A bag in dogs: symptoms, signs, treatment. Is the plague passed from the dog to the man, the other dog, the cat?

A chunk in dogs is a dangerous viral disease that is given to treatment in the early stages. If you identify the first symptoms and make timely calls to the veterinarian, the sick animal will be saved.

Contents of

  • How does the plague appear in dogs - the symptoms?
  • Is the plague passed from the dog to the dog?
  • Is the plague passed from dog to person?
  • Does the dog give a pigtail to a cat?
  • How to treat a dog's distemper?
  • Vaccination against doggies for dogs
  • Can a grafted dog get sick with a plague?
  • Folk treatment of canines in dogs at home
  • Treatment for dogs with vodka
  • Video: Chumka in dogs
  • What is a dog in the house? This is happiness from communicating with a four-legged friend, joint walks, eternal devotion and fidelity, which gives the dog
  • The most important thing is that the dog remained healthy. But this is not always the case: our pets, especially the young ones, are susceptible to many diseases.
  • One of the most serious is the canine plague, or, as it is customary to call it, the plague
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Chumka - one of the most dangerous canine diseases

How does the plague in dogs -Symptoms?

Chumka is a very ancient disease, mentioned in the writings of Aristotle. Only in 1905 the French scientist Carr succeeded in establishing the causative agent of the disease - the filtering virus.

IMPORTANT: Dog plague is a viral disease with a varying incubation period - from three days to three weeks from the time of infection. The animal still seems healthy, but is already contagious.

The virus makes itself felt gradually: the dog begins to get bored, tired, loses its appetite and the disease enters the first stage of development.

This manifestation of the disease, if it is diagnosed in time, is quickly treated and in 90% of cases the dog recovers.

IMPORTANT: If the dog owner has ignored or not noticed changes in the behavior of his pet, the chum develops and smoothly passes into the next stage.

In the next stage of the development of the disease, the temperature rises, the conjunctiva of the eyes and the nasal mucosa start, diarrhea may occur, the hair becomes poorly groomed, it may fall out, exposing the skin, the animal does not eat, but drinks a lot, clogs into the darkest corner.

Chumka in the dog

After a while, the hindlimbs are paralyzed, and then the airways and death begin.

Depending on the location of the virus, the plague is divided into:

  • pulmonary
  • intestinal
  • cutaneous
  • nerve

IMPORTANT: It is noteworthy that none of the forms are present in pure form, therefore the above clinical characteristics are almost identical for all varieties of the virus.

The time of the disease is different and depends on many factors:

  • with a lightning-fast version, the clinic of the disease is practically absent, and the animal dies within 24 hours.
  • for hyper-acute form is characterized by high temperature, refusal of food, coma and animal death within 2-3 days.
  • The acute form is observed all the indicated symptoms and with proper treatment 30% of the animals survive. However, the organism of the sick animal can no longer function as before: there are problems with hearing, sight, smell, the nervous and psychic disorders
  • are characteristic in the chronic form of the plague lasting for months; there is a gradual "extinction" of the animal, with outbreaks of clinical characteristics of the disease, whichresulting in the death of

The terrible virus does not spare any animal body, but most of all the nervous system suffers: the dog shakes and pulls its paws, it has seizures, Aliza whole body.

The first symptom of the plague in dogs is apathy and refusal to eat.

Is the plague transmitted from the dog to the dog?

A domestic pet can infect a plague anywhere and anyhow, as the causative agent of the disease belongs to a family of viruses spreading by airborne droplets.

IMPORTANT: If a healthy animal is in close contact with the infected - it plays, eats and drinks from one bowl, sniffs the stool - the chum is guaranteed.

Even the owner of the pet, walking around in places where a sick dog walks, can carry the virus on his clothes or shoes. In most cases, infection occurs through the ears, mouth, nose. The causative agent, getting into the body, affects the blood and tissues of the animal.

A bag is passed from dog to dog.

Is the plague passed from dog to person?

If the pet is ill, he needs the help of a host who can safely take care of an infected dog, since the causative agent of canine plague is not transmitted to a person.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to know that this virus is very stable in the external environment, and to not bring it into a house with a healthy animal, you need to process clothing and shoes with ether or chloroform.

A chum is not transferred from a dog to a person.

Does the dog give a pigtail to a dog?

Cats that are loved by many people can also be sick with a plague. But they do not catch it from dogs, that is, the disinfection is excluded.

The causative agent of panleukopenia ( plague) in cats is parvovirus. So, if two kinds of pets live at home, they can not infect each other with chums.

A chum is not transferred from a dog to a cat

How to treat a dog's distemper?

