Do not you want to believe in the apocalyptic scenarios of the future for Mother Earth?
But in spite of all your natural optimism, you can not calmly look at the black smoke from the pipes of the local TPP and teenagers who left behind fifteen empty cans of beer and a mountain of husks from the seeds in the park?
Then you should learn about the main sources of atmospheric pollution and ways to reduce their harmful effect.
4 main sources of air pollution: the evil that is always near us
Source of pollution № 1. Thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and boiler plants
Boilers, nuclear power plants( nuclear power plants) and thermal power plants( thermal power plants) are one of the main enemies of our atmosphere,since when using both solid and liquid fuels, a heap of all sorts of rubbish is thrown into the air.
The average TPP( capacity - about 2.4 million kW) is an excellent source of pollution, because only 24 hours "rewards" the atmosphere:
- with sulfur oxide( harmful gas) - 680 tons;
- particles are solid( dust, ash, soot) - 125-140 tons;
- with nitrogen oxide( no less harmful gas) - 200 tons.
AES is a "well-deserved" source of atmospheric pollution, as they "please" people living nearby:
- with inert gases( radioactive);
- destroying the ozone balloon with aerosols.
And the boiler houses are "glorious" due to the fact that the pipes in them are of insufficient height, they generously "reward" with soot and soot the area around them. Contamination of the atmosphere is ensured!
Pollution source No. 2. Non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy
We understand how you love your iron horse, even if it's "Moskvich" of 1974, but you need to know that metallurgy is one of the main sources of pollution, for example, in manufacturing1 ton of steel is emitted into the atmosphere:
- 0.04 solid particles( same dust, soot, ash);
- 0.05 t of carbon monoxide;
- 0.03 t S02( sulfuric oxide);
- a small amount of arsenic, ammonia, formaldehyde, phenol, benzopyrene, benzene and other toxic "joys".
Pollution source No. 3. Chemical industry
Although chemical production is not so large in volume( 2% of total industry), but because of their high concentration and toxicity( fluoride compounds, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxide, ammonia, inorganic dust and t.p.) they threaten our health and flowering species.
How to maintain health: tips for every day
Pollution source № 4. Vehicle emissions
In developed "bourgeois countries"( UK, Germany, USA), more than half of the emissions into the atmosphere are produced by motor vehicles. And in Moscow, which still does not believe in tears, this figure and does "dance" about 80%.
Whatever it was, trucking is indeed one of the main sources of air pollution, because:
- exhaust gases "treat you" to a generous portion of toxic substances - aldehydes, benzopyrene, lead compounds, etc.;
- the unbalanced fuel system of the machine leads to an increase in the amount of any harmful nonsense in the exhaust gases. Is not it time for you and your "swallow" to pay a visit to the SRT?
In general, all industries in the process of pollution of our atmosphere are "good" in their own way:
3 additional sources of atmospheric pollution: you need to know!
Burning garbage is clearly not the best way to affect your lungs.
Do you still want to indulge in the fall folk entertainment called "Burning leaves"?Give it up! Be an environmentally savvy person.
In rural areas, the main sources of atmospheric pollution are livestock farms, poultry farms, downhole shops.
And you thought, where do the remains of fodder, the feces of animals and birds, the carcasses, go?
All this lies and poisons the atmosphere by harmful fumes( especially if the owners do not care about the environment).And no good wizards on a blue helicopter arrive and clean the air.
We hope we did not discourage you from eating McDonald's chicken wings?
Another serious cause of atmospheric pollution is the spraying of herbicides, pesticides and other "chemistry" on the fields, so that everything grows and bounces with unprecedented force.
And are you still buying gluten-free breads in full confidence that you care about your health?
And how to live with it?12 simple ways to reduce the impact of the main sources of air pollution
If you read about the main sources of pollution and do not fall into depression - rightly done, because there are many ways to help the atmosphere:
plant trees.
They supply us with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. So choose what you prefer - a traditional Russian birch, a fashionable globular maple or fragrant lilac - and forward, ennoble the yard.
At the same time and with neighbors will get acquainted, which will necessarily come out to look at the crank with a shovel;
- try to change more often from a native car to public transport: and the atmosphere you will not smoke, and you will save on gasoline.
