fifteen, the jaw system is more compliant.

But fix bite is never too late. An adult can also turn to an orthodontist to get even, beautiful teeth. Modern technologies allow quite successfully to correct bite in people of mature age.

Methods of correction of occlusion in adults can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • with braces;
  • is free from brittleness.

The impact on an incorrect bite without the use of bracket systems is allowed in cases where the deformation is not very significant.

Each case is carefully examined by a physician and analyzed. Only after this, the specialist can say which system for correction is suitable for the patient.

How to align teeth without braces, what does modern dentistry offer?

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  • Eliners - soft but lasting way
  • Trainers for both children and adults
  • Veneers and lumineers - fast but expensive
  • Exercises for bite correction
  • Surgical method
  • Sometimes brackets do not have an alternative

Elayers are a soft but long way

Kappa( the second name of Elaine) is a plate of transparent, high-strength, modern materials. For their manufacture, polyurethane or silicone is used. Elynery are made individually for each patient according to individual sizes and indications.

The repair process usually lasts a fairly long time. Throughout the treatment, the patient uses multiple kappas.

Each device is worn for a certain period of time, after which it is replaced by a new one. They are almost invisible during use, are kept at the expense of tight prilyaganiya to the teeth and are extracted only for the time of ingestion or hygienic procedures of the oral cavity.


At the present stage, these devices are used to correct almost any degree of defect:

  • diastema( cracks between the teeth);
  • denseness of teeth;
  • cross bite and others.

Due to their merits, eLayners are distinguished by a rather high price. The cost of the kit for the full course of treatment starts from 100-150 thousand rubles.

How to straighten teeth with the help of eliners:

Trainers - both for children and adults

The trainer is an elastic, silicone orthodontic device. Widely used in childhood, but in some cases they are effective in adults.

Most often used for aligning teeth without braces, stimulating the development of the jaw bones and the proper functioning of the facial musculature.

Possess the properties of both a simulator and a positioner. Unlike elainers, these devices are used only at night, do not require wearing in the daytime( maximum 1 hour).

Cost of trainers favorably differs from kapp. Their price is 5-10 thousand rubles. But the degree of their impact is lower, they are used mainly to correct minor anomalies of teeth.

Veneers and lumineers - fast, but expensive

Veneers are small dental plates. They are not used to correct the bite, but rather to mask small defects, for example, if the crooked teeth.

Installation of veneers and luminaries is a kind of restoration process.

Unlike previous methods of equalizing teeth give an immediate result. It is achieved by gluing on the outer part of the teeth thin linings. Before installation, the tooth being subjected to the procedure is grinded under the veneer. This option is perfect if you need to fix one curve tooth.

Cost of manufacturing and installation of one overlay starts from 12-15 thousand rubles. This is the minimum price for veneers, in the vast majority of cases the procedure is much more expensive, reaching 45-50 thousand rubles and more.

Lumineers are also overlaid plates, but have a different installation technology. Before the procedure, no grinding of the corresponding teeth is required. It is worth fixing luminaries much more expensive.

Exercises for bite correction

In many cases, to correct the occlusion, the orthodontist can recommend performing certain exercises. They are very effective as a supplement to one of the devices. Independently, unfortunately, do not give a visible result.

But as a supplement to the corrective system, the process of straightening the teeth noticeably accelerates.

Surgical method

Surgical intervention is indicated in cases where correction of defects with corrective devices does not give results:

  • chin has an irregular shape;
  • has an open bite;
  • hereditary, brightly expressed pathology;
  • loss of symmetry of the face as a result of trauma.

For the operation, the patient undergoes general anesthesia. The cost of such correction of teeth starts from 300 thousand rubles.

Sometimes, brackets do not have an alternative to

. Barefish bite correction methods in adults, unfortunately, are not always effective enough. They are not able to correct significant defects.

Such adaptations as elainers or trainers do not have the ability to influence the fully formed dentoalveolar system of an adult and make the teeth even. Because of this, they are unable to correct complex bite anomalies.

  • May 16, 2018
  • 41
  • 377