Alpine hill with their own hands in the country, garden area: step-by-step construction. How to make and arrange a small, beautiful, simple, unusual Alpine hill, from tires, with a pond, a waterfall, from improvised means, without stones?

From this article you will learn how to build an alpine slide from improvised tools.


  • How to start making the Alpine hill?
    • Alpine slide.
    • Stones
  • The Alpine hill is the simplest with your own hands on the cottage, garden area: step-by-step construction, scheme
  • How to make and draw a small mini alpine slide: a scheme, description, photo
  • How to make and draw a beautiful alpine flower hill: a scheme, description, photo
  • How to make and arrange an unusual alpine hill-flower bed?
  • How to make and decorate without stones, from tires of the Alpine hill?
  • How to make and arrange an alpine slide with a pond?
  • How to make and arrange an alpine slide with a waterfall?
  • How to make and arrange the alpine hill-rocker from improvised means?
  • How to make a rocky hill of a large stone?
  • What to put on an alpine hill?
  • Alpine hill with flowers, roses, junipers, moss: photo
  • The best works of alpine hills in landscape design: photo
  • Video: Pond with a waterfall is easy and cheap
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If the plot in your summer house is uneven, and the land is poor, and with stones, itsyou can beautifully arrange, besides, without much expense - to make an alpine slide. So, where to start?

How to start making the Alpine hill?

Alpine hill.

First we'll figure out what the alpine slide is. This is an artificial hill of stones and earth, with planted on it flowering plants that are typical for the Alps or the Carpathians.

Alpine has recently appeared in other styles of :

  • In Japanese style , the hill is planted with Far Eastern plants
  • In Mexican - cacti
Alpine hill in Mexican style

The Alpine hill can be laid out in different ways:

  • As a stepped mountain slope
  • Terraces
  • Cliffs
  • Plateau
  • 2 slides separated by gorge

In order for to make the alpine hill , it is important to adhere to the following criteria:

  • Observe longlines( valley, 1, 2, 3errasy)
  • presence of stones
  • Plants need stunted plant species
  • Contrast

slides height may be between 1 to 3 m, depending on the site dimensions, where alpine slide is created.

To make the slide enjoy for a long time, and you did not have to disassemble it without having to build it, needs to consider the following factors of :

  • If you have a site in the lowland, and for a long time the meltwater stagnates after the winter or the downpour, a thick layer of drainage should be laid during the construction of the alpine slide, so that the excess water leaves and does not remain.
  • So that the soil and stones on the hill do not collapse then carefully compact each loose layer during the construction of the slide.
  • In order not to grow weeds from below, from under the soil, before laying a hill, we spread special geotextiles, and then drainage and sand, lay out the stones, and fall asleep with soil.
  • From moles and shrews, which can destroy the hill, we save it with a fine-meshed galvanized steel mesh, laying it on geotextiles.
  • Alpine hill is laid in such a place that it can be seen from different sides, it is desirable that there was a bench nearby or a canopy.
  • And if on your site there is a mound, a ravine or a slope, it is possible to equip an alpine hill with a stream or a waterfall.
  • The contrast with the alpine slide is a lawn or shrubs, and if a fence is nearby, then it should be hidden by climbing plants.
  • If your alpine hill is diverse - combine a rock, a scree, and for example a terrace, then it will not get bored, and it will always be interesting to contemplate it.
  • To the hill was not too variegated, it is planted no more than 5 plants, differing in color.


Stones from which you can build an alpine hill

For an alpine slide sharp stones( sandstone, granite, slate, limestone, dolomite) are suitable. The slide must not be variegated, so we construct it from 1-2 kinds of stones.

  • Granite, limestone and sandstone are laid out as blocks and small pebbles, and we pour them with soil, in the center there should be the largest stone.
  • Clay and sandy slate is broken into tiles, and the hill can be laid out in the form of a terrace.
  • If the alpine hill is with a pond or a stream, then you can put on their shores the rounded pebbles, which can be found on the seashore, the river.

Alpine hill is the most simple with their own hands in the country, garden area: step-by-step construction, scheme

For the alpine slide does not necessarily have a lot of space. The only thing that is important is that the new alpine slide fit into the existing landscape of your .

Scheme of a simple alpine slide, the correct and incorrect arrangement of the

slide. In order for to start laying the alpine hill , it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Draw a future hillock project on paper and break it on the terrain.
  2. Denote the place of the future alpine slide pegs, and fence cord.
  3. In the place of the hill, we first weed the grass and then, with a bayonet shovel, remove the upper soil layer, 30-40 cm in thickness.
  4. The resulting groove is covered with a fine-meshed metal mesh and geotextile so that moles and weeds do not make it.
  5. Top of the geotextile we fill gravel, pebbles, rubble, broken brick( that is), 10 cm in thickness, we compact. It is necessary to leave excess water, and the roots of plants do not rot.
  6. We pour small particles( sand) on top of large particles, 5 cm in thickness, we compact and water.
  7. We make soil for the alpine hill: we take black earth soil, add to it sand, wood chips and pine bark, small gravel, peat, mix everything. Too you can not fertilize, otherwise trees and bushes on the hill will grow large, and it will not be a hill, but a garden.
  8. We sprinkle the received soil on the whole surface of the slide, and do not level, but on the contrary simulate "mountains", "cliffs", "valleys", "paths" in a reduced form.
  9. Now on the hill set the stones, and planted with plants.
Simple alpine slide

How to make and draw a small mini alpine slide: a scheme, description, photo

Mini alpine hill

We create the alpine slide in the early autumn .Until the spring, when plants will be planted, stones and earth should settle.

The mini alpine hill will be about 1 m high.

We start to make a mini-hill :

  1. We note on the ground, with the help of pegs the border of the future hill.
  2. We pull the twine between the stakes.
  3. We tear off the grass, and dig it out over the whole section, anchored by twine, pit, depth of 30-35 cm, we cover it with a metal grid with small cells and geotextile.
  4. We make drainage: fall asleep on 10 cm bottom of foundation pit with rubble and small pieces of broken brick.
  5. On top of the drainage we pour large sand, with a capacity of 10 cm, watered with water so that no voids are left.
  6. We install large stones, and the space between them is covered with rubble, we let it stand for about 1 month.
  7. Install smaller stones.
  8. We prepare the soil for plants. The soil taken from the excavation is sorted, we throw out the roots, we add to it an equal amount of river sand and expanded clay.
  9. All the gaps between the stones are covered with soil, we pour from the watering can to not wash the soil, and leave for the winter.
  10. In spring, plant the plants.

How to make and arrange a beautiful flower alpine hill: a scheme, description, photo

For an alpine slide choose unpretentious plants that blossom in spring, summer and autumn.

Scheme planting plants on the alpine hill

It is best to choose perennial plants with small flowers associated with the mountains:

  • Edelweiss , originally from the Alps, grows up to 20 cm in height. Blooms in summer, in June-July. It spreads the slopes of the mountains.
  • Cleaning - unpretentious bright pink or yellow flower. In the radius where it blooms, no weeds will grow. Flowering occurs in the autumn from September to October.
  • Molodilo - fleshy green leaves, folded in a rosette, and resembling roses, and purple flowers, grow at the very ground, multiply by daughter outlets. Blossoms from July to September.
  • The saxifrage in the spring with its small white flowers literally covers the ground like a rug. He prefers to grow in the shade.
  • Lumbago or sleep-grass appears one of the first flowers in the spring.
  • Small daisies of in different shades are able to decorate our stony garden almost the whole summer, as there are a lot of varieties of these flowers.
  • In early spring, we will be pleased with primrose with rich foliage and flowers of different shades, only you need to consider that she loves penumbra.
  • Armeria alpine starts blossoming since June, the height of the bushes is up to 10 cm.

In order that it does not happen that there will not be any flowers for a certain period of time, it is necessary to draw a diagram with the application of all planned plants indicating their flowering period.

In addition to flowering plants, miniature trees look beautiful: dwarf pine, spruce and cypress, as well as small shrubs: barberry, juniper, boxwood.

Beautiful flower alpine hill

How to make and arrange an unusual alpine hill-flower bed?

