How to check the freshness of eggs

One of the most common products in the kitchen among residents of almost all countries of the world are chicken eggs. They can be used in a variety of dishes, and in themselves they are also very good. Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, as well as a variety of useful substances. But to make eggs good for you, it is very important that they are fresh.

To check the freshness of eggs is very simple, for this you do not need any special tools, enough for one container of water.

First of all, pay attention to the shell. The more pure and white, the higher the probability that the egg is fresh. In older products, the surface begins to acquire an unpleasant gray or even yellow color. In addition, you can shake the egg in your hand - the fresh on this movement will not be any reaction, and the spoiled will sign, rolling inside.

Fresh eggs, being placed in water, drown and occupy a horizontal position. Well, those that no longer possess the original quality, raise themselves with a blunt end up. This can be explained by the gradual accumulation of air in the product, which necessarily occurs with time. In the case if a chicken egg in the water has taken a vertical position, then its age is already quite solid - about three weeks. Of course, it can still be eaten, but only very quickly, it is no longer necessary to store such eggs. However, it also happens that even in a fresh egg through the crack in the shell gets air, and this can lead you astray.

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In food factories, eggs are shone through, paying attention to the protein. At a fresh egg it is clearly visible, while the yolk remains imperceptible. If the protein is difficult to distinguish, then the quality is already disappointing. A completely spoiled product is not translucent.

Finally, breaking the egg, you can accurately determine its freshness. The yolk must be dense and spherical, and the protein must consist of two layers. After some time, the egg protein starts to flow, losing two layers. If the yolk is flattened, it means that the egg is already more than two weeks old.

It is recommended to break eggs into different dishes, so as not to spoil the dish.

Usually eggs can be stored under suitable conditions for up to four weeks. If there is damage to the shell, it is better to shorten this period to two days. Well, the egg mass can be kept frozen for about four months.

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  • May 17, 2018
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