Microgenia - a small underdeveloped lower jaw

Pathological changes in the dentoalveolar system deforming the lower chin are called microgeny, which in literal translation from Greek literally means - a small lower jaw.

In the case of abnormal underdevelopment of the mandible, the dentition in it is prone to disturbances. In this case, the teeth may not be cut at all or extend beyond the dentition. The location of the teeth and the upper jaw are within normal limits.

Anomaly can be significantly pronounced and thus a person has a so-called "bird profile".With normally developed proportions of the upper jaw, the lower jaw is shifted backward. Chin excessively sinks, lower lip as if drawn into the face.

In men, pathology can be "disguised" by growing a beard. Women are deprived of this opportunity and suffer much more from such a cosmetic defect. Microgenia is bilateral( symmetrical) and one-sided.

Abnormal development of the lower jaw is bilateral and one-sided.

One-sided micro-genesis occurs as a result of the transferred diseases in childhood( osteomyelitis, ankylosis of temporomandibular joint).With a unilateral violation, the face becomes skewed due to a lag in the development of the affected part of the chin.

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  • Causes of anomaly
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Correction methods
  • Possible consequences

Causes of anomaly

Pathological changes in the chin are caused by various causes. Microgenesis is both acquired and hereditary.

The main reasons for the emergence and development of the disorder are the following factors:

  • incorrect breastfeeding( sucking process);
  • the transferred diseases( a dyspepsia, a rickets, failures in work of endocrine system, by-effects after infectious diseases), led to a pathology of formation and growth of bones;
  • traumatized, diseased rudiments of teeth or their complete absence;
  • unilateral microscheap develops, as a rule, as a result of foci of inflammation of the infection - periostitis, osteomyelitis;
  • uneven pressure on one side of the jaw in the development of bones.

Symptomatics and Diagnosis

Along with obvious cosmetic defects, abnormal changes in the ENT organs may occur simultaneously( rhinitis of a chronic form, the sense of smell is less acute, the nasal septum is curved).

In cases of congenital pathology, very often the external ear is subject to significant changes. This is manifested in the form of violation of the patency of the Eustachian tube, the absence of ears and the external auditory canal, hearing decreases, otitis( adhesive, chronic purulent) is not uncommon.

It is possible to diagnose the deviation with the help of radiography and tomography. Such examination gives an objective picture of the condition of the lower jaw and helps to determine the method of eliminating pathology.

Correction methods

It is possible to eliminate microgeny through surgery by applying two methods of intervention:

  • changing the outer contours of the face;
  • elongation of the jawbone.

In case of slight facial asymmetry, a technique is used to change the contour of the face. This refers to the category of cosmetic medicine.

Orthodontic constructions in the form of arches, plates are also used.

In cases of apparent abnormalities, surgery to extend the mandible is used. A stoactostatic osteotomy is used to move the jawbone segments forward.

Bone plastic by the method of Limberg was proposed in 1927. The operation consisted of two stages. In the soft tissues of the lower jaw, a fragment of the patient's rib was implanted. A month later, an osteotomy was performed, the jaw was moved to the required distance and the free space was filled with the wound portions of the rib. Later, the procedure of the operation was improved and became more simple.

Modern operations are performed with simultaneous taking of the graft and its implantation. All this is done under the supervision of specialists, antibiotics are actively used.

After performing such an operation, it is possible to perform additional correction procedures with subsequent dentures.

Possible consequences of

Undeveloped lower jaw in severe forms can lead to significant changes in the state of human health.

Wrong bite, irregularities in the operation of ENT organs - common and frequent consequences of anomaly.

In some cases, it is impossible to bite and chew food properly. This leads to pathologies in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Uneven loading on the dentition leads to dental diseases.

Immunity generally weakens, leading to frequent illnesses.

  • May 17, 2018
  • 24
  • 480