What is lamblia? How to get rid of lamblia?

Giardia is found in 40% of the population. Identify them by putting the usual analysis of feces. Treatment should appoint only a doctor.


  • Types of lamblias
  • What is lamblias and how do they look?
  • How do I get lamblias?
  • What is dangerous lamblia?
  • How to find lamblia?
  • Cysts of lamblia - treatment
  • Diet for lamblias in children and adults
  • How to get rid of lamblia forever?
  • How to deal with lamblias: advice and feedback
  • Video: Lamblias and Giardiasis - Komarovsky School

Often children and adults suffer from abdominal pain, stool, allergies, poor appetite.

Many people start to self-medicate and postpone their trip to the doctor. Such symptoms can hide serious diseases, the treatment of which is not recommended to be postponed, as this leads to complications and chronic diseases, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Giardiasis is a disease caused by lamblia, a parasite of small size( up to 18 microns).

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Kinds of lamblias

Lamblia variety of vegetative stage

In a living organism these parasites live in two forms - the vegetative stage( mobile trofosiode) and the immobile cyst. Active and inactive species of lamblia are the full life cycle of such a parasitic creature. Parasitize, mainly in the intestines. The size of lamblia is scant, and you can not see with your naked eyes in the stool.

What is lamblia and how do they look?

Lamblias under the microscope

Giardia is a class of flagellate parasites, refers to the sub-kingdom of the protozoa. Under the microscope lamblias of the vegetative stage are similar to a pear cut in half, the flat side of which is a suction disk of the parasite.

Cysts look like an irregular oval with several tendrils located on the sides and in front of the trunk. Every lab technician knows what lamblia is and how they look, so finding them in feces is easy for him.

How do I get lamblia?

Infection with lamblias from pets

Transmission of the pathogen occurs through foods infected with cysts. Especially people get infected with lamblia through vegetables and fruits that are not subjected to heat treatment.

Infection also occurs through dirty hands and household items. Causes of infection with lamblia are the same as in other intestinal infections - violation of sanitary and epidemiological norms, rules of personal hygiene.

Infection of lamblias from poorly washed fruits

What is dangerous lamblia?

Eruptions on the skin with giardiasis

Giardiasis is cunning in that it usually occurs without a certain symptomatology. Detection happens by accident, during the delivery of tests or after a certain illness. Lamblias are dangerous because their life process is toxic to humans.

The substances they excrete cause allergies. Usually it manifests itself in the form of coughing, rashes on the skin, dermatitis, chronic rhinitis. There is a decrease in immunity. In the presence of such symptoms in humans, it is difficult to diagnose right away and this can only be done by a doctor.

How to find lamblia?

Lamblias in the intestine

There are such clinical cases when specialists can not find lamblia in the stool. Doctors use several methods of laboratory research. