System 5s - effective organization of the workplace

Today's article will be useful to those people who do not know how to organize their workplace in order to work as efficiently as possible. It was for you in the middle of the twentieth century that the magnificent system 5s was invented.

I do not know about you, but I hate the confusion in the workplace.

I never understood people who have picturesque blockages from necessary files, art books, advertising brochures, candy candy wrappers, cups with unfinished coffee, disks, stationery, cosmetics and other unthinkable things on their desktop that they have nothing to do at all.

I never understood how these assholes find something in the blockages on their desktop.

If you also sin by cluttering up your workplace, but you really want to improve, then - here's some useful advice from the most organized nation in the world: the Japanese.

What is a 5s system?

Japan's economy suffered greatly during the Second World War.

This country was a supporter of fascist Germany, and when the Allied forces defeated the Hitlerite coalition, Japan's infrastructure and financial and economic system were destroyed almost to the ground.

instagram viewer

And yet, despite the bleak prospects, the Japanese did not drop their hands, and began to work twice as hard, trying to regain their state as a strong player in the world arena.

There were no minerals, as well as fertile black earths in Japan, so the government made a bet on industry and high technologies.

In order to restore the economy of the country as quickly as possible, various innovative schemes for the organization of the workplace and production processes were introduced.

One of the most effective was the 5s system.

It is named so not by chance, because it is five actions that each employee of the company( be it a courier or a general director) should perform to maximize the organization of his workplace.

Kaizen - do not stop improving

In some articles, I met a superficial interpretation of this system.

Like, 5s is almost the same as regular cleaning of your workplace.

On the one hand - this is true, but with another 5s - it's not just a technique to keep your workspace clean.

This is a true philosophy that is designed to make any production successful and low-cost.

5 steps of the 5s of the

system Every worker who wants to organize his workplace on a 5s system must perform 5 stages, which are indicated by Japanese characters:

  1. 整理( Seiri), which can be translated as "sorting".

    That is, all the materials the employee has at his workplace should be divided into three groups: very necessary( those that are used constantly in the work), partially needed( which are used infrequently) and completely unnecessary for work( they will never be useful to you).

  2. 整頓( Seiton) translates as "order".

    You need to put things in order at your workplace( and most importantly - to support it!) So that all the things you need are in the zone of visibility, were easily accessible( rather than resting under the rubble of rubbish), were most convenient to use.

    In addition, care should be taken to ensure that after use they can easily be returned to their seats without spending a lot of time on it.

  3. 清掃( Seisō).

    From Japanese this word is translated as "cleaning".

    Everything is extremely simple: you should clean your workplace regularly( not once a month, but - every day!), So that it is clean and tidy.

    Meticulous Japanese generally clean their workplace three times a day:

    • in the morning( need to come 10-15 minutes before the start of the day to dust and prepare for work);
    • for lunch( usually a lunch break lasts 1 hour, try to keep within 50 minutes, and spend the remaining 10 minutes cleaning up your workplace);
    • evening( you do not need to finish your work day with the phrase "Ura-ah! At last it's free!", But cleaning, so as to spend as little time as possible for the morning ordering).
  4. 清潔( Seiketsu) - "purity", although more popular is another translation: "standardization".

    The fact is that the Japanese are a neat and pedantic nation.

    If they implement a system, then without working step-by-step instructions, drawing up written plans, prescribed bonuses for executing the prescriptions of managers, one can not do without.

    And indeed, in any case it is useful to have written job descriptions.

    So you avoid the explanations of dunces and lazy people, such as "But I did not understand. ..".

  5. 躾( Shitsuke), which translates as "upbringing."

    That is, you, as a leader, should not just explain in a few words at the meeting that from today we are implementing some kind of Japanese system, and as accurately as possible, with illustrations and examples, explain to employees what you want from them, and sosame - to watch how they carry out your instructions.

    Particular diligent need to be rewarded, lagging behind - fine.

What is the use of the 5s system?

This magnificent system is in high demand not only in Japan, but also in other countries.

Hundreds of thousands of executives have implemented 5s in their companies and are convinced of the effectiveness of this system.

Thanks to its use it is possible to achieve:

  • Alignment of indicators by the number of accidents.

    Often it is the disorder in the workplace that leads to injuries and disabilities.

  • Aesthetic attractiveness of the workplace, even if your office is equipped with simple furniture, and it would not hurt to repair it.
  • Improve workflow efficiency.

    Remember how much time you spent every time trying to find the right document among the blockages on your desk.

    And how angry when it was necessary to return the file to the lower folder, which rests under a pile of a dozen others.

  • Reduces the time spent on performing a task, and not at the expense of quality, but at the expense of putting things in order at the workplace. Improvement of the working climate.

    The disorder in the home or in the office has a negative effect on a person's mental state.

    Does not add to the mood and need to dig a long time to find what you need.

And in the video below in the pictures the system 5s,

introduced at the plant in Japan is presented.

Watch and learn!

Try and you organize your workplace on system 5s , and you will see how much you can do in one business day and at the same time remain cheerful, not hysterical with a twitching eye.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 51
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