Food that makes us hungry

For sure, each of us faced a strange situation. Immediately after a meal, hunger returned surprisingly quickly, and there was a desire even more.

Sometimes, hunger occurs faster than we expect, especially after eating certain foods. Why is this happening?

Hunger is the result of many complex interactions that occur in the stomach, intestines, brain, pancreas and blood. And under the influence of some substances contained in a number of fairly popular products, these processes lead to a rapid onset of hunger.

Experts have compiled a list of products that make us hungry. What kind of products are they? Alcohol

Alcohol awakens the appetite. Alcohol reduces the level of leptin, which affects weight loss. By the way, this is why people who have low levels of leptin can lose weight quickly.

White bread

An interesting study was conducted in Spain, showing that those who ate two or more slices of white bread per day were at least 40% more likely to become obese. And it's not about the calorie content of this product. White flour for baking bread does not have grain in the outer shell, which gives a feeling of satiety.

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Potato chips and other salty snacks

Of course, it's hard to resist tasty salted dainties, but chips are enemies of satiety, and because of them we want to eat more and more. Nutritionists explain this by the fact that flavors and salt arouse in us the desire to eat something sweet then, so as not to disturb the balance in the body. In simple words, when we eat a bag of chips, the body sends a signal to the brain "I'm full of salt" and "time for sweet."

Fast food

It is well known that fast food should be avoided. Often in a fast food cafe you can watch how the menu opposite the dishes are marked with "natural products".Seeing such notes, we carelessly order some food without suspecting anything. But be careful. The purpose of such institutions is precisely the awakening of hunger in you, so the dishes are designed to make you eat more than you need.


For snack enough pizza triangle - no more! Pizza is full of white flour, hydrogenated butter, melted cheeses and many other substances that confuse the brain area responsible for regulating hunger. A healthy alternative is homemade pizza from whole grains with a lot of vegetables and a small amount of meat and cheese.


It is well known that most of the juice stores, even those that are advertised as healthy, are full of sugar. Unfortunately, not so many nutrients remain in them. After we drink this "potion", hunger wakes up in us. Alternatively, prepare the juice yourself with fresh fruit or vegetables.

Pasta from white flour

What was said just above for white bread is also true for pasta from white flour. In addition, the combination of pasta with tasty sauces increases the risk that we will want additives. In addition, we must remember that after getting into the body of large amounts of carbohydrates, the pancreas barely manages to produce insulin.

Artificial sweeteners

They send a message to the brain that a large portion of sugar has "arrived" in the body, which leads to an even greater desire for sweet. So the next time, think carefully before adding sugar to the coffee.


Many people think that when they buy cereals with additives in the store, they eat healthy food. But such packages often contain not only useful, but harmful additives and sweeteners. It is not surprising that after a bowl of favorite porridge in the morning, hunger very quickly again makes itself felt. Replace such cereals with healthy options. Cook ordinary cereals without additives, and then flavor them with natural products, for example, candied fruits, dried fruits or honey.

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  • May 17, 2018
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