Pickled onion. Recipes of pickled onion in vinegar, mayonnaise, butter, lemon, tomato, Korean

Pickled onion is not an easy snack, in some cases onions are a full nutritious dish that is complemented by various spices and spices. Cook onions at home is very simple: it's not expensive, fast and does not require labor. Tasty pickled onion to shish kebab. How to pickle onions?

  • Video: "Pickled onions. Snacks »
  • Delicious and pickled onions in vinegar and spicy spices.
  • Tasty pickled carrots onion. How to marinate onions with carrots?
  • Express recipe quickly pickle onion for salad
  • Video: "How to make pickled onion?"
  • Spicy pickled onion with pepper and spices
  • How to cook a pickled red onion?
  • Pickled onion in oil. How to pickle onions in oil?
  • How to pickle green onions? Features of pickling green onions
  • Delicious and spicy pickled onion with garlic
  • How to pickle onions with lemon? The recipe for the original marinade
  • How to marinate onions for the winter in cans?
  • Fresh and juicy pickled onion with herbs
  • How delicious to cook marinated onions in Korean?
  • instagram viewer
  • Delicious and unusual onion pickled in tomato: recipe
  • How to cook a fried pickled onion?
  • Recommendations on how much to pickle onions?
  • Video: Pickled onion
  • Delicious pickled onion to shish kebab. How to pickle onions?

    • In the summer, you want something fresh and special. This recipe can make a pickled onion, which fits perfectly to the fried meat at the stake. Do not surprise any more with fresh vegetables and herbs, but an unusual snack - it's quite possible
    • You can pick the onions in several ways and each of them will please you with a rich taste and pleasant aroma. Pickled onion is not sharp and not spicy, it is soft and piquant, supplemented with a note of spices and marinade
    • . It's no secret that the onion can be marinated for addition to a salad or as an ingredient of a certain dish. With the same success, you can try and prepare a separate dish and very much surprise your guests on a picnic or at the
    table how to marinate onions to a shish kebab

    To pickle onions quickly and tasty most often resort to water and vinegar, but it is possible to diversify this recipe quite simply,adding beets to it.

    • Three large bulbs( can be more, but then increase the amount of marinade) cut into rings of medium thickness and folded into a separate bowl.
    • In a bowl on fire, heat one glass of water and then when it has warmed up but does not boil, add two to three tablespoons of vinegar. Vinegar can be used any you have and which one you prefer
    • In acetic water, dissolve the floor of a teaspoon of salt and two spoons of sugar
    • In hot water, you must also throw one small laurel leaf and a large chopped one beetroot head( for color).
    • brine until warm and pour onion, add a mixture of peppers to taste and a few pieces of cloves
    • This marinade should be kept for at least an hour, periodically mixing it or shaking
    • At the end, beets and cloves from laurelsm leaf removed, the water carefully drained, and the bow is laid out on a la carte dish

    Video: "Pickled onions. Snacks »

    Delicious and pickled onions in vinegar and spicy spices

    Pickled onions in vinegar will be a perfect addition to fatty fried dishes. He perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat and will give a tender spicy sourness.

    onion in vinegar and spicy spices

    To prepare this snack you will need:

    • Clean a few bulbs( about three) and cut them either with rings or half rings( not thin, the width should be medium)
    • Boil the onion with boiling water, hold it for a few seconds and drain the boiling water( this will help remove bitterness)
    • In a frying pan,vegetable oil and when it breaks, turn off the fire and add to it a mixture of Italian herbs - two spoons( oil will help to disclose the aroma of spices)
    • At this time in the dishes warm a glass of water and when it warms add a couple of a bed of vinegar and pour inASO with spices
    • This also add half a spoon of salt and three little spoons of sugar, half a spoon of pepper and a small bay leaf
    • Ready to brine, pour the onion and send it in the fridge for three hours

    This recipe allows you to use any kind of onions: onion, white or blue. Delicious marinated onion. How to marinate onions with carrots?

