Plastic braces - pros and cons, review of composite products with photo

Elimination of deficiencies that are present in the structure of the teeth and correction of occlusion disorders is the area of ​​orthodontic dentistry.

One of the most popular designs for orthodontic treatment is a bracket - a system that is intended for the correction and the impact on the fabric:

  • periodontal;
  • gums;
  • tooth.

The use of braces involves physical impact on the problem area, which helps to correct bite disorders, to straighten the shape of the teeth.

Plastic composite brackets refer to the aesthetic designs, as are made from special materials that provide maximum comfort and invisibility. During treatment, they are almost invisible in the oral cavity, which creates a pleasant visual effect and provides psychological comfort.


  • External and design features
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the use of composite materials
  • Which companies manufacture braces made of plastic
  • installation process Overheard forums
  • How to extend plastic products service
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External and design features

Externally composite bracket system does not differ from the more expensiveceramic structures. The design can be chosen so that by color it can not be distinguished from natural enamel. Also, if the patient wishes, the bracelet elements can be decorated with drawings( actual for babies).Design features suggest the use of two types of attachment - lingual and vestibular classical.

Braces are manufactured individually for each tooth that needs correction. They represent a lock in the center of which there is a metal groove, which allows reducing the load on the plastic parts of the structure.

The metal base is mushroom-shaped. The main task is to create a quality grip of the bracket with the surface of the tooth to be repaired. Allows you to install brackets using any available composite material.

Arc - designed to connect braces among themselves, as well as the mechanical impact on them. In the process of treatment, the thin arcs of are used at the initial stage, then there is a replacement for elastic arcs. Additional elements include elastic chains, springs, rods, rings. They are used in especially neglected cases and with pronounced defects.

A feature of the lingual plastic system is its attachment - it is carried out from the inside of the teeth. This makes it possible to hide its presence from extraneous views.

Special glue is used to fasten brackets, therefore no additional elements are used, which helps to preserve aesthetic appeal.

vestibular system are mounted on the outside of the teeth, but plastic parts look natural and do not spoil the appearance, allowing you to quickly correct existing dental defects.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite materials Composite

braces are widely used in the process of occlusion correction, but like other orthodontic structure, they have both advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • affordable cost( especially in comparison with ceramics and even more so with sapphire);
  • variety of color and tonal possibilities in the selection( will not be visible on the system of the natural tooth enamel, which braces are virtually merged);
  • are not painted during operation( no strong color change occurs);
  • can be used for correction in childhood( from 11 years);
  • no discomfort in the treatment process.

Brake brackets from plastic are:

  • formed plaque causes a discoloration of the system( it is necessary to regularly make hygienic procedures, as well as to refuse the use of coloring elements);
  • frequent breakage( requires in most cases a complete replacement);
  • plastic is a fragile material, so you will have to roll away from solid food;
  • is less useful than other bracket systems;
  • requires maximum attention to the food you eat.
The choice of this option is optimal if it is required to remove minor occlusion violations or, if a person wants to hide the very fact of using braces, but there is no money for more expensive invisible designs.

Which firms produce plastic braces

The main producers of composite structures:

  1. Elan - maximally repeat the relief of natural enamel, which improves the adhesion process,

    is used for fixing. In the photo, plastic braces Aspire

    metal elements, the price is from 480 rubles.

  2. Spirit - plastic is used with the addition of metal structures, reducing the load on plastic parts, the cost of one lock is about 500 rubles.
  3. Silkon - fastening process is performed without additional compounds, materials of increased strength, a special support platform is used, there are no micropores. The price of the items is from 550 rubles per tooth.
  4. Avalon - there is a special groove, the material for which is a high-quality silver alloy. The connection is made by a special technique that increases the grip, the coating has additional grooves that increase the adhesion strength. The average price is 590 rubles.
  5. Rave - reinforced plastic, durable. Possibility of selection of various colors and shades, reliable locks from metal. The cost is 550 -600 rubles.
  6. Vogue( SAG) - plastic is resistant to color changes, strong and durable. The surface is smooth, imperceptible on the teeth. The price is 450-550 rubles.

The process of installing

The first thing you need to do is consult a doctor. The next step is a visual inspection. Then follows the preparatory stage and the actual installation of the selected system. Also, the installation process involves a period of adaptation and addiction.

At the very beginning it is necessary to go through the stage of sanation of the oral cavity. It is divided into 3 steps:

  • examination and treatment of diseases of teeth and gums;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • the implementation of professional teeth cleaning( release from plaque and stone).

These stages are physical preparation. Also, the process of installing braces involves teaching hygiene rules. In addition, the time for preparation differs and depends on the characteristics of the patient and the presence of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Therefore, each individual patient from the moment of consultation to the moment of the installation of braces passes from 1 day to 4-5 days on average.

The installation procedure begins with the placement in the mouth of a special professional expander. It allows you to see the most inaccessible areas and perform work qualitatively.

After this, the doctor prepares the tooth enamel, applying a special medical composition on it, which remains on the surface for a couple of minutes, the dries up and is removed.

Then the teeth should be dried to apply glue on them, the task of which is secure fixation of the bracket. In turn, for each lock used in the system must be applied orthodontic cement, which solidifies under the influence of ultraviolet. The next stage of the dentist's work is the installation of the structure itself.

The period of adaptation to a new element in the oral cavity suggests that after 2-3 hours the jaws begin to ache. There may be a feeling that the teeth are staggering. This means that the bite correction process has successfully started. Such uncomfortable manifestations can last up to 5 days, sometimes taking painkillers is required.

Overheard on the


Plastic braces are still popular, as the price they have is humane, and the aesthetics are at a height, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

The use of the Elan braces was a necessity, as it had to correct the curvature of the goiter on the upper jaw, and was limited in finances.

In general, I was satisfied - the discomfort was only at the beginning and lasted no more than 2 days. The result is good - all the problems with aesthetic teeth for me are in the past.


The problem with the bite of my child was noticeable at once, but we decided to fix it only in 12 years. The composite braces of Avalon were installed. There were no negative allergic reactions. The child easily transferred the process of habituation.


How to extend the life of plastic products

In order to maximize the life of the installed braces, you must follow the recommendations that the dentist will give after the installation process. Also, one should not forget that special attention should be paid to oral hygiene - apart from daily cleaning, you need to rinse your mouth after each meal so that the food particles do not penetrate the elements of the braces.

Refusal of coloring products - tea, coffee, juices of bright colors will help to keep braces in perfect condition, they will remain invisible at visual inspection. Also, do not gnaw nuts and bones, press hard on the teeth, hard food for a while will have to be excluded from the menu or try to eat it as accurately as possible.

  • May 17, 2018
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