- accustom yourself to walk more or to ride a bicycle, so as not to cause pollution of the atmosphere yourself: your car is quietly and peacefully standing in the garage, instead of polluting the air, you build yourself right before your eyes, self-esteem takes off to the skies - onesolid "pluses"!
if there are no forces to abandon personal transport, carefully plan your routes in order not to skate in vain and not contribute "pollution" to the atmosphere.
And what have not you seen in this supermarket to go there every day? Products can be bought only once a week. Well, a fresh bread or a bunch of parsley is also sold in a shop near your house;
will persuade neighbors to use the machines in turn: for example, on a couple of days they throw you in the morning to the center of the city, on unpaired - you them.
You look - and you will, as in the good old Soviet times, set up a joint table in the courtyard and sing songs to the guitar.
And do not say that Facebook is even more interesting in the evenings!
If you are concerned about air pollution, try using your home detergent, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, etc.
Have you already realized that the production of household chemicals is also a source of air pollution?
"For five years now I've been washing ordinary dishes with mustard, I wash large pots with a river sand and they look perfect for me" , "says Lilia from Krivoy Rog.
And Julia from the Ukrainian Kamyanets-Podolsky and did put on the production of home cosmetics from natural ingredients. From grateful customers who are willing to spend money on organic products, there is no hanging.
in stores choose the goods if possible without packaging, if you are worried about the state of the atmosphere.
You do not need to be a forehead to understand that in the production of foil, cardboard, plastic, air pollution is ensured. Here's an excuse for you to buy a beautiful shopping bag;
save electricity to fight air pollution.
Down with the 24-hour TV and bright lights in all rooms, like at the Vienna Ball! And we are now talking not so much about the fact that you need to save money for a vacation or a wonderful coat of marsal colors, but how much electricity is generated at TPPs. And they, as we already know, are one of the main sources of air pollution.
adapt to weather conditions to reduce air pollution.
Take an example from the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, who, with the onset of cold weather, do not "sit down" on heaters of all types and sizes, but pull out from the bins the lovingly knitted sweaters.
Not only are you going to be the most fashionable guy in your area, but you will also save energy, for which you would have to thoroughly piss the sky;
is not too lazy to hand over waste paper, paper, glass, scrap metal and all that for which energy was spent, produced by TPP, nuclear power plant and other air pollutants.
Well, if you really are a proud Danish prince, then just take it all out and neatly put it in the garbage cans - there will certainly be people who will take all this to the points of reception and even earn a penny;
if you were lucky enough to be the proud owner of the notorious six hundred square somewhere in the suburbs, we advise you not to be too lazy and dig out a compost pit for organic waste.
Mourning will perfectly replace expensive chemical fertilizers in your garden.
"Green peace" would cry: 10 best films about sources of air pollution and not only
No. | Film name | Released |
1 | "Inconvenient truth" | 2006 |
2 | "History of things" | 2007 |
3 | "Home" | 2009 |
4 | "Refined" | 2009 |
5 | "Bay" | 2009 |
6 | "Life after people" | 2009-2011( series) |
7 | "More thanhoney " | 2012 |
8 | " Lost Rivers " | 2012 |
9 | " Save the planet with Leonardo DiCaprio " | 2016 |
10 | " Sunny taxi: with the sun around the world " | 2010 |
The main sources of air pollution can be
both natural and related to human activities:
5 books on ecology inand sources of air pollution, which should beread
No. | Book title | Author |
1 | "Naughty child of the atmosphere" | V.Dolnik |
2 | "Collapse: what does society do to die or succeed" | D. Diamond |
3 | "Purpose" | R. Murray |
4 | "The king of beasts is not a lion. " | J. Wagner, N. Schneiderova |
5 | " Closing circle " | B.Kommoner |
Knowing about the main sources of atmospheric pollution about how you can reduce their influence, it is necessary for every sane person.
You and I do not live on the principle of "After me - even a flood!", Right? And we want to breathe fresh air, and not go with oxygen bottles at the ready, as in the books of futurist writers.