How to grow strawberries at home, in a greenhouse, in the open ground, under captive, in bags and in pipes? How to grow strawberries all year round?

To taste sweet and fragrant strawberries you do not need to wait for the season and look for it on the market - these berries can be grown at home. To do this, there are many ways described in this article.


  • How to grow strawberries outdoors at home?
  • How to grow strawberries vertically?
  • Video: Vertical way of growing strawberries
  • How to grow strawberries in bags?
  • Video: Growing strawberries all year round in bags
  • How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?
  • How to grow strawberries in pipes?
  • How to grow strawberries under a film?
  • How to grow strawberries from a mustache?
  • How to grow a repairing strawberry?
  • How to grow strawberries from seeds?
  • Video: Secrets of growing strawberries

Residents of amateurs and professionals who can not live a day without work in summer cottages or a home garden, always find a place on the for growing strawberries.

Frequent weeding, the formation of the right shrubs and timely harvesting is just a small fraction of the care required by the

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to obtain a good crop. But if you know certain secrets, growing strawberries will seem like a pleasant experience, bringing excellent results.

How to grow strawberries outdoors at home?

First you need to know that planting a strawberry is only in the lowlands of the , preferably on a sunny, windless side - ideally suited southwest side of the site.

For a rich harvest of strawberries, you need to follow the rules for growing it

Do not think that strawberries are planted once and for all in the same place - it is desirable that it grows on one site of the no more than three years. If periodically do not change the place of cultivation of strawberries, fertile soil quality will run out , and the berries will become small and not sweet.

In the open ground seedlings of strawberries are best planted in early June in the evening .So for a night the seedlings will be strengthened slightly and it will be better to resist the hot summer sun. When you first plant strawberries, first clean the soil well - remove all weeds and dig up the site you have chosen for planting berries.

Strawberry bushes it is important to plant the not very close - determine the distance of about half a meter between the bushes, so it will be convenient for you to collect the fruits and the strawberry will be large and tasty .

Choose healthy sockets, carefully place them in the ground and place the on the average depth of the .The main thing is to dig well for seedlings - if you plant very deeply, the roots can bend;dig out small holes - the earth will dry quickly, and the roots will dry up.

For strawberry irrigation

is very important. After you have planted all the seedlings - well water the seedlings and after a couple of days add fertilizer to the irrigation. When the strawberry starts to bloom - spread the straw under the bushes - so you will save the future fruits from decay. To make the berries large - cut off the long mustache of the plant. After fulfilling all the tips strawberries in the open ground will delight you with tasty and sweet fruits.

How to grow strawberries vertically?

Modern innovations in horticulture have invented an excellent alternative to the classic strawberry growing options - vertical beds .To summer residents who do not own large land plantations, this idea should be interesting.

This kind of beds is very convenient for harvesting .Also, the option of putrefaction of fruits, which due to vertical beds is no longer lying on the ground, is practically excluded.

A good solution for vertical beds is the use of flower pots. You can either put them one on top of another, or fasten the pots on a metal or wooden rod, deeply driven into the ground. Fill pots with earth, plant each strawberry outlet and everything, the vertical bed is ready.

Vertical growing of strawberries in pots

You can think of different variants: use small boxes, barrels or buy in the store special designers for vertical beds - that's really the matter of your imagination. In all there are positive and negative sides.

Disadvantages of vertical landing:

  • Limited power - because of the small amount of earth seedlings need more frequent feeding
  • Dryness - strawberry in the sun in pots dries quickly. Therefore, watering is much more common. If you come to the dacha only on weekends - form seedling drip for seedlings
  • Freezing - in a too small pot, not covered with snow in frosty winters, strawberries can quickly freeze. Therefore, it is better to bring seedlings into the
premises for the winter. Vertical planting allows you to get a bigger harvest

But there are also the positive aspects of this planting:

  • Saving time - now you do not need to bend your back for harvesting
  • Easy maintenance - You do not needwill weed
  • Saving space - Vertical seedling takes up much less space than traditional
  • Absence of diseases - fungus does not infect strawberries with verticallym way of planting

Having considered all the disadvantages and pluses of the vertical way of planting strawberries, each truck farmer has the right to choose the most convenient method for him. But it is important to note that this method is not only effective , but also very aesthetic - it will be very unusual and bright to look beautifully decorated nursery with white flowering and red berries.

Video: Vertical way of growing strawberries

How to grow strawberries in bags?

technology for growing strawberries in bags is almost the same as the traditional method of growing. But nevertheless we will analyze this method in more details. First, select the room where you will grow strawberries. In such a room it is necessary to maintain the a certain temperature throughout the year - 20-24 ° C .

In order to grow strawberries you will need large polyethylene bags. You can buy them or make yourself. The length of the bags should be not less than 2 m , diameter about 20 cm .After you have decided where to plant the strawberries - fill the bag with fertilizers in this bag.

Growing strawberries in bags is more productive than in

pots. In the vertical of the staggered bag, cut in four rows for planting about 8 centimeters in size and distance of 25 cm .The bags must be placed on the floor. Place them not near, but at a distance of about 30-40 cm apart.

For irrigation and top dressing use dropper tubes ( they will need to be attached to the bag).You need three tubes per bag, which are inserted over the entire length of the bag into one hole.

Connect the upper ends of the tubes to the main piping that must be laid over the bags. To water each bag, you will need about 2 liters of water per day.

Planting and harvesting strawberries in a bag

The positive sides of such growing are:

  • preservation of genetics of
  • variety, high yield of
  • fruits that can be obtained all year long, because growing takes place in a room with a comfortable temperature.

With this method of growing strawberries, you will always have delicious berries without chemicals , grown with your own hands.

Video: Growing strawberries all year round in bags

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?

Many gardeners are accustomed to such a delicious berry as strawberries yields only once - in early June. Some strawberry varieties bear fruit for up to three months - they are repair varieties, but they can grow only in certain conditions. And if you create a certain temperature in the greenhouse, you can achieve that delicious and sweet fruits will be on your table all year round.

In order for the crop to be year-round, the must follow certain rules:

  1. Set the correct lighting
  2. Create a certain temperature regime
  3. Ensure timely watering and top dressing

Several crops can be used for growing strawberries in greenhouses:

  • Growing in the
  • Soil Planting insmall capacity
  • Landing in Dutch technology
In strawberry conditions, strawberry can bear fruit all year round

The main method for many truck farmers isIt is precisely that the strawberry is planted in the soil. For those who want to get a good crop in a closed ground, you should take note of the remaining two methods.

Planting in containers is similar to the vertical way of growing strawberries - planting seedlings also is produced in pots of filled with soil.

The Dutch technology is also used in the greenhouse - this is already a well-known method of strawberry growing in bags, in which a drip irrigation system is used.

Strawberry in the greenhouse

The greenhouse in which you plan to grow berries all year round should be well heated and illuminated. Since seedlings need to be well hydrated - close access should be water. If you create the right conditions in the greenhouse, landing by any method will bring good results.

How to grow strawberries in pipes?

If you have a small cottage area or you go to please the children with delicious strawberries - an excellent option will be to grow strawberries in pipes. Creating such a hotbed is a simple and inexpensive activity. For this, you will need a conventional sewer pipe .You can create a nursery in a horizontal or vertical view.

If you select the horizontal variant - cut the pipe into two halves and the nursery is ready. With the vertical method, it is worthwhile to cut a hole for the future seedling at a distance of about 30 cm .

Growing strawberries in a pipe

You can place pipes even in greenhouses - this will significantly save the place of .The main thing is to ensure correct lighting - at least 15 hours per day. Otherwise, you will not see tasty and sweet fruits.

For planting choose young, strong seedlings , which should be planted at medium depth and well watered. Be sure to use complex fertilizer two days after planting .

During flowering and fruit formation, make sure that when watering the water does not get on the inflorescences, fruits and leaves-gently only water the soil. Watch also for the appearance of parasites - even with this method of growing slugs and snails will gather near the sweet fruit.

If you beautifully paint the pipes with bright colors , this method will not only save space, but will become a beautiful decor of your site or apartment.

How to grow strawberries under a film?

One of the known methods of growing strawberries is planting under a black film. Growing berries in this way is an excellent option to receive an annually excellent crop. In this case, you do not have to fight with weeds, or worry about rotting berries.

Growing strawberries under the

film To prepare such a "dark" greenhouse, needs to take a film and a hose, the length is equal to the length of the beds - from it you make a kind of drip irrigation system.

First, dig up the soil, clean it of weeds. The width of one bed will be about a meter, the aisle is no more than 50 cm. The land should sit down - after it was digested, planting seedlings costs only a week.

Between the rows make small, not more than 10 cm grooves and in them lay the hose. In the padded hose make small holes - at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other - this will be the system of drip irrigation.

Film coating on beds with strawberries

Next spread the film over the entire length of the bed and drop it around the edges. Make sure that the film has been spread evenly, there were no folds or bubbles.

In a staggered manner, you will need to cut the holes of the same size - approximately 15 * 15 cm - ready for seedling. Plant the seedlings, pre-moistened roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For this method, the ideal landing time is the beginning of June , preferably in the evening. A positive nuance of this method is the absence of weeds and good water impregnation with , thanks to drip irrigation.

Using this method, already in the beginning of August you will be able to eat large and sweet strawberries from your own site.

How to grow strawberries from a mustache?

It's hard to imagine summer without a tasty strawberry. It is not only tasty, but also useful, vitamin C with - one of the main vitamins that this red berry is rich in. The process of growing strawberries is very time consuming and not always bought seedlings are taken in the suburban area. Therefore, truck farmers try to grow seedlings on their own.

A good crop of strawberries can be harvested and when growing it from the whiskers of

You can get a good seedling of strawberries from from its own antennae .Healthy tendrils need to be cut off from the bush and placed in a peat tablet. After that, put them in a tray of water and cover it from above with a cap. About a week it will be required that the antennae start the shoots of the .

To prevent the from damaging the young fragile roots of the , transplant seedlings into the soil in the same way in a tablet. On the garden and plant the seedlings of the antennae in a peat tablet , so as not to injure the young plant.

After this, should regularly water the seedlings of and use the complex top dressing.

It's best to plant strawberries there, where previously there were radish, carrots, onions, garlic, peas or dill. Do not plant seedlings in the area where there were potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers last year - this can only be done after three years.

The soil under strawberries is preferably covered with straw or sawdust - this will protect us from

weed. The seedlings obtained by from the antennae of the strawberry will bear fruit only the next year, when it is already well strengthened. For the winter it is advisable to cover it with with coniferous sawdust, to protect it from frosty winter.

This method of propagation is quite troublesome , but one year after the strawberry planting you will be pleased with sweet fruits.

How to grow a repair strawberry?

Very often such a strawberry grows in many gardeners, but not everyone distinguishes it from ordinary strawberries. The main difference between the repairing strawberry is the fruiting frequency. Such a strawberry for a season fructifies 2 or more times.

The most common periods for harvesting the repaired strawberry is:

  • For the early period - July
  • The second, later period - the end of August - the beginning of September
The fruits of the repaired strawberry

The fruits of such a strawberry can be about 100 g. This is especiallylarge berries. The average weight of such a strawberry is about 60 g , which is also quite a lot compared to ordinary strawberries.

For cultivation of a repairing strawberry it is necessary to consider certain nuances:

  • The term of fructification of such a strawberry is short - not more than 3 years
  • The second crop is usually more abundant, but for this it is necessary to remove the spring flowering. To grow a large patch of strawberries, you will have to sacrifice some of the future crop by removing the

flower stalks. Such strawberries can be grown from seeds or seedlings by .With the help of seeds, the purity of the variety is preserved. The container with seeds should be covered with a film and put in a warm sunny place. When the seedlings are already grown enough - you can plant it in the holes .Around the holes should constantly loosen the ground to ensure saturation of the strawberries with oxygen.

Repaired strawberries can be grown in the greenhouse all year round

To prevent weeds from clogging the beds - spread the straw between the rows. During flowering and ripening, the repairing strawberry is abundantly watered with potassium fertilizers.

This sort of berries is already quite common because of the frequency of harvest and large fruit. Try planting a patched strawberry on your site and enjoy a delicious harvest twice a year.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Strawberries can be grown not only by seedling or propagating with whiskers, but also by with seeds .In this there are such advantages:

  • seeds are stored for a long time
  • there is no transfer of fungi and viruses

You can buy seeds or procure yourself .To do this, select on the site the bushes that give good fruit and take the seeds from the ripe berries. Allow to dry a little and store in a glass container until next year.

Seeds of strawberries can be purchased, and can be harvested independently from your own

crop. Three months before planting, put the seeds in the refrigerator, constantly make sure that the seeds are wet - put them on wet gauze.

Sow the strawberries in the beginning of January in this way:

  • on the bottom of the box rinse the drainage layer 2 cm
  • from the top of the earth layer
  • make in it rows about half a centimeter
  • fill with water
  • sow the seeds and sprinkle with the earth

After that, make sure that the soil alwayswas wet. You will see the first sprouts in a month. The main thing - the box should stand in a warm and well-lit place. After the first leaflets, transplant the seedlings into the new large box to provide space. Plant the seedlings in the soil already at the end of April.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or pots and then transplanted into the

soil. If you have a place for growing seedlings in boxes in the winter , then you can get excellent rosettes of strawberries grown from seeds.

As you can see, there is a huge amount of options for cultivating strawberries. Choose for yourself the best, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate of your region and your site. After all, so tasty fruits that are grown at home, you can please yourself, even without having a summer cottage.

Video: Secrets of growing strawberries

  • May 17, 2018
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