    This dish can be prepared in order to immediately eat, or to make a blank for the winter. Onions with carrots are quite sharp and spicy, carrots give it sweets and freshness. It will never leave your guests indifferent and will become your crown dish on the table.

    onion with pickled carrots

    To prepare the dish you need:

    • To wash and peel one kilogram of vegetables from which 700 grams is a carrot and 300 onions( preferably onions)
    • Carrots rub on a large grater, and the onion is cut with semirings( any thickness you want)
    • Preparing marinade: a liter of water to boil and it is added three tablespoons of vinegar and the same vegetable oil, two or three cloves of extruded garlic, the fire at this time it is important to turn off the
    • . In addition to the vinegar in water, stir until dissolved: two sTin spoons of sugar and a spoonful of salt
    • You can add a small laurel leaf
    • for the fragrance. You need spices: a tablespoon of coriander and a small spoonful of black pepper( you can use a mixture of peppers)
    • The mass is thoroughly mixed and wrung several times by hands( at the time when itit will cool)
    • It is important to hold the marinade for at least three hours in the refrigerator, or better - overnight

    Express recipe to quickly pick up onions for salad

    Not a single tasty salad has a pickled onion. Most often these are meat salads with chicken, pork and beef. In such cases, the onion with its fine sourness emphasizes meat, makes it more saturated and augmented. Onions pleasantly crunches on the teeth and during the pickling completely loses its sharpness.

    how to marinate onions in salad?

    For a salad, you will most likely need one bulb of medium size, but you can marinate and two just in case.

    • Peel the onion and finely chop it with rings or semi-rings
    • For pickling, it's best to use a plastic container, cut the onion into it
    • Pour onion with steep boiling water, close the lid of the container and shake several times.
    • Drain the boiling water from the onion, pour it with cold water andwring out the bitterness and it will become slightly softer.
    • Pour a glass of warm water into the container and add two tablespoons of vinegar( preferably apple)
    • Salt on the taste( one or two pinch buds) and put two teaspoons of sugar( you can add one)
    • Next comes a set of spices: nutmeg( half teaspoon), a mixture of peppers or hot black pepper( a teaspoon)
    • In the container, roll a few grains of fragrant pepper and a fewnails
    • The last ingredient is two tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • Close the container and shake
    • again. Minimize the onions for at least 40 minutes.
    • All this time, shake the container periodically
    • After pickling, squeeze oute onions from the liquid and add to the dish

    Video: "How to make pickled onions»

    Spicy pickled onions with pepper and spices

    Pickled onion and pepper is a delicious appetizer and addition to any hearty dish. Such a recipe can easily surprise the guests and please the household. It can be used both for preparing a quick dish and for a winter snack, in any case it will not be left without attention.

    onion, marinated with pepper

    Pickled onion and pepper - quite spicy and spicy dish.

    • Two large bulbs, peel and cut in large semi-rings
    • Peel one sweet pepper from seeds and cut large size into onion bowl
    • Chop the chili pepper and finely chop
    • Prepare marinade: two cups of water are boiled and mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar and two spoons of
    • B oilmarinade salt is added( one spoonful), sugar( two spoons) and thoroughly dissolved
    • Peeled onions are scalded with boiling water and squeezed out of excess water to release bitterness
    • Onion and pepper are thoroughly mixed into onethey should be peppered( to taste), add two cloves of extruded garlic, several peas of sweet-scented pepper, bay leaf
    • Vegetables are folded into a glass jar and filled with a warm marinade
    • . The bank should stand in the refrigerator for about two days so that the dish becomes saturated

    .to cook a pickled red onion?

    Red onions( it is not often called "Crimean" or "Yalta") differs in that it has a sweeter and not as sharp taste as the bulbous one. It is often added to vegetable salads, but very few people know that it can be successfully and marinated. To buy red onions in a store or on the market is not at all a problem, and a ready-made snack will surprise everyone!

    red marinated onion

    Pickling onions is simple enough:

    • , clean two or three bulbs and cut them into medium-sized half rings( not large but not too thin)
    • if you want the onion to turn soft - scald it with boiling water, pour cold water and poursqueeze the onion, if you want crunchy - slightly scald and do not squeeze it
    • Prepare the four cloves of garlic from the water, vinegar, salt and sugar( as in the previous recipes for a glass of water), squeeze into four onions and mix thoroughly, You can slightly podsolit onion
    • finely chop the bunch of dill and mix with onions( can avoid dill)
    • add onions in a glass jar and pour the marinade, let the onions stay in the refrigerator for about 6 hours before using it.

