Kapa - plate for the alignment of teeth and correction of bite

It would seem, what do teeth have to do with politics, sports, business? After all, their task is purely specific - to chew food.

And it would be even quite good that they would never get sick at the same time.

Contents of

  • What "fence", such and "yard"
  • Smile "ten kopecks" or "one million dollars"?
  • Orthodontist - bite sculptor
  • If the teeth are "knocked together"
  • What the orthodontics offer is the choice of kapa for every taste
  • Wear properly and healthily!
  • Arguments "for" and "against". ..
    • And where are the cons?
  • The service will cost. ..
  • To be objective

What "fence", such and "yard"

In fact, teeth are not only a very pleasant chewing process and the initial stage of food processing. Teeth are also a specific form of the face and, ultimately, its beauty or disgrace.

Such stable concepts as "horse face"( "horse smile"), "bird face", "square face" are largely determined by the state of the teeth, their:

  • form;
  • instagram viewer
  • long;
  • by the nature of closing( or unlinking) of jaws;
  • position of the teeth relative to each other, even with satisfactory closure.

But, in addition to creating a face shape, teeth when closing them should form a closed space, because the conditions for the existence of the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks - on this side of the "fence" and the tongue - inside the "fence" are still different.

And if the teeth have grown so that even the lips do not close, it is generally a disaster - messages between the oral cavity and the external environment should not be .This is not only a violation of the natural processes of digestion, but also the processes of respiration, and blood circulation.

In particular, this is the state of the blood supply to the brain, on which the level of its development depends, and all the mental( and also physical) activity of the organism throughout its life.

Even the issue of life expectancy, depending on the state of the brain, can often depend on the condition of the teeth. How?

Smile "ten kopecks" or "one million dollars"?

To what place in life can a man claim, if his teeth, like a crocodile, are all directed in different directions? What kind of an increase in a salary a department employee may have to say if he knows: should he just open his mouth - and the boss is already grimacing, looking at him?

Despite the fact that his proposal deserves the most careful consideration?

That's why, hardly having found a financial opportunity, a person tries to put his mouth in order, regardless of what position and place in life he takes.

Right teeth - this is self-confidence and a "trip to life", life is long and successful, wrong - it's poverty, vegetation in the backwoods and eternal anger for life( and for yourself in it).

Orthodontist - bite sculptor

But is it conceivable: teeth that close together in the most ugly way, hitting each other and causing abnormal abrasion, teeth creeping into each other, but to which they have long been accustomed, because they so incorrectly grown upin childhood - put in place?

Is it possible to realize such a "revolution" in the mouth at an adult age?

Yes, "put in place" teeth - each in its rightful, legitimate place - it is possible. For this, and there is orthodontics - the art of correcting the bite and aligning the teeth. Regardless of age!

Various methods are applicable:

  • surgical;
  • non-surgical.

Non-surgical methods include:

  • application of bracket systems;
  • use of orthodontic plates;
  • alignment of the dentition with the help of trainers;
  • application cap.

If the teeth are "knocked together"

There are often cases where the teeth in the gums are unevenly distributed: in some places they "drove" on each other, as if some force "knocked" them into a heap - next to it there were significant free spaces comparable in size to the size of the teeth.

In addition to creating a pronounced cosmetic defect, this phenomenon can not but also cause significant difficulties when chewing food. Such teeth need a more even distribution and alignment.

Due to the fact that the roots of the teeth have some relatively small freedom of movement in the gums, they can be gradually but firmly moved to a more natural and beneficial position for the body. And to reach this position in a number of cases it is possible to use a kapa.

Cap is a plate specially designed for both aligning the teeth line and for correcting the occlusion.

Made of elastic plastic material, put on the dentition, it - due to the properties of the material used - exerts pressure on the teeth smoothly and evenly( but without damaging them) - and those teeth that protruded from the dentition forward, move inward and outward, to previously free places.

What the orthodontics offer is a choice of kappa for every taste

This magic "rearrangement" of teeth allows to produce a kind of orthodontic plate( kapa) in the form of a lining worn over the entire dentition( upper or lower jaw).

According to the composition of the material used for their manufacture, the kapa can be:

  • silicone;
  • made of plastic( bioplastic).

In accordance with the method of manufacturing kapy there are:

  • individual( manufactured personally for the patient);
  • thermoplastic( universal).

To make an individual kapa from the patient's tooth row, the impression is taken.

Thermoplastic ones are made according to a single template, but they are suitable for wearing by any patient: thanks to the softening in hot water, quickly put on the dentition, they change their shape for it, cool and harden, keep it all the time of wearing.

Depending on the time of use, the tires can be worn:

  • round the clock;
  • at night.

Wear properly and healthily!

Having received the necessary instruction from an orthodontist, the patient can use the cap, removing and putting it on himself if necessary: ​​an individual cap is simply put on the teeth, thermoplastic softens before putting on the teeth in hot water.

Take off the cap:

  • for the meal time;
  • at the time of tooth cleaning.
All the rest of the time the correction device is worn, without removing, to achieve the desired effect it is desirable to use it 22 hours a day.

Dental care is not difficult to maintain: before putting on, it inside is washed warm( not hot! ) with water, with the outside - it is cleaned with a soft toothbrush using toothpaste.

Arguments "for" and "against". ..

Due to the absolute transparency and imperceptibility to others, wearing a kapa does not cause confusion on the part of the person using it.

Care of the oral cavity and teeth when using the correcting plate is not difficult. To minor inconveniences from her presence in the mouth, the patient quickly adapts.

At the same time, such a correction device:

  • does not distort the diction;
  • does not injure organs of the oral cavity;
  • does not affect the condition of the gums and enamel of the teeth, on appetite;
  • does not cause pain, nausea - the materials used for its manufacture exclude allergies.

If necessary, you can quickly remove it yourself and put it on as quickly as possible.

When wearing a kapa, there is no need to waste time on frequent visits to the doctor: the device is worn for 2 weeks, until the next visit to the doctor for the purpose of examining and making a decision to replace it with the next patient is completely free.

To the pleasure of the user, the time of wearing the kapa can be turned into a process of teeth whitening( the bar is simply filled with the bleaching agent).

Plates can be used:

  • as the final stage after long wearing brackets;
  • for the treatment of children's teeth.

And where are the cons?

Wearing a kapa can not lead to restoration of the dental relief with certain types of serious tooth defects: turning the tooth around the axis, too much bite defect. This pathology requires more serious interventions in the oral cavity.

In the absence of several teeth, the technique can not be used, does not allow its use to be avoided and the need to remove the sick teeth.

The need for a long course of treatment - from 3 months to 2 years, also can not rejoice.

And with a minimum( 3-month) period of therapy, the correction device will need to be changed 6 times. And this is already a flow into the financial question.

The advantages and disadvantages of using the kappa for teeth alignment can be found out in detail by studying the girl's video reviews:

The service will cost. ..

Given the cost of a kap kit for the whole course of treatment - the time needed to straighten the bite of the teeth, treatment can cost an amount equal to 80thousands of rubles, but, depending on many factors, the price of the course can be 300 thousand rubles.

Taking into account that the most democratic is the cost of $ 15 to $ 30 per cap, and the use of the "Invisible" kappa can "ease" the patient's pocket for 1-3 thousand dollars, the treatment of dental pathology by orthodontic proof-readers is difficult to call cheap.

If to be objective

The capabilities of the method, uniquely promising and attractive, have technical and financial constraints, so it can be recommended as a means of choice in solving a certain range of tasks.

  • May 16, 2018
  • 71
  • 462