Molluscum contagiosum in children. Symptoms, causes and treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children. Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children

The peculiarity and main danger of molluscum contagiosum is the ability of the rash to spread throughout the surface of the skin. The timely treatment will help to quickly defeat the virus.


  • What does a molluscum contagiosum look like in children?
  • Molluscum contagiosum in the eyes of children, photo
  • Contagious mollusc on the face in children, photo
  • Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in children
  • Causes of molluscum contagiosum in children
  • How to treat molluscum contagiosum in children?
  • Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children
  • Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children with folk remedies
  • Tablets for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children
  • Molluscum contagiosum in children: reviews
  • Video: What to do with molluscum contagiosum - Dr. Komarovsky?

Mollusc contagious mollusc is a predominantly childhood viral disease that manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes with whitish nodules that are pronounced in the center. The virus got its name due to the similarity of the cutaneous formations to shells of mollusks.

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Contagious molluscum in a child

How does a molluscum contagiosum in children look like?

The molluscum contagiosum in both children and adults looks the same: one or several nodules - papules that do not differ greatly in color from normal skin - form on the skin. Self-determination of molluscum contagiosum can be done according to characteristic for this disease "depressions" in the center of each nodule.

IMPORTANT: The size of the papules usually does not exceed 1 cm. The presence of several large formations in the child immediately indicates a strong decline in immunity and is the reason for immediate contact with a doctor.

Molluscum contagiosum is a painless and, in many cases, innocuous disease. If there are no infections in the body of the child, it can disappear on its own about six months after the infection.

IMPORTANT: Children from 1 to 6 years of age are at risk of infection. As a rule, infants and school children are less sensitive to this virus.

Molluscum contagiosum is hemispherical

Molluscum contagiosum in front of children, photo

Papules of molluscum contagiosum in children often concentrate in the eye area. At the same time the child does not feel any discomfort.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to prevent the child's attempts to open or remove formations on his own. Otherwise, the contents of the damaged nodule can infect the healthy skin.

Molluscum contagiosum in front of the child

Molluscum contagiosum on the face in children, photo

The face is a favorite place on the children's body of the molluscum contagiosum. If the rashes make the child uncomfortable, it is better to remove them. Traces after removal will be visible for a while, and then brighten and disappear altogether.

Contagious mollusc on the face

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in children

The main symptom of infection of a child with molluscum contagiosum is the appearance on his body of papules filled with curdled contents.

IMPORTANT: In children, nodular formations can be localized almost throughout the body except for the feet and palms. Most often, the rashes affect the face.

Nodules of molluscum contagiosum are formed for 1 - 1,5 months after infection. If you press a ripe softened formation, the curd mass immediately resembles the contents of the eels.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to get rid of the disease by self-extruding the contents of the nodules. The situation can only be aggravated by the addition of bacterial infection or even more spread of molluscum contagiosum in the body.

The appearance of characteristic papules on the skin of the child is the main symptom of molluscum contagiosum

. Causes of molluscum contagiosum in children

The main reasons for the spread of molluscum contagiosum among children are:

  • use of personal belongings of the infected( towels, toys, clothes)
  • visit to kindergarten, swimming pool
  • household contact with an infected child( through skin contact)
  • loss of immunity during or after

Disease IMPORTANT: The localization of rashes in children does not depend on the method of contamination with contagiousshellfish.

One of the causes of infection with molluscum contagiosum - contact with an infected child

How to treat molluscum contagiosum in children?

If the immunity of a healthy adult man copes with rashes with a molluscum contagiosum independently, then the child's body needs medicamentous help to fight the virus.

IMPORTANT: If the child is completely healthy, and the papules of the molluscum contagiosum have small dimensions and do not spread through his body, the doctor can recommend some time just to watch the rashes.

