Treatment of smoking. What kind of medicine will help you quit smoking?

Smoking is a dangerous habit not only for the health of a smoker, but also for the people around him. It is pointless to list how much harm the body exerts from smoking. Everyone knows about this. Even those who continue to poison their body with nicotine. It's all about psychological dependence on this bad habit. Quit smoking once and for all can be a unit. For all others, special techniques have been developed. About them and will be told in this article.

Content of

Methods of quitting smoking

  • Techniques of breathing Buteyko
  • Smoking clip from smoking in the pharmacy
  • Lozenges from smoking in pharmacies
  • Monastic tea from smoking in pharmacies
  • Cigarettes from smoking in the pharmacy
    • Cigarettes of Vyacheslav Zakharov
    • Herbal cigarettes "Tavolga", "Antitab"and "Nirdosh"
  • Spray from smoking price in the drugstore
  • Tablets from smoking to buy at the pharmacy
  • Herbs from smoking in the pharmacy
  • Anti-smoking funds in pharmacies
  • instagram viewer
  • How to quit smoking with pharmacy. Tips & Feedback
  • Video: Easy way to quit smoking. Alain Carr
  • Ways to quit smoking

    Famous American writer and just a witty person Mark Twain said that quitting smoking is easy. I threw myself a hundred times. And this is far from being a joke. Almost every smoker has repeatedly tried to quit smoking. But, again I returned to my addiction.

    • Why does this happen? Answer this question clearly does not work. Everyone who suffers from this habit has his own factors. And many of them are psychological. First of all, you need to give up smoking in your head. That is why one of the most popular ways to get rid of this habit is psychotherapy .The specialist should help the patient in their desire to quit smoking
    • Another effective way to get rid of nicotine addiction is hypnosis .It has been used for several decades to get rid of smoking. The doctor immerses the patient in hypnosis and "writes" to him on the subconscious what harm can bring the smoking. Most often, after 3-4 such hypnosis sessions, the patient completely gets rid of his problem
    • Nicotine, getting into the body of the smoker, settles in the fat layers and has a negative impact on the nervous system. Such influence can put an end to the desire to "tie" with smoking. Therefore, for the success of this case, it is important to remove nicotine from the body. For this purpose, the cleansing diet is used. Which also helps to remove from the body various toxins and toxins not related to smoking
    • For smokers wishing to get rid of their bad habits, a special exercise complex was developed that can improve the oxygen consumption of the lungs. Thanks to its implementation, man's craving for another cigarette is minimized. Such a complex of exercises is based on yoga, qigong and tai chi
    • On the same effect( oxygen saturation of the lungs), Buteyko's respiratory technique is based. When training breathing by this technique, you can also overcome the craving for smoking


    • breathing technique It is necessary to sit on a chair and relax. Look slightly above eye level
    • Before inhaling, you need to relax the diaphragm. Breathing is necessary with small breaths. So that you can feel the lack of air in the chest
    • Such breaths should be tried to do within 10-14 minutes
    • All the chest can not breathe. If the lack of air in the lungs is critical, then you can only slightly increase the depth of breathing
    • If you perform these respiratory movements correctly, then the whole body should begin to spread heat
    • During such a breathing exercise, you should always try to keep the diaphragm relaxed
    • At the end of the exercise,depth of breath and switch to normal breaths

    In the fight against smoking can help and massage. Especially shown for this is manual lymphatic drainage and shiatsu .With the help of such a massage, nicotine can be withdrawn from the tissues and the normal functioning of the body restored.

    Some specialists treat dependence on smoking with acupuncture .Acupuncture for help dependent on nicotine was developed in China in the 70s of the last century quite by accident. Influencing some points on the patient's body preparing for surgery, neurosurgeon H. Wen, without knowing it, "cut off" the breakdown of the patient who, after an operation, easily quit smoking.

    You can quit smoking with nicotine substitutes and other drugs and drugs that are sold at each pharmacy. Very popular, in this regard, a special clip.

