Oligomenorrhea - a violation of the menstrual cycle. Causes and symptoms of oligomenorrhoea

In this article, I would like to talk about what oligomenorea is. Any woman can face it, but any illness can be treated.

Contents of

  • What is oligomenorrhea in women?
  • Causes of oligomenorrhea
  • Symptoms of oligomenorrhea
  • Oligomenorrhea in adolescents
  • Oligomenorrhea and pregnancy
  • What is primary oligomenorrhoea?
  • What is secondary oligomenorrhea?
  • How to treat oligomenorrhea with folk remedies?
  • International statistics on the disease of oligomenorrhea
  • Treatment of oligomenorrhea: advice and feedback
  • Video: Oligomenorea

Problems with menstruation are a phenomenon that many women face. Such problems can have a different character - copious discharge, soreness, too long duration or, on the contrary, too rare occurrence of excreta. About the latter we'll talk. Do you know that more than 2-3% of women who have applied for medical help face this problem? They specialists and diagnose oligomenorrhea. What is it and how to fight it?

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What is oligomenorrhea in women?

  • Oligomenorrhea is a disease in which the interval between menstruation is more than 40 days. Allocations can be repeated both regularly and generally several times a year.
  • The duration of menstruation is also quite unstable - from a couple of hours to one or two days. Such a violation is still called a rare menstruation. Strangely enough, but mostly young girls suffer from it
  • Often, oligomenorrhoea is accompanied by other disorders: for example, meager menstruation of hypomenorrhea or sparse menopause, spaniomenorrhea. It may become a harbinger of amenorrhea, that is, a complete absence of menstruation

IMPORTANT: Whatever form the delay of the monthly cycle may be, they indicate that serious abnormalities have occurred in the body.

Causes of the emergence of oligomenorrhea

  • The most likely cause of this unpleasant disease is a disorder of the ovaries - for example, polycystic ovary syndrome. Basically, such a pathology carries the hereditary nature of
  • . The organism simply does not produce the amount of hormones that is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system in a woman. In the event that relatives suffered from this, the appearance of oligomenorrhea is most likely when puberty is just beginning or, conversely, before the menopause
  • It happens that the prerequisites for problems in the female part are formed even during embryonic maturation. It is then, for example, that anomaly develops, such as the infantilism of the uterus, that is, the inadequate development of the reproductive system and those centers that regulate it.
  • Severe diseases transferred in childhood can also trigger an infantilism of the uterus and, as a result, problemswith monthly

  • Inflammatory, acute or chronic diseases, tumors also may well flow into the oligomenorrhoea. Especially this is likely if the endocrine disorders have already been observed, that is, problems with the pancreas or thyroid gland, with the adrenal glands
  • . Strangely enough, but cardiovascular diseases sometimes become a trigger, although rare
  • The environment can also be negativeaffect the menstrual cycle - both the familiar environment, and its change. A kind of stress for the body, which in the future reacts so drastically
  • By the way, stresses are also a stress, disruption of the day's regime with constant shortfalls, poorly balanced or harmful nutrition
  • Surgical interventions in the form of abortion or surgery on the uterus may well lead to oligomenorrhea
  • Oligomenorrhea may also be a harbinger of menopause
  • Anorexia is another cause of problems with monthly

Symptoms of oligomenorrhea

  • The most important sign that a woman is ill with oligomenorrhea is a problem with menstruation. As noted above, the break between cycles is quite impressive - more than 40 days. And this rarity is often accompanied by irregularity and non-durability of
  • . Often women suffering from monthly problems suffer from infertility - it's all about the onset of ovulation, which affects pregnancy. However, the sexual desire in this case also.as a rule, reduced

IMPORTANT: According to statistical data, only about 20% of women with a similar diagnosis are able to become pregnant. Therefore, if you have found oligomenorrhoea, urgently consult a specialist.

  • Often there is a disorder of fat metabolism, that is, overweight
  • occurs. About one fourth of women with this diagnosis have hirsutism, that is, male-type hair. Hair in this case grow on the limbs, chest, stomach, back, face, and actively. Hirsutism occurs in approximately 25% of patients with menstrual irregularities. Similarity with men also applies to the structure of the figure - in such representatives of the fair sex it has developed musculature, with a specific structure of the skeleton
  • Acne - that's what else can bother. Such acne is quite abundant and can affect both the face and the body of

. Oligomenorrhea in adolescents

Now teenagers are becoming more developed than the older generation at their age. However, according to observations of specialists, about 60% of diseases from the gynecology in the younger generation is due to the deviations of the monthly cycle.