Unusual alpine flowerbed

To plant an unusual alpine hill, you need to act as follows:

  1. At the very top of the hill, we plant coniferous trees and bushes( dwarf pine, spruce, juniper, thuja).
  2. Below, between the large stones, we plant plants with powerful roots( irises, ferns).
  3. Then, in small holes, we plant flowers with a weak root system( armeria, edelweiss).
  4. In the narrow cracks between the stones plant a fern, bells, lumbago.
  5. So that the soil on the slopes does not crumble, and not blurred, we plant creeping plants( molodilo, baden, phlox).
  6. On top of a steep wall will be beautifully dropping a soap, lobelia, bells.
  7. Near the gray stones we plant bright flowers( tulips, poppies), near the bright stones - discreet flowers.
  8. We divide some kinds of flowers from others by small stones.
  9. Curly pyramidal plants look good alongside plants with small flat inflorescences.

And so that the flowerbed would look good at night, we set up accumulation lanterns between the stones, they accumulate light during the day and radiate at night.

How to make and decorate without stones, from tires of the Alpine hill?

Alpine hill in the budget variant - slide from tires .To make a hill of used tires, they will have to be painted with enamel or machine paint, and then folded up and planted plants.

Another option: do not paint tires, and overlay pebbles, and plant flowers.

You can also make an alpine slide with ponds from old tires.

Alpine slide of tires with ponds

We build ponds:

  1. We select several tires of different sizes.
  2. According to the size of the biggest wheel, the dig is a pit.
  3. Install the wheel in the pit and concreate the bottom.
  4. The upper part of the wheel is cut with a jig saw.
  5. Next, higher in level, we install a smaller wheel, the bottom is concretered, and the top is cut with a jig saw.
  6. The walls of the future ponds from the inside are covered with waterproofing film, the outer part is covered with stones and pebbles.
  7. Install the pump so that the water circulates from one pond to the other.
  8. Planted around plants that love moisture.

By the same principle of small tires, cutting them, you can create a stream that flows into the pond.

Alpine slide made of tires with a brook and a pond

How to make and arrange an alpine slide with a pond?

Scheme of a pond for an alpine hill
Alpine hill with a pond

In order for the to build an alpine hill with a pond , the following is needed:

  1. Dig up the pit, about 0.5 m deep.
  2. Bottom of the bed is covered with sand, 0.1 m thick, and compacted.
  3. At the bottom we lay geotextile, and on top of it we use a waterproofing film( butyl rubber material).The service life of such a film is 20-30 years.
  4. The whole pit should be covered with a film, and extend beyond it by 30-40 cm.
  5. At the edges of the pond we lay stones so that the film is not visible anywhere.
  6. Fill the pond with water from the hoses, straighten the film in the water. The pond is ready.

How to make and arrange an alpine slide with a waterfall?

To build an alpine hill with a waterfall you need skill, a beginner gardener can not cope with this.

Alpine slide with a waterfall and a pond

In order for the waterfall and the pond to function properly, the following nuances should be taken into account: :

  • Water should not leak into the ground.
  • . To pump water for a waterfall, a pump is needed, and accordingly it is necessary to lay the power line
  • .dry, on the banks of moisture-loving
  • The pond will need to be cleaned occasionally, and for the winter the water is poured

. A pit is digged under the pond together with a bookmark for slides. The depth of the pond for an alpine slide does not usually exceed 30 cm. A shallow pond is easier to clean, and pebbles are clearly visible in clear water.

  • Deeper need to dig only that part of the pond where the pump will be installed, with a power of up to 70 watts. The pump is mounted on a special stand, so it is less clogged with silt, and if it is not to be seen it is covered with stones.
  • At the same time, we lay the electrical cable on the top of the slide, and check its safety.
  • Pull the hose up the hill, and hide it between the stones.
  • The path, where the water from the waterfall will pour, is laid with tiles of clay slate, in the form of steps.
  • Near the water the following plants grow well: fern, bathing-place, different mosses, annual flowering plants in flowerpots. Vases are desirable to take the same shade as the stones.
  • A waterfall with a pond is desirable to be located on the north-eastern side of the site, so it will be in the shade for several hours a day, and the water will bloom less.

How to make and arrange the alpine hill-rocker from improvised means?

Rockarium - a garden of stones, plants and dwarf trees .

The rockery is not necessarily an alpine garden, it can be planted on a flat surface and consist not of alpine plants, but of small ordinary .

Alpine rocker-rocker

For the reconstruction of rockeries, there are 3 styles:

  1. Rockary in Japanese style , it is characterized by minimalism - a small number of stones with or without plants.
  2. The rockery in European style is a hill of different stones, similar to the natural hill of temperate latitudes.
  3. Rockary in the English style .It is characterized by the presence of a variety of evergreens.

It is important to remember that rockeries can not be built close to home. In winter, when the snow will slide from the roof, it can destroy fragile trees.

If you build a rockery, and not far fence, it must be zadekorirovat - planted near him climbing plants that hide the fence.

Begin to lay the rockery from the handy tools :

  1. We'll outline the site for the future rockery.
  2. Tear out all the weeds and grass.
  3. Shovel 20 cm of soil.
  4. For drainage we fill the whole space with a thin layer of rubble and small pieces of broken brick.
  5. On top of the drainage we fill the soil, consisting of garden soil, mixed with a small amount of sand and small gravel.
  6. We take rather large natural stones of your locality on the roadside or in the quarry, it is desirable that the breed be of one species, we dig them in half into the ground.
  7. Small stones are also useful, install them on large stones.
  8. First, we plant coniferous shrubs: dwarf spruce, thujus, juniper.
  9. Flowering plants need to be selected to bloom from spring to autumn: snowdrops, crocuses, tulips, phlox and others.
  10. To keep small stones in place, plant saxifrage, young, sedums.
  11. All plants should fit in size( small).
  12. In addition, we decorate the distances between plantings, falling asleep with rubble.
  13. Next to the rocker you can install a gazebo or a beautiful bench to relax and admire the beauty.

How to make a rocky hill of a large stone?

Alpine rocky hill

For the slide, those types of natural stones that do not weathered are suitable, and salts and heavy metals will not pass from them to the soil. These may be stones that have been in your area for a long time or nearby: sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt, clay and sand shale .Stones are needed big and small.

If there are no stones nearby, they can be recruited in a quarry for quarrying.

Now lay out the stones on a gravel cushion:

  1. We begin to make a rocky hill from below.
  2. First, install the largest specimen of the stone in the indentation. If it swings, we put rubble under it.
  3. We stack the rest of the stones from the bottom up, some deepen. If the stones have some flaws, they need to be hidden by turning the stone so that it is not visible. Distances between the stones are covered with soil.
  4. At the top of the set a sharp stone - the top of the mountain.
  5. The rocky hill should last about 1 month, it is possible less, for this time stones and a ground will ask, and then it will be possible to plant plants.

Caution .When laying out the stones, you do not need to stick to the same distance or size, the stones must be stacked in disorder, then the hill will look natural.

What to put on an alpine hill?

On the alpine hill you can plant perennial grasses and flowers, dwarf trees and small bushes

On the alpine hill plant shrubs and perennial grasses . Alpine hill plants should be :

  • Uncomplicated
  • Low-growth
  • Perennial

is suitable for miniature trees and small shrubs:

  • Mining and miniature pine
  • Blue spruce
  • Thuja
  • Larch
  • Barberry
  • Abies Koreana
  • Juniper
  • Cotoneaster
  • Rhododendron

Perennials and Herbs for the alpine slides :

  • Highlander
  • Oregano
  • Stipa
  • Heather
  • Fescue
  • ovsets evergreen
  • cuff
  • Barleyasphalt
  • Fern
  • Wormwood
  • Euphorbia
  • Decorative cabbage
  • Snowdrop
  • Carnation
  • Violet
  • Camomile

For the alpine slide wellbut choose different plants , that will bloom all the time from early spring to late autumn .

The brightest flowers are placed in the center of the .

For plants, should be constantly looked after : remove dried leaves, water, sprinkle the soil if it has been washed with rain.

Feed plants with carefully, nitrogen fertilizers can not be used, otherwise they will go to the wild growth of , and we have the same alpine slide.

Alpine hill with flowers, roses, juniper, moss: photo

Alpine hill with miniature roses, juniper
  • The roses are used to create an alpine slide, but of dwarf varieties : "Kolibri", "Meidi", "Rosemary", "Sonnenkind. These varieties tolerate the winter well, are resistant to diseases, but like sunny areas, and do not tolerate a lot of moisture.
  • Delicate flowers, such as roses, blend well with a rough natural stone.
  • Also in alpine hills, along with roses, juniper looks good.

The best works of alpine slides in landscape design: photo

Alpine slide from tires
Alpine slide made of tires with a pond and a fountain
Alpine slide in an unsuitable place for processing ground

So, now we know how to equip an alpine hill on your site.

Video: Pond with a waterfall is easy and cheap

  • May 17, 2018
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