    Clip from smoking to buy at the pharmacy

    In order to overcome the dependence on smoking, you can use a magnetic clip. It is installed on both sides of the auricle and is retained by the action of magnets. Due to the small size, this clip is almost invisible on the ear.

    Its action is based on electromagnetic impulses transmitted by the central nervous system to the brain. Such impulses force the brain to think that the body receives a dose of nicotine. No physical inhalation of harmful smoke occurs. Thanks to such a magnetic clip, you can completely get rid of smoking with time.

    • Course of treatment: 1 month

    Lozenges from smoking in pharmacies

    Almost every pharmacy can buy lollipops from smoking. The active substance of such candies is nicotine. With the resolution of sugar candies, nicotine passes through the mucous membrane into the blood. There is an effect of tobacco well-being. The brain "seems" that a smoker smokes a cigarette and receives his portion of poisonous substances. Due to this, the needs for physical smoking are dulled.

    Almost all manufacturers of such candies produce them with 2 mg and 4 mg nicotine. With a strong dependence on smoking, you first need to dissolve the "strong" candies and gradually switch to "weak".

    IMPORTANT: Combination of smoking and resorption of such candies is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of nicotine poisoning. Side effects from the use of such candies are: heartburn, nausea and hiccups.

    According to the statistics of the international concern GlaxoSmithKline and the University of Pittsburgh( USA), with the help of candies containing nicotine the probability of getting rid of smoking is 15% -18%.

    In our country, the candies "Nicomel" and "Nicotine" are very popular among people who quit smoking.

    • The course of treatment for them is 6-8 days

    Monastic tea from smoking in pharmacies

    Monastic tea is a collection of medicinal herbs helping to get rid of smoking. The collection includes such herbs as:

    • Hypericum
    • Comfrey
    • Mullein
    • Pickler
    • Medunitsa
    • Inflorescences of linden
    • Black elderberry

    Herbs in this collection are kept in special proportions. Due to what they are able to have a powerful effect on the body and help him get rid of bad habits.

    They drink this tea twice a day.

    • The course of treatment is 20 days

    IMPORTANT: In addition to the main action - help in quitting smoking, monastic tea will help to remove sputum, toxic substances and toxins from the body. With the help of this collection, you can reassure an unequal system and it is easier to survive the consequences of stress occurring at the time of quitting.

    Cigarettes from smoking in pharmacy

    Can I get rid of cigarettes by smoking? You can, if you use for this purpose special cigarettes, which are sold in pharmacies. Such cigarettes are not only able to replace conventional means for smoking, but also produce a healthful effect for the body.

    Cigarettes by Vyacheslav Zakharov

    • There are several types of cigarettes from smoking. The most popular cigarettes today are developed by doctor, candidate of medical sciences VM Zakharov
    • One of the factors of addiction to smoking was not the process of saturation of the body with nicotine, but the process of smoking itself. Many can not get rid of this bad habit precisely because of the opportunity to relax and breathe in tobacco smoke. Many people think that it helps them overcome the stresses of today's life.
    • Zaharov's cigarettes consist of ordinary tobacco. But, unlike conventional cigarettes, this tobacco is not saturated with flavorings. What allows a smoker to feel the real "taste" of tobacco
    • In addition, Zakharov's cigarettes are subject to risks. Due to which, smokers can control the amount of tobacco smoked. And over time, minimize the number of cigarettes smoked per day

    Herbal cigarettes "Tavolga", "Antitab" and "Nirdosh"

    These cigarettes do not contain tobacco. Its place is occupied by special herbal gatherings. On the one hand, they help people feel disgusted with tobacco. And on the other hand, they cleanse the body of harmful bacteria and microbes( mostly saturating the mouth cavity).In addition, they help control the number of cigarettes smoked per day. And if you try to reduce this amount, then in time you can completely get rid of this habit.

    Spray from smoking price in pharmacy

    Another alternative means in the fight against nicotine addiction are special sprays. Producers argue that using such tools will help if not completely get rid of smoking, then significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

    Two kinds of sprays are sold in pharmacies:

    • Containing nicotine
    • Smoking-induced disgusts

    It's quite easy to use this tool. You need to inject the contents into the mouth or nose. The substance in the sprays will be absorbed into the mucous membrane. Depending on the composition of the active substance, it can enter the circulatory system or spread through the oral cavity.

    Nicotine-containing sprays from smoking dull the desire to smoke a cigarette. With a decrease in the dosage of nicotine, you can completely get rid of the bad habit.

    The composition of products that cause disgust from smoking includes plant components: ginger, hops, oats, lemon balm and the like. They envelop the nasopharynx. When smoking a cigarette, the active substances react with nicotine. That can lead to painful sensations in the oral cavity, vomiting reflex, irritation of the larynx and other unpleasant consequences. Such feelings will help get rid of cravings for smoking.

    Tablets from smoking buy at the pharmacy

    There are three groups of tablets from smoking, which can be purchased at pharmacies. Tablets of the first group contain nicotine or cytisine( alkaloid, which has a nicotine-like effect).Taking such a pill can get the same effect as smoking a cigarette. But thus, such dangerous action as an inhalation of a smoke will be absent.

    Nicotinosatelnitelnye tablets prevent "breakage" in the refusal of smoking. But, they can not remove cravings for nicotine consumption. The most popular tablets from this group are: "Nicorette" and "Tabex" .

    The second group of such drugs includes drugs that affect the brain regions in which a predilection for smoking is formed. They can reduce the development of a pleasant effect of smoking. Such drugs include such a popular antidepressant as "Zyban" .It activates the production of dopamine in the body. Due to this, the stress in quitting tobacco smoking is minimized.

    The drugs of the third group include medicines that block the action of nicotine on the body. Due to this, the smoker does not receive "compulsory" pleasure when smoking a cigarette. The most popular tablets with such an effect are "Champix" and "Corrida Plus" .

    IMPORTANT: Exactly the same effect as tablets from smoking, belonging to the third group, is soaked in milk, dried and smoked cigarette. Such a folk remedy has long been used by smokers who want to give up their addiction.

    Herbs from smoking in the pharmacy

    In each pharmacy you can get fees, which, among other things, can be used to reduce the consequences of quitting smoking. This property is possessed by Gathering No. 74 .It includes 18 plant components. Such as cones of hops, licorice naked roots, Japanese Sophora fruits, bearberry leaves, yarrow stems, oat seeds, etc.

    Infusion of this collection helps to saturate the body with hypericin, flavonoids, tannins and other valuable phyto-compounds and essential oils that minimize stress in quitting smoking.

    Means against smoking in pharmacies

    In addition to the above described means in the pharmacy you can buy chewing gums, plasters, dietary supplements, balms and other drugs to overcome the craving for smoking.

    Chewing gums from smoking have a similar effect to tablets and candies. They contain nicotine in small doses and help get rid of the body's craving for this alkaloid. Popular chewing gum to help with getting rid of smoking are products of company "Nicorette" .

    Separately, I need to say a few words about the special plasters from smoking. They contain active substances that penetrate the skin into the body of a person quitting smoking and help him to cope with this task.

    Such a plaster may contain nicotine. He, gradually getting into the body through the skin, removes the need for this substance. Initially, the patch is selected with such a dosage of nicotine, so that the smoker could replace them without "breaking" cigarettes. Gradually, the dosage should decrease and subsequently lead to the complete elimination of nicotine addiction.

    • Average course of treatment with adhesive tape from smoking 2 months

    How to quit smoking with pharmacy. Tips and Feedback

    Olga. I am a smoker with experience. I really want to give up this bad habit. What just did not try: plasters, pills, cud, candy. But, I can not give up everything. Probably, only hypnosis will save me.

    Andrew. Tablets "Tabex" helped me."Break" as such was not. Perhaps this pill helped to remove it. But, about a week went very irritated. I thank my wife for understanding the situation. Already 1,5 years I do not smoke.

    Video: Easy way to quit smoking. Alain Carr

    • May 17, 2018
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