Analyzes during pregnancy. What tests should I take during pregnancy? Norms of blood and urine tests in pregnancy

Basic tests during pregnancy. What you need to pass, the analysis of the analyzes.


  • Pregnancy planning
    • Pregnancy planning tests:
  • What tests are needed for pregnancy?
    • Obligatory pregnancy tests:
  • Basic analysis:
    • General blood test for pregnancy,
    • norm Urine test for pregnancy, norm
    • Pregnancy protein analysis, norm
    • Smear on flora in women,
  • norm. Analysis for glucose tolerance
  • analyzes pass in the first trimester of pregnancy?
  • What tests are taken in the second trimester of pregnancy?
  • What tests are taken in the third trimester of pregnancy?
  • What if I have bad blood tests during pregnancy?
  • Pregnancy tests: tips and reviews
    • Video: Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy is a special time and it is completely impossible to prepare for it completely! Even if you prepare carefully for several years before this, there are no guarantees that there will be no difficulties in the process.

What should I do? Do not plan? Not at all, o in the course of pregnancy carefully monitor your and your child's condition with the help of doctors and regular testing.

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Pregnancy tests

In the post-Soviet space, despite actively developing family medicine, most do not take seriously the examination before and after pregnancy.

Visiting the nearest clinic and sitting in the queue with pregnant women, you can still hear complaints that they were simply driven with the delivery of tests during pregnancy. Particularly outraged are those who pay for each analysis. Extortion or the norm? It is necessary, or it is only a doctor's whim. This article is about this and will be discussed.

Pregnancy planning

According to statistics in our country, the number of "accidental" pregnancies decreased tens of times. From this, it can be concluded that pregnancy does follow a pre-planned decision. The couple meets, decides to create a family and have a baby.

What are they doing? The relations are formalized( after all, this is the way we do it), they solve the housing problem, material and very rarely undergo medical examination. The result is a lot of pregnancies with complications that could be avoided.

What tests should I take during pregnancy?

Scheduled the creation of the child? Both parents must visit the polyclinic and undergo a complete examination of the body, as well as pass all the necessary tests. In the presence of chronic diseases, pre-health, and only then become pregnant. This applies to both mother and father.

Analyzes in pregnancy planning:

  • All common analyzes of
  • If any problems are identified, all additional tests to identify and eliminate the disease
  • Sample analysis for infection
  • Female hormonal background tests
  • If you did not know until this point, the blood group and rhesus test
  • ultrasoundonly for the future mother)

In addition, ask your doctor if there is a need for recovery. If yes - take a vacation and go for a new honeymoon!

What tests should I take during pregnancy?

What tests are needed for pregnancy?

And now the moment of conception is behind, on the test two stripes and the question arises - immediately become registered, or wait until your tummy grows. At once. Strangely enough, but in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should not rely on your condition.

Girls with toxemia immediately begin to lead a more caring towards themselves and the kid's lifestyle. Those who cheerfully feel themselves and are confident in themselves are often late clutching at the treatment of complications.

What tests are needed for pregnancy?

So, as soon as you learned about the completion - to the doctor. To hand over analyzes, to learn or find out that all is good and then already under the reference of the doctor to continue an active way of life or to have a rest.

Mandatory pregnancy tests:

  • General blood and urine tests. They are mandatory, because with their help it is possible to trace the presence of inflammatory processes, reduced hemoglobin and other anomalies in the body's work. Appointed at the first visit and every trimester of pregnancy. Also, in case of problems, the purpose of the assay may become more frequent
  • Bacterial culture of urine. Obligatory analysis on the first visit to
  • The first visit involves a smear on the flora. When violations of the state of the flora prescribed safe treatment
  • Biochemistry of blood. This analysis is necessary to check the biochemical parameters of the blood. It shows the state of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as the most important indicator - the level of sugar in the blood. Also assigned at the first visit and each trimester of pregnancy
  • Blood test for TORCH infection. With the help of it there are: herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalovirus, and also immunity to these viruses. Appointed 3 times for pregnancy, since viruses in the initial stages may not be reflected. Refusal of this analysis is the risk of not revealing an infection and infecting her baby during childbirth.
  • Blood test for HIV and hepatitis. Many people know this analysis before pregnancy. It is not surprising that during the gestation he is appointed several times. In case of refusal of the pregnant woman from the examination - childbirth and the postpartum period, the mother and her child are in the observatory department. To her relatives are not allowed, as in modern maternity hospitals
  • . For opponents of testing, we clarify that this department includes all uninvestigated women in labor( most often unsuccessful), as well as women with complications and some diseases. Despite the fact that there are separate maternity hospitals for people with AIDS, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, it is not advisable to go to the observatory department with all sorts of consequences
  • Blood test for blood group and Rhesus. It is prescribed several times not to find out the changed blood group( it does not change during life), but for the control of the presence of the rhesus antibodies
  • Analysis for the genetic pathology of the fetus. To be carried out at an early stage( the 8th or 9th week of pregnancy).With positive indications, the doctor recommends aborting the pregnancy, but even if the expectant mother decides to leave the baby, she is already aware of the situation.