    Pickled onions in oil. How to pickle onions in oil?

    This non-complex recipe can diversify your table and become a pleasant discovery, since such an appetizer becomes a perfect addition to meat and vegetable dishes.

    Pickling the onions in butter slightly differs from previous recipes. Onions in this case are soft, but rich and sweet.

    how to pickle onion in oil?
    • Onion peel and cut in small semi-rings
    • Pour on butter and dip onion into the frying pan
    • Cook onions not for long, about 10 minutes, as soon as you feel that it loses volume and becomes soft - remove it
    • Heat treatment will allow to leave the onion bitterness
    • , transfer the onions to a jar, and in a frying pan in which the oil remains, heat the water - one glass of
    • Add two tablespoons of vinegar, salt and sugar
    • into the water. Mix the onion in a jar carefully, pepper and add the spices: cardamom, nutmegthe first nut, cumin( optional)
    • Ready to pour the marinade over the bow and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

    as pickled onions? Features of pickling green onions

    Pickled green onions are not only unusual, it's incredibly delicious! Such a fresh dish will decorate any festive and casual table, will become an ornament and a pleasant addition. Try to cook it once and you will feel that in the future you want to decide on it again.

    green pickling onion
    • To prepare this snack, you need about five large bunches of green onions.
    • Both green and white parts of the vegetable are used.
    • . Cut the onion so that it is not too small, cut the root
    • Fold the onion in a separate high bowl,the onion will let out the water that needs to be drained
    • Prepare two chili peppers, peel them from the seeds and finely chop it, add to the onion
    • . The marinade for this onion is quite steep: boil a glass of water and add more than halfa glass of apple cider vinegar, a glass of sugar and a large spoonful of salt with a slide
    • While the marinade has cooled to a warm state, squeeze three cloves of garlic into the onions, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a few peas of sweet pepper
    • Fold onions in a jar and pour it with a slightly cooled marinade,close the lid
    • This dish is marinated in the refrigerator for at least 10 days, ideally - keep it for two weeks

    Delicious and spicy pickled onion with garlic

    Pickled onion with garlic - spicy appetizer and addition to saladam. It is very easy to cook, the dish does not require any temporary, not monetary, or labor costs.

    pickle onion with garlic
    • In a separate bowl, combine the onion and chopped onions
    • in a separate bowl. Bow to be scalded to release sharp bitterness
    • Drain excess water and mix with a few cloves of the squeezed garlic( you adjust the taste yourself, two to three teeth are sufficient forpiquant)
    • A little salt and pepper onions( if desired, add any chopped greens)
    • Marinade is prepared simply: water, vinegar, sugar and salt( according to the examples of previous recipes for a glassdessert)
    • The laurel leaf and several fragrant peppercorns
    • are added to the marinade. Vegetables in the dishes are mixed with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, added to the jar and poured with marinade
    • . The plus of this dish is that it does not take long to prepare and you can enjoy it with pleasurealready after two hours

    How to pickle onion lemon? Recipe for original pickling

    This recipe suggests picking onions without using standard vinegar, replacing it with lemon juice. Appetizer turns out unusual, with a light sour citrus.

    pickled onions with lemon

    The recipe is simple enough and fast:

    • We need to clean the large onion and the regimen with small rings or half rings, add to the bowl
    • the onions are scalded with boiling water, drain off excess water and salt the pinch of salt
    • in a saucepan, heat half a glass of water,juice of half a lemon and about 50 grams of sugar
    • Pour the onion marinade in a separate bowl( jar)
    • We insist it in the refrigerator until six o'clock and eat

    How to marinate onions for the winter in jars?