  • The earlier the treatment of a sick animal began, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of
  • The most dangerous of the symptoms is the defeat of the central nervous system, so the therapy should be comprehensive, aimed at individual clinical manifestations of the disease
  • The use of etiotropic therapy will help to influence the pathogen. For the production of serum, the antibodies of already infected dogs are used since they give the strongest therapeutic effect.
  • Domestic veterinary medicine is based on the preparations of Biocenter, Narvak or foreign analogues Merial, Biovet
  • The dose of serum administered for dogswith mass less than 5 kg is 2ml , and is more than 5 kg - 5ml .If necessary, the procedure repeats in the same dosage every other day. However, this is not a panacea, and the introduction of serum is effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

IMPORTANT: To ensure that during the disease the immune system of the dog works at the proper level, it must be maintained with immunostimulants containing interferon that suppresses the vital activity of the virus.

It is also necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins of group B and calcium in the body of the pet by the introduction of appropriate drugs.

IMPORTANT: It is also advisable to take antibiotics aimed at lowering the body temperature of a sick animal. Their choice depends on the symptoms of the disease.

In time, the injected serum will save the dog life
  • If the dog coughs, then it is necessary to help her body remove sputum from the lungs by using expectorants: mucaltin, bromhexine, etc. It is mandatory to use
  • anti-inflammatory drugs. To treat the eyes, use various drops and ointments with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatorysubstances. Regularly rinse and cleanse suppuration in the eyes of the dog
  • This can be done with freshly brewed black tea, a 1% solution of boron acid

Vaccination against doggies for dogs

To four-legged friend of the family did not fall ill with canine plague, it is necessary to plant it. Vaccination is performed between the ages of one and a half months.

Some veterinarians believe that antibodies received from the mother are stored in the blood for up to three months, so puppies need to be vaccinated at this age.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is that in the post-vaccination period the puppy for at least two weeks, or better than a month, does not contact other dogs, and the potential peddlers of the virus do not come into the house.

The next inoculation is done in 6 months, and after that - once a year.

IMPORTANT: Only healthy animals can be vaccinated, after having cleaned the body of worms and fleas.

  • The vaccine for vaccination, both domestic and imported, should be purchased in specialized clinics
  • In most cases it is a multivalent drug( "Nobivac", "Tetradog" , etc.) designed to develop immunity against several common diseases
  • Such vaccinations by dogs are carried very easily, and for the animal's organism it is acceptable to experience an immune shake once
Vaccination against a distemper will save the dog from illness

Can a vaccinated dog get sick of chum?

If the owners of the dog are responsible, they vaccinate their pet on time, they will not get sick. This does not mean that the animal does not pick up the plague virus, it's just unlikely it will be noticeable: since the animal's blood contains antibodies, the body will cope with the disease without problems.

IMPORTANT: There are cases when the puppy is infected, but clinically the disease has not yet manifested itself, and at the same time the owners have instilled a small pet. In 99% of cases this leads to the death of the animal.

If the puppy after some time after vaccination, when the immunity has not yet formed, was picked up by the virus, then the situation is also very complicated and can lead to death.

IMPORTANT: No vaccination gives 100% guarantee. It just helps to cure the virus painlessly.

In vaccinated dogs, the distemper can pass asymptomatically and painlessly.

Folk medication treatment for dogs at home

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian. After the delivery of all necessary tests, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment according to the symptoms. If it is possible to cure the pet at home, the veterinarian will certainly notify the owner of the animal.

IMPORTANT: But in no case is it possible to independently treat the plague in a dog folk remedies - will not help and lead to the death of the animal.

It is possible to add some herbal decoctions determined by the vet to the main therapy defined by the vet:

  • To reduce the level of intoxication, you can use decoction of chamomile or St. John's Wort
  • . As a sedative, so that the pathology of the nervous system does not develop, motherwort decongestion

is possible. To thisit is necessary to add a properly formulated diet and the relentless care of the host.

Such folk methods will benefit the pet.

Home decoctions of medicinal herbs will help the dog to recover faster after a distemper

Treatment of a plague in dogs with vodka

Virtually all veterinarians are unequivocally against the treatment of the virus of the canine plague with vodka, since, in their opinion, this will inevitably lead a dog to death.

However, some dog breeders use a vodka cocktail as a therapy: 100 ml of vodka, one raw egg, one teaspoon of honey carefully mix and solder by this solution the dog.

IMPORTANT: This method is relevant only at the very beginning of the disease, and if the dog has good immunity.

Treatment of a distemper in a dog with vodka

The owner is responsible for the health of a domestic dog. Therefore, in order to avoid health problems, he must instill his pet from dangerous diseases and exclude his contact with unfamiliar animals.

Video: Chumka in dogs

  • May 16, 2018
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