Sometimes, after sitting for a long time at a computer or watching TV, you get up, and suddenly you feel pain in the area of the coccyx. In medicine, this symptom has a complex name - koktsigodiniya. What to do when the coccyx begins to disturb more often? What is the reason for these unpleasant sensations and how to get rid of them?
- reasons
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Pharmaceutical care
- Folk remedies
- Recipe 1
- Recipe 2
- Recipe 3
- Recipe 4
- Recipe 5
The causes of pain in the coccyx may be:
- wrong or uncomfortable posture while sitting;
- injury or displacement of intervertebral discs;
- osteochondrosis of the vertebral column or scoliosis of the lumbar region;
- salt deposition due to hypodynamia;
- muscle spasm;
- prianalnyj a painful syndrome( an inflammation of ovaries, a uterus, problems of a colon);
- hemorrhoids, fissures of the anus;
- postoperative pain in the anus;
- pregnancy;
- consequences of difficult births;
- changes in pelvic bones;
- of the coccyx cyst;
- cystitis;
- nervous experiences;
- pain of unknown origin.
Symptoms of
- If the cause of pain in the coccyx is trauma - fracture, displacement, crack, etc., then you will experience quite sharp pain. When moving or sitting, such pain will intensify.
- Pain in the coccyx associated with diseases of the spine will be aching. Usually, this worries the back, and the coccyx simply "whines."
- When the nerve is caught, a sharp, painful pain arises.
- Pain in the coccyx, can appear when you sit still for a long time in one pose. Such pain can be unpleasant, but it is not strong. In this case, you need to get up, warm up and everything will pass.
- Postpartum complications associated with the displacement of the coccyx, characterized by aching pain.
- The tailbone cyst causes very unpleasant cramping pains. The same symptoms are also characteristic in the development of prianal pain syndrome, and also associated with postoperative complications.
Often, problems with the coccyx can affect the general condition of the body, causing malaise of a different nature, so it is so important to diagnose the cause as soon as possible and begin treatment.
For pain in the coccyx, you should always consult a doctor, because such symptoms can be both harmless and dangerous. First it is better to go to the surgeon. He will be able to establish and eliminate the bias and trauma of the coccyx.
If the surgeon does not determine the problem, he will give directions to the proctologist, neurologist, urologist or gynecologist, depending on the characteristic symptoms.
As a rule, the diagnosis of pain in the coccyx is a finger examination of the rectum to exclude various tumor formations. In addition, the following applies:
- X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx;
- sigmoidoscopy for intestinal examination;
- for diagnosis can be appointed MRT or CT.
In case of problems with urology and gynecology, specialists will prescribe additional examinations.
There are cases when it is not possible to diagnose the cause of pain in the coccyx. These sensations pass by themselves, or the use of anesthetic ointments helps.
Treatment of
For the treatment of pain in the coccyx, traditional and alternative medicine can be used.
to the table of contents ^Medical aid
For the treatment of pain in the coccyx, the most commonly used:
- Novocain blockade. This is a fairly effective method for removing strong pain.
- anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets( Naise, Nurofen, Ibuprofen and others).In addition, it is recommended to take muscle relaxants and B vitamins.
- manual therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises.
- phonophoresis, electrophoresis.
- acupuncture.
- sedatives( in the case of "nervous" pain in the coccyx).
- orthopedic pillows, which are designed to relieve tension from the area of the sacrum, relieve pressure on the coccyx and reduce pain. Especially useful will be such a pillow in case of traumas of the coccyx, after the surgery and for preventive purposes with sedentary work. Orthopedic pillows come in the form of a ring, a rectangle and a round shape.
As a rule, surgical intervention is not applied. However, there are situations when the operation is necessary: in the case of a strong bias of the coccyx, improper fusion after fracture, the occurrence of cysts and other things.
The operation to remove the coccyx in technical performance is quite complicated, but for the patient it is not heavy. Its task is to remove inflamed nerves and deformed coccyx. Do it both under general, and under local anesthesia.
to the table of contents ^Folk remedies
Pain in the coccyx can be treated independently at home.
to table of contents ^Recipe 1
Mix dry St. John's wort, licorice and horsetail. Make a decoction - for a glass of boiling water about 60 grams of a mixture of herbs. Drink half a glass daily. The course of treatment is a month.
to contents ^Recipe 2
Mix vinegar and honey in a 1 to 2 ratio. The resulting mixture is rubbed into a sore spot. After 8 procedures, the pain should recede. If necessary, apply the solution on a sore spot every hour.
to the table of contents ^Recipe 3
Vishnevsky ointment will help relieve pain in the coccyx. With regular application, the symptoms will subside within a couple of days.
to contents ^Recipe 4
Mix 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of birch tar. Make a compress and apply for the night on the sore spot.
to the table of contents ^Recipe 5
In cases of coccyx trauma, compresses made of chamomile, chopped bulb or cabbage leaf are well suited, which should be discarded beforehand to allow juice to flow.