This is not surprising, because the sexual system of the girl is in the stage of formation. And this means that all those reasons provoking the appearance of oligomenorrhea, which we listed above, affect the immature body much more than the body of an adult woman.
The complexity of the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea in adolescent girls is that all the processes are still only in the development stage, which means that it is very difficult to differentiate the permissible norm of deviation and pathology. But it is possible to do this due to the following diagnostic scheme:

  • First of all, the expert carefully asks the patient whether there have been monthly ones and if so, how regularly they occur, whether there are complaints. In addition, it is important to determine how the daily routine is organized, that is, how busy the school is and how much time it takes to rest
  • . The next stage is an inspection. At this stage, you can find signs of genital diseases or congenital pathology
  • Urine and blood tests are taken, the hormonal background is checked. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - also a way to determine the picture of the disease

If after passing through all these methods of diagnosis it was possible to recognize the oligomenorrhoea, the doctor faces the following problem - again, due to the formation of the body by far not all drugs the girl will be able to use. An experienced specialist understands this well, and will not prescribe any means. Most often teenagers are recommended:

  • First of all, the organization of the daily routine. Often because of studying and active employment in sports, the daily routine is unacceptable, but adolescents do not always take this seriously.

IMPORTANT: It should be at all costs start to find time for proper rest, for good nutrition, ignoring constant snacks. Stress, if possible, should also be as small as possible.

  • Vitaminotherapy is a very good method of treatment, especially for a growing organism. Prescribed vitamins B, E
  • Mineral water, inhalation and drinking of mineral water can also help sometimes. In any case, the harm will not exactly bring
  • But as for hormone therapy, then you need to act very carefully. Even in the adult organism, hormones do not always work positively, and in the case of a growing organism, the likelihood of side effects increases. As a rule, if any drugs are prescribed, then those that have progesterone and estradiol

are included in the composition. Oligomenorrhea and pregnancy

Unfortunately, with oligomenorrhea, the chances of getting pregnant fall sharply. This disease has an extremely negative effect on ovulation, without which.as you know, pregnancy is impossible.

  • Self-medication in this case should not be dealt with in any case - you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. He will carry out the same diagnostic scheme, as we described above - that is, a survey, examination, laboratory research. It is necessary to check the woman and the permeability of the
  • pipes. The basal temperature chart should also be compiled - that is, the lowest temperature level that is found during rest.
  • . The exact treatment of this disease is difficult to compile, since it depends on many factors - from the very cause of the cyclemonthly, chronic diseases, the number of pregnancies and births.
  • Every woman has her own clinical picture. Most often, complex treatment is required, which includes therapy of restorative properties, physiotherapy, hormone therapy, taking medications that stimulate the processes of ovulation. It also happens that the problems are related to oncology or cystic neoplasms - in this case,

can not be avoided without surgery What is primary oligomenorrhea?

As a rule, this kind of oligomenorrhea begins to manifest itself when the girl has the first menstrual cycle - that is, during the so-called menarche period. Menarche testifies that puberty has not yet been completed, that is, a girl can become pregnant, but the chances for this in this period are not great.

However, even at this stage, problems with menstruation - the first bell that you need to take action. It may well be that the girl has a natural anomaly, from which it is important to get rid of - for example, she may have infantilism of the uterus. Genetic predisposition should also be borne in mind.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the examination is worthwhile, in the first years after the onset of menstruation, the appearance of discharge may be irregular and small for quite natural reasons. Therefore, it is not necessary to panic, because nerves can lead to oligomenorrhea.

What is secondary oligomenorrhea?

  • Unlike primary, this oligomenorea is acquired. Before her, the woman could easily have been stable monthly, but then some factor affected negatively and triggered the failure of
  • . This could be stresses, excessive physical activity, hormonal failure, neoplasms, strict diets, changes in climatic conditions, even the taking of certain medications. Do not forget about the beginning of menopause, but, of course, young women, it does not concern. Surgical interventions also serve as a trigger for the emergence of oligomenorrhoea, especially abortion.
  • . If a woman is seriously ill, the weakening of the body caused by this disease can, in turn, lead to problems with the monthly cycle. But whatever reason is decisive for the emergence of oligomenorrhoea, they all are accompanied by a weakening of the ovarian functions, because of what hormones are not produced properly. Such hormones become less, and without them the blood supply of the uterus decreases significantly
  • As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the emergence of the secondary oligomenorrhea and, unlike the primary one, anyone can get sick. And if not all women do abortions, stresses, loads are familiar to many. However, fortunately, the secondary form does not occur as often as one would expect - only not more than 3% of women have

. How can oligomenorrhea be treated with folk remedies?

IMPORTANT: Whichever folk prescription is chosen, it is important to consult your physician beforehand. In addition, broths will give the best result if taken in parallel with the main treatment. Remember that most likely, the broths will simply strengthen the immune system and if the cause is in it, then such treatment will bear fruit.