If the number of papules increases or the rash causes the child inconvenience, the recovery can be accelerated by one of the following methods:

  • by laser removal
  • by cauterizing liquid nitrogen( cryotherapy)
  • by medical scraping the contents of papules with iodine treatment( curettage)
  • using antiviral drugs
  • with antibioticsabundant rashes and tendency to drain)

IMPORTANT: Procedures for the removal of rashes of molluscum contagiosum in children are performed only by polyclinics or mudspecialized beauty salons. After removing visible signs of the disease, the child's immunity is corrected.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children should be performed by a doctor

Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children by laser

  • Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children by laser is one of the most modern and painless methods of getting rid of viral pads
  • . Before applying the laser, the application is applied to the skin with lidocaine cream. After the affected area of ​​the skin loses sensitivity, begin the procedure for removing the papule
  • The mollusc is removed layer by layer, by gradually exposing the laser beam. At the site of the removed defect remains a minor wound, which is treated with an antiseptic. No blood loss in this case

IMPORTANT: The advantages of laser therapy, in addition to absolute painlessness, are the ability to get rid of skin defects without scars and scarring, the absence of bacterial complications after treatment.

Within three days after laser therapy, the child should not be bathed.

Removal of molluscum contagiosum by laser

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children with folk remedies

Self-treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is undesirable, but with minor skin lesions it is permissible to use folk recipes:

Recipe No.1. Independently squeeze the contents of the node, making sure that it does not hit the neighboring skin. Carefully treat wound with an alcohol solution of iodine. After the wound has dried, using a cotton swab put on her juice, squeezed out of fresh bird cherry leaves. This treatment takes 4 to 5 days. You can also handle uninvested papules. In order not to spread the infection, a new cotton swab is used for each wound or nodule.

Recipe # 2. Nodules of molluscum contagiosum for 6-8 days are treated with celandine juice, which is released from the stems of cut plants. During this time, education should disappear.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum with juice of celandine gives good results

Recipe # 3. Pharmaceutical alcohol tincture of calendula oil nodules 3-4 times a day for a month.

Recipe # 4. Nodules of molluscum contagiosum are treated with freshly squeezed garlic juice 3 to 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Recipe # 5. Treat cutaneous formulations with a mixture of garlic and onion juice. These natural antibiotics have a strong effect. In a week, the nodules will noticeably "dull", and after two - disappear completely.

IMPORTANT: If treatment with folk remedies does not work, contact your dermatologist. There is always a risk of confusing the rash with a benign or malignant tumor. Then self-medication only aggravates the situation.

Tablets for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children

There are no tablets from molluscum contagiosum. Since the disease has a viral nature, antiviral immunomodulating drugs are used for its treatment, and in the case of attachment of a bacterial infection - antibacterial drugs.

For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, the following drugs are usually prescribed from the list:

  • Interferon preparations
  • proteflazid
  • immunoflazid
  • Grosprinosin

IMPORTANT: The choice of drug and its dosage for the treatment of the child should be performed by a physician.

For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, children are prescribed interferon preparations

Molluscum contagiosum in children:

reviews Elena: My elder daughter( 6 years old) had a mollusk in the lower eyelid. Removed in two stages, surgically. The operation was conducted by an ophthalmologist-surgeon. One session took about 15 minutes. The skin around the affected area was decontaminated and anaesthetized, then the mollusk was removed. In its place remained a small wound, which needed a week to process red zelenok( fukortsinom).Recently noticed mollusc on her face and younger( 3 years) daughter. I'm going to cut it, too.

Natalia: Son was surgically removed from the shellfish twice. But both times after a while there were new educations, only in a larger amount. We also tried all the national means and completely disillusioned with them. I was already thinking about contacting a surgeon again. Before the next operation, I took my son to the infectious disease doctor, who explained that it would not be possible to get rid of the nodules from the molluscum contagiosum only. The doctor prescribed treatment with an antiviral drug Groprinosin and treatment with iodine formations. A month later, there was no trace of our illness.

Oksana: My one-year-old daughter had mollusks on her face. After a while I noticed them on my back. The dermatologist has told or said, to cauterize red greens. A week later the daughter's face cleared, and after another two - the mollusks left and from the back.

Molluscum contagiosum in children may be renewed from time to time

It is not easy to get rid of molluscum contagiosum forever. Those children who once suffered this disease always have a risk of recurrence. To avoid the resumption of rashes, it is necessary to maintain the immunity of the child, regularly inspect his skin and carefully observe hygiene.

Video: What to do with molluscum contagiosum - Dr. Komarovsky?

  • May 17, 2018
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