Basic analysis:

General blood test for pregnancy,

standard General blood test for pregnancy,

norm Urine test for pregnancy, norm

Pregnancy test, norm

Pregnancy protein analysis, norm

Pregnancy protein analysis, norm

Smear on flora in women,

norm Smear on flora in women, norma

Analysis for glucose tolerance

This assay is carried out at 25-26 weeks for two hours by oral testing. The study is necessary for the detection of latent diabetes of pregnant( gestational).

Assigned in case of:

  • Presence of diabetes mellitus on related line
  • Presence of obesity during pregnancy( deviation from norm by 15% and more)
  • Gestational diabetes with previous fetal birth
  • Macrosomia in previous births( child birth more than 4 kg)

What testsin the first trimester of pregnancy?

What tests do you take in the first trimester of pregnancy?

At the first visit to the doctor, pregnant women usually get not only a joyful result, but also a stack of forms for testing:

  • General urine and blood tests
  • Floss smear
  • Urinalysis for protein and infection
  • Blood biochemistry
  • HIV and venereal disease tests( syphilis, hepatitis B and C, etc.)
  • Hormone analysis. Depending on the results, the actions of the pregnant woman will be corrected for the safe preservation of
  • Blood test for TORCH infection
  • Blood for the group and Rh factor
  • Ultrasound is mandatory for 11-12 weeks, but if there are complications, then
  • may additionally be prescribed: chlamydia tests, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma

What analyzes hand over in the second trimester of pregnancy?

The second trimester is special. The tummy is already visible to everyone, but it still does not prevent Mom from leading a habitual way of life. The majority during this period works, and hands over analyzes only in the end of a trimester, for reception prenatal sick-list.

What tests are taken in the second trimester of pregnancy?

In addition to mandatory tests( we will not re-enumerate them) we will need to take delivery:

  • Blood test for AFP( alpha-fetoprotein level).Due to this analysis, given at weeks 14-15, it is possible to identify Down's syndrome, hydnosephaly, distorted spinal cord formation and other chromosomal abnormalities. A positive result is not an indicator to abortion, but the mother has the right to decide whether she is ready to raise a child with these disorders of
  • ultrasound at 24-26 weeks of gestation. At this moment, it is revealed whether there are any defects of internal organs, whether everything is well formed, the condition of the amniotic fluid, and also their quantity, the condition of the placenta and its attachment. Well, the most exciting moment is the sex of the future member of the
  • family. Additional tests depending on the condition of the pregnant

. What tests do you take in the third trimester of pregnancy?

There is very little left before delivery. At 34-36 week, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound again, and before the end of 37 weeks to pass a new cycle of mandatory tests. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, doctors can again assign some of the tests and ultrasound to monitor the condition of the future mother and fetus.

What tests are taken in the third trimester of pregnancy?

What if I have bad blood tests during pregnancy?

The first reaction to any deviation from the tests is often a panic. But remember, during pregnancy, panic, anxiety, tension can do more harm than a bad indicator. After all, the tests are taken not to make a verdict, but for diagnosis and early prevention of the problem.

What if I have bad blood tests during pregnancy?

Having received bad blood tests( any deviations from the norm) it is necessary: ​​

  • Analyze whether you have prepared yourself properly for blood sampling. The analysis must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach( before this is not 8-10 hours).If you were tormented by hunger, and you quenched it in 2-3 nights( and this happens often in pregnant women), there may be an inaccuracy in the data of
  • . The day before the analysis, it is excluded: sweet and spicy, fatty, sweet and fried. And of course during pregnancy alcohol and tobacco are excluded. And in the second case, not being in a room with a person who smokes. If there was a wrong preparation, retake blood sampling
  • Consult a doctor for advice and advice. Most often during pregnancy, vitamins are prescribed and complete rest. Do not worry prematurely. After all, your current task is to bear and the forthcoming births of
  • . Do not make any decisions without your doctor! Any decision, especially unfavorable, will have a negative impact on the psyche of the pregnant woman, and consequently on her condition. But the most terrible thing is that self-medication during pregnancy is absolutely not permissible! Even a change of vitamin for others should be discussed with a doctor in advance.

Pregnancy tests: advice and feedback

Galina : I'm now carrying the fourth little baby. It would seem that I know the situation like no one. Not true. Every pregnancy passes in its own way. Recently received a negative blood test. The first - what to do? But the first thing she did was go to her gynecologist. As a result, they prescribed glucose and rest from my "home army" in the department. I can not imagine what self-medication can lead to. ..

Alina : recently gave birth, I want my experience not to be lost and useful to others. I did not want to take tests. At all. And she did not give me up to the decree, she gave it up just to get that hospital. Also was terrified. .. I considered or counted once a pregnancy in 20 years, what illnesses can be? What are the complications? And then as a stone on his head. I was immediately hospitalized, and I left the hospital with a child. In the hospital, the doctor looked at me with pity and said that if I had taken tests at 7-10 a week, I'd just drank some vitamins. Girls do not fool like me!

Video: Pregnancy tests

  • May 17, 2018
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