Products that charge us with energy

Did you notice that after some products it tends to sleep, and after the other you want to run? It turns out that food is capable of charging us with energy, and "quenching".Of course, everyone wants to have more time, see, try. So, the food that we fill our stomach, should contribute to the movement.

Such a set of each can have its own - all individually. And be prepared for the fact that light food - vegetables, fruits - is quickly absorbed, therefore, literally in an hour or two you will again want to chew. The best advice in this case: always have in your purse, for example, an apple or a banana.

Here are some products that will enhance your vitality.


Apples are available all year round. It is believed that eating two pieces a day, you can forget about the diseases. The substances contained in apples are responsible not only for health, but also for beauty: they are powerful antioxidants. And they also contribute to digestion. Raw or baked - which apple do you choose?

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The best source of potassium, which allows you to maintain normal blood pressure and heart activity as a whole. In addition, bananas are convenient: they can be taken with them, they do not flow, do not stain your hands - perfect snack. Choose fruits shorter and greens.

Multicolored pepper

Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of vitamins needed for the skin. Crackle with sweet pepper when hungry - much better than cracking a cake. And cut pieces of vegetable can be dipped in soft cheeses like mascarpone - delicious!


Hummus is sold ready, it can be cooked independently of chickpeas or peanuts and ordinary peas. Eat a paste with vegetables - sweet pepper, cucumbers, carrots - and recharge your energy! By the way, thanks to its energy, hummus discourages cravings for sweets.

Bitter chocolate

It is painfully difficult for sweet swimmers to resist temptation. Do not torment yourself: eat a little chocolate( a quarter of the tile) - and you immediately cheer up. Since chocolate does contain sugar, it is not worth exceeding the norm.


Carrots useful for seeing - heard about it? So why not drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice while waiting for lunch or dinner? Vegetables strengthen the nervous system, restore strength and improve mood. Like red pepper, with mascarpone cheese - tasty and healthy snack.


Excellent liquid and toxins from the body, has anti-inflammatory properties. True, and diuretic action, too. Add celery to salads and soups, make the stems or root juice, after all, just gnaw along with the above vegetables.


Vegetables with fruits can be eaten in summer, but what to do in winter? Dietitians advise to lean on sauerkraut. With a baked potato - a wonderful dinner, after which you can remake all the work taken on the house.

Green juices

Cilantro, dill, parsley, mint. Take any greens and add it to any juices - fruit or vegetable. You will be surprised by the rich taste of the drink! Such juice will fill you with vitality and energy. Still, because in the green mass of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and dietary fiber.

Vegetable soup puree

If you like the first dishes, give your vote in favor of vegetable soups-mashed potatoes. In cool weather, there is no better warming agent than the hug of a loved one and a bowl of hot soup. Connect the vegetables at your own discretion!


Well, if there is anyone to grow cucumbers without nitrates! Then you can safely crunch them, make masks, add to salads. .. Going late at night to the fridge? It's time to eat a cucumber!

Green salad

Take a different greens - lettuce, dill, parsley, rukola, whatever you want - and prepare a salad. Season it with lemon-honey sauce. The best energy can not imagine! Green vegetables are full of vitamins, easily digested and instantly charged with energy.

Pumpkin seeds

A quarter or even half a cup of peeled pumpkin seeds when you feel fatigue overwhelms you - and you are saved! The brain is involved in working with new activity, as after sleep. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamins. Have a snack at least until lunch, even after. But if you have problems with digestion, suspicion of an ulcer, pumpkin seeds can not be consumed on an empty stomach. Chew first, for example, flax seeds.

Coconut water

Absolutely natural product - coconut water. During training, it removes toxins, has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, restores strength. You can buy coconut water in health food stores.


Oats are one of the most useful grains: for good reason oatmeal is so popular and recommended as a breakfast. Porridge can be made salty - with a spoonful of butter - or sweet - with yoghurt and fruit. You can cook on milk or water, add dried fruits, rub over parmesan and even sprinkle with chocolate. Experiment - and you will definitely find your recipe!


You probably know that pineapple cleaves fats and helps digestion. And the sunny color of the fruit is simply obliged to charge you at full power! Eat pineapple separately from other foods and no later than two in the afternoon.

Blueberries, currants, raspberries

While in the summer, it's easy to think of a snack. Almost all berries increase working capacity and increase energy. Need to pokreativit? Put on a table for all employees a bowl of berries - and get ready for an exciting brainstorm!


Look at its color - and it is immediately clear what it gives, but does not select. In general, as soon as you feel tired, eat a red vegetable or fruit. Watermelon, perhaps, the only fruit that nutritionists are allowed to eat until the evening. It is quickly digested, but it should be eaten no earlier than an hour after eating, so that it does not ferment in the stomach.

Water with lemon

Many people have acquired a habit in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water with a lemon. Nutritionists are arguing about this. But if your stomach does not rebel, try lemon water in the morning - and quench your thirst, and start the production of gastric juice before breakfast, and nourish with vitamins and enzymes that are contained in citrus.


Avocado reduces cholesterol, keeps the skin young, and the brain - in a tone. The fruit is very convenient to eat - the flesh is easily removed with a teaspoon. Three avocados for lunch? Why not! And you say that being a vegetarian or even a raw food is difficult!


Red African tea, whose leaves look like needles - it's rooibos. It strengthens the immune system and restores strength, preserves youth and beauty. It does not contain caffeine and tannin. Want to quench your thirst on a hot summer day? Have a cup of cold rooibos.

Dried figs

Correct sun-dried fruits are ready at any time to give you the energy of the luminary and relieve fatigue. Especially good is figs - it cleanses blood, removes from the body mucus and toxins. But do not get involved: it has a lot of sugar. Rate per day: one or two things. And of course, one must buy raw berries.


Strawberries and strawberries are very useful for women's beauty, rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It is believed that the strawberries and strawberries eaten for a season of 10-12 kilograms give a supply of vitamins for the whole winter. It's only 300-400 grams per day, if there is a berry for a month.

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  • May 17, 2018
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