Is it harmful for butter?

The best butter is a product obtained directly from cream. You can also get butter from sour cream or milk. But it is the creamy base that gives the oil those useful properties that make it the most popular product among different nations of the world.

Such different butter

In ancient times this product was not used for food, but used for medical purposes and ritual ceremonies. This was explained by the fact that oil in those days was quite an expensive product.

The first peoples who decided to consume butter for food were the inhabitants of Northern Europe. This helped them to bear the harsh winter climate. In Russia, the oil industry began to develop actively in the late 19th century.

At the moment, there is a wide variety of varieties of butter with different taste qualities. Made from fresh cream - sweet cream butter, and made from fermented cream - sour-cream. The sweet-cream product is divided into many subspecies: on the basis of chocolate, honey, fruits, berry juices, etc.

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Is it harmful to eat butter?

Butter is rich in milk fat, which due to good digestibility gives the body a large energy charge. Milk fat contains in its composition fatty acids, proteins, vitamin A, carbohydrates, organic compounds, phosphatides, cholesterol.

The content of the latter in oil ranges from 0.15 to 0.3%.To compare the amount, it should be noted that the chicken egg contains two, and sometimes three times as much cholesterol. And in certain types of cheeses the cholesterol content reaches 2%.But, cholesterol itself in a rational amount is also needed by the body, as are many other fats and carbohydrates. The production of sex hormones, for example, without this substance is not complete.

Daily cholesterol - 0,8g. The amount exceeding this figure is regarded as abuse. This amount of cholesterol is contained in 100 grams of the product. That is, 1-2 sandwiches with butter a day can be eaten.

People prone to fattening, eat butter in the same quantities, as well as slender. Because this product strengthens the bone system, corrects vision. The only exception that restricts the use of butter or even excludes it from the diet is atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

How to choose a good butter

In the store, pay attention to those packages that bear the GOST 37-91 sign. This means that the content of milk fat is at least 72%.When pressing on the package, the good oil remains firm, it does not deform in the hands.

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  • May 17, 2018
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