Etiquette at the table

Certain rules of etiquette must be adhered to in all spheres of life. Including at the table. Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

Basic rules of etiquette of food intake

First of all, these rules apply, of course, to holidays and solemn events. But in everyday situations, having dinner in the kitchen with the family, and even in the "field conditions", at a picnic or barbecue, one should stick to them whenever possible.

Bread and sandwiches

We start with the simplest - bread. It is taken from the breadbox on a special plate, which is to your left, a small plate. It is called pirozhkovaya and is also intended for buns and butter. If it's not there, then just put it on your main one. In no case should you bite the bread, as usual we do it at home. Break off the small pieces. If you want to make a sandwich, then spread butter on the bread lying on the patty plate. Bread with butter, small-sized sandwiches are not cut.


For soup, a tablespoon is taken, for the broth - dessert. Do not try to tilt the plate away from yourself or towards yourself. Let it be better at the bottom of it will be little, than accidentally throw a liquid to yourself or a neighbor on a festive costume. If the soup is served in a bowl at the celebration( except for a cup with two handles: use the spoon safely), then it should be drunk as hot drinks. Use the spoon only to catch meatballs, potatoes, croutons.

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Meat and poultry

Meat chopped, cutlets, cabbage rolls, croissants, lyly-kebab not to cut. All other types of meat, holding a fork, cut with a knife. At the same time, not all at once, but a piece by piece, immediately sending them to the mouth. Fork, hold in the right hand at an angle to the table, a knife in the left. Mashed potatoes or vegetable garnish served on a meat dish should be put on a cut piece and then carried to the mouth.

Sausage, sausages in a dense shell cut, and then cleaned with the tip of the knife.

Bird. Many will be surprised, but the chicken hands do not eat. It is not necessary to juggle dinnerware, trying to clear all the bones. They will be left with meat. Chicken legs are taken for the end, if it was wrapped in foil, paper, or a dish was served with wet wipes, a bowl of water - a hand rinse. The lemon that is in this bowl does not need to be pulled. It is put into the water for a smell. Do not mix it up with a drink!

Fish and seafood

There are special devices for fish. Knife with a blunt blade in the form of a spatula, used not for slicing, but for separation from bones. And a fork, the average tooth of which is more in-depth. With its help, you can easily remove fish fillets, as well as free fish from small bones. When there is no knife, use two fish or ordinary table forks. And they eat the one that lies on the left.

Whole fish start eating from the top side. Then separate the spine and proceed to the fillet of the second part. If the fish's bone gets into the mouth, then imperceptibly get it with the tip of the tongue on the fork or napkin. And remember: greasy light-salted, smoked and pickled herring, given their stiffness, is cut.

Crabs, crawfish, shrimp are taken by hand. There is nothing indecent here. There is a special knife for crawfish with a slot in the blade, into which a claw is inserted and a shell is broken. After rinse your fingers in the rinser.

Have a nice appetite and feel at any table comfortable!

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  • May 16, 2018
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