
Do you know what is cellulose and why is it invariably indicated in the list of products needed for health, vitamins and minerals? Let's talk today about the fiber content in the products and the benefits that it brings to us. And at the same time try to find the answer to an important women's question: "what can you eat to lose weight?"

In order for the process of losing weight to flow naturally, you need to enrich your diet with natural products rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and beans. And even looking at this list you can understand that you can lose weight on similar products with pleasure.

What is fiber?

If you take pieces of walnut and apple and carefully examine them under a microscope, you will notice that both have a cell membrane consisting of polysaccharides. And if our body does not need to process polysaccharides and turn them into glucose, then this cell will not pass with fiber.

Fiber - a bundle of long elastic threads, which are so strong that they can not digest either our stomach or intestines. That is why cellulose does not carry our body calories, although it does not carry him vitamins and minerals.

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We need a similar balance in order for the body to easily get rid of the slag that it pushes through the gastrointestinal tract, while it has to spend its energy on it. In other words, by eating 25 grams of fiber, you will not get a single calorie, but in order for it to go all your way through your body, you will spend 175 calories, which is comparable to a half-hour game, for example, in badminton. And that is great!

Getting into our body, cellulose stimulates the normalization of digestive processes, causes peristalsis( muscle contraction) of the intestine, which reduces the number of constipation. In turn, it helps to fight with increased gas production and edema.

For our body, cellulose is a kind of fitness. Refined food that does not contain fiber, can stay in the body for up to 3-4 days, and rich in fiber - no more than 36 hours.

And this is not all the positive side of fiber. Hard fiber fragments have a porous structure. Due to this they like a sponge swell in the stomach and cause a feeling of satiety. Therefore, dieticians usually advise that during lunch and dinner there are green salads - they will not bring a figure to the figure, but they will cope with a sense of hunger.

The same properties have a hard shell of grains, which is essentially the same fiber. That's why the oatmeal eaten for breakfast will bring you a feeling of satiety for at least 4 hours.

When inside is pure

There is another useful property for fiber - it absorbs not all. Its fibers are good for collecting excess fat, removing toxins, lowering cholesterol. Due to the fiber, the extraction of sugar from the products slows down, and its blood level remains unchanged for a long time. Fiber types

Fiber can be soluble and insoluble.

Insoluble fiber is lignin and cellulose. In what form they get into the body, so they leave it. Insoluble fiber is the skin of fruits and vegetables, legumes and cereals.

Lignin is found in bran, radish, eggplant and strawberry.

Soluble fiber is a substance that can be converted into a gelatinous mass: pectin, resin, hemicellulose.

Pectin contains apples, cabbage, potatoes and citrus fruits.

Cellulose and hemicellulose are found in coarse flour, cabbage, bran, beans, green peas, apples, broccoli and cucumber peel.

Soluble fiber is found in berries, beans, apples, seeds, barley and oats.

If insoluble fiber can cause unpleasant sensations in the stomach, then soluble refers to it much more tenderly.

How much fiber should I eat?

According to scientists, to ensure that our body worked without failure, a day enough to eat about 25 grams of dietary fiber. If you are planning to lose weight, then the amount of fiber should be increased to 30-35 grams.

In order to competently lose weight, the diet should contain both types of fiber in a ratio of 1 to 3: 75% of insoluble fiber should account for 25% of soluble.

Use fiber with care, as introducing changes in your diet can always turn into a digestive disorder and bloating. The amount of fiber consumed should be increased slowly, somewhere at 5 grams per week.

If you eat high-fiber foods, you should eat them raw. Alternatively, apply a short heat treatment to keep the fibers intact.

Several rules, observing which you can provide the body with the right amount of fiber:

  • in the daily diet should be at least 2 loaves, 3 fruits and 5 vegetables;
  • in the menu should be present brown and wild rice, beans, lentils and peas;
  • it is necessary to eat nuts, seeds and dried fruits, not forgetting about their calorie content;
  • enter into the diet products from wholemeal flour, cereals and cereals;
  • in the prepared dishes add a little bran. The taste of the dish will not be affected, but the amount of fiber consumed will increase.

Now you know what fiber is and why we need it.

Stay beautiful and healthy!

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  • May 16, 2018
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