    Onion marinated for winter is a favorite homemade dish that perfectly complements potatoes, meat and any cereals. It is not difficult to cook it, but such a bow "flies" to "cheers".

    onion, marinated for the winter
    • To prepare this dish, it is best to choose small bulbs or shallots
    • . If you do not find small bulbs, cut those that you have for several lobules.
    • Banks are sterilized and they are laid onions, you can supplement itcarrots and slices of chili( or even sweet)
    • Put several garlic cloves in the jar
    • Prepare marinade: per liter of water half a glass of vinegar, a large spoonful of salt with a slide and two large spoons of sugar with a slide
    • While the marinastill hot, it is added laurel and several Goroshkov
    • producing hot pepper marinade poured bow top
    • poured into a jar and vegetable oil bank rolled

    Fresh and juicy pickled onions greens

    Onions, pickled with greens, are rich in fresh taste. For marinating you can use any favorite greens, but fennel, parsley and green onions are best.

    pickle onion with greens
    • Peel, slice and scald onion with boiling water
    • Press excess water and add finely chopped dill, parsley and green onion
    • Extract a few cloves of garlic, salt and pepper the vegetables.
    • Prepare a simple pickle on a glass of water( according to the previous recipes)
    • Pour the onion obtained with marinade and mix it thoroughly by adding a few spoons of
    • oil add the vegetables to the jar and leave in this state for three hours before consuming

    How tasty to cook marinadeKorean onion?

    • Peel onion, cut into thin half rings, scald with boiling water and wring out excess water
    • Salt onion and pour it into half a glass of vegetable oil
    • Add to the onion five extruded garlic cloves, black pepper, pepper mix and coriander( to taste)
    • Prepare in a bowlcomplex marinade from vinegar, water, salt and sugar - pour onion on them
    • Onions are added to the glass jar
    • Each layer must be pressed against each other
    • Onions come out sharp enough and spicy
    • Marinating suchonions should last at least five hours
    onions in Korean

    In this recipe, you can use any sort of onions: red, white, onion, blue, leeks, shallots.

    Tasty and unusual onions pickled in tomato: recipe

    • Peel onion, chop it in large half rings, scald with boiling water, but do not squeeze
    • Fold the onions in a separate bowl
    • Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the spices: pepper, pepper, coriander,walnut, squeezed garlic( to taste)
    • When the oil warms up, pour a glass of tomato juice into
    • butter. Add the onion carefully to the jar
    • When the tomato juice in the frying pan starts to boil, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of sugar, two tablespoons of vinegar,mix thoroughly
    • With the marinade obtained, pour the onion and leave it in a cool place for 12 hours for marinating

    How to cook the fried marinated onion?

    Fried pickled onion has one important advantage - it lacks a sharp taste and is replaced by pleasant sweetness and even sourness. Cook the pickled fried onions quite simply.

    • In a frying pan fry the onion rings in oil until golden state
    • It is advisable to add one grated carrot to the onion so the taste will become sweeter and more pleasant
    • Prepare a simple marinade( as in the previous recipe)
    • Stir fried onion into a bowl, squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic, chop-small one chili pepper and bunch of dill
    • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add a little and pepper
    • Pour the vegetables with marinade and mix thoroughly
    • Fold the jar in the jar and harden each withloy, letting out the juice
    • Marinating this dish lasts at least - two hours

    Recommendations on how much to pickle onions?

    • As a rule, simple marinades differ in that they do not require long pickling of onions. The texture of this vegetable allows all the ingredients of the marinade to penetrate deeply inside in a short period of time and saturate it with taste.
    • The minimum time for pickling onions is 40 minutes, considering that your onion is not heavily chopped and its not very large amount.
    • Maximum marinating- this is 7-10 days, this marinating is necessary in order that the vegetable is completely soaked in the marinade and had a strong, rich taste.
    • Marinating onions in a food container is very convenient,ivat it to bow changed his, and all the ingredients of the marinade mix again

    Video: Pickled onions

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