  • It is necessary to mix one third of a glass of yarrow and chamomile with half a glass of horsetail, 5 grams of peppermint. In all this, add 5 tablespoons of medinitsa, florets of a shepherd's bag, bark of a horse chestnut. Pour the resulting mass with 200 grams of water and boil for several minutes. Before going to bed use the product in a warm 21 days before bedtime. After 21 days, after 5 days, repeat the course
  • Include as much as possible in the ration freshly-mixed sorrel
  • Add 200 grams of water to the stems and cherry leaves, which will take about 10 grams. Boil it all for half an hour and drink throughout the day
  • Rub the oak acorn so that 5 grams of powder is obtained. This powder pour 200 grams of boiling water, let all this brew.cool down. Take should be several times a day for 100 grams of

  • Willow bark and bitter wormwood can also come in handy. They need to be crushed so that it turns out to 30 grams, mix, pour a liter of dry wine, boil and boil for 5 minutes. Wait until the liquid cools down, strain. Use the preparation before eating half the glass. Thus, the reception will be performed 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile is extremely popular in folk medicine. In this case, you need to take about 10 grams of fresh or dried chamomile flowers, pour 200 grams of boiling water. The mixture should be insisted for half an hour, pre-wrapped, and then strain. Take should be about 5 times a day for 30 grams
  • It is very useful in treating oligomenorrhea to use mushroom-raincoats. And there are them you can both in boiled and fried form
  • It will be useful and plantain. More precisely, its juice, which is squeezed and drunk at 10 grams for half an hour before meals several times a day. The same amount of plantain, but already in the form of dry leaves, you can pour 200 grams of boiling water, wrap, hold for 2 hours, drain. Tincture is also used before meals 4 times a day for 10 grams
  • Pour 350 grams of boiling water 10 grams of parsley seeds, cook it for 20 minutes and let it brew for about an hour. Do not forget to strain too. Take in between meals about 6 times a day for 10 grams of
  • Useful and leaves of raspberries. Pour 400 grams of boiling water 30 grams of leaves, wrap and leave to infuse. After 6 hours strain. Use necessarily in a warm form several times a day for 100 grams

International statistics of the disease of oligomenorrhea

  • Although the problems with the monthly are often found, the frequency of the oligomenorrhea is not as great as it might seem - only 3% of women seek medical help as a result of thisailment
  • If the data and sometimes exceed 3%, then not much. This is despite the fact that every second woman experiences problems with menstruation from time to time. And if a woman has faced such a disease, you can give about 40% guarantee that she will gain weight, therefore, if along with the problems of the monthly cycle, you began to gain weight, you can almost certainly assume oligomenorrhoea. At the same time, the decreaseweight of at least 5% will lead to apparent improvement in well-being
  • Of course, the course of the disease can be different, and predictions are difficult to do immediately due to many factors, but with proper timely treatment in almost 99% of patients after six months of therapy for menwork appears. Especially if the women managed to bring their weight back to normal.

Treatment of oligomenorrhea: advice and feedback

Most women note that noticeable improvements in health came when the doctor included acupuncture, physiotherapy, prescribing a complex of vitamins. Gymnastic exercises and massage also acted beneficially due to the fact that in the pelvic area the blood circulation became more active. However, all appointments must come from an experienced gynecologist-endocrinologist.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely difficult to predict the occurrence of this disease. The only exception, perhaps, are those women in whose family this problem was listed. In other cases, you just need to visit the gynecologist periodically. And it is necessary to do this at least twice a year.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of the oligomenorrhoea, you can give some general advice:

In some cases, tablets can cure the oligomenorrhoea. However, they should be selected only by a doctor, focusing on the patient's hormonal background. Only knowing this background, you can choose a medicine that has in its composition the required concentration of estrogen. Such pills not only adjust ovulation, but also lead the menstrual cycle to a stable state of

  • . In some cases, treatment requires the use of cardinal measures - such as cauterization of the ovaries with a special high-frequency current. And this method has worked well, but do not even take it into account if you have not yet given birth, because as a result of the procedure there may be scars on the cervix
  • Some women will be extremely useful for a series of sessions with a psychotherapist or psychologist because of the fact that- these neuroses sometimes cause the disease
  • Whatever treatment a doctor has prescribed, switching to a healthy diet in combination with moderate stresses will greatly increase the chances of recovery. In addition, they increase the chances of restoring the reproductive function of
  • . Under the supervision of a specialist during treatment, one must be at least a year old. And if the cycle has become regular with normal intervals - consider that health is restored. But even after this, once every 3 months, you should visit the
  • Survey. Contraceptives should only be used by those prescribed by the

doctor. Typically, an experienced specialist is able to cure the oligomenorrhoea. In case of a disease, it should not panic, but it is very important to take yourself in hand and adhere to the complex treatment from taking medications to applying a useful diet. Do not neglect your health, because otherwise you can earn infertility.

Video: Oligomenorea

  • May 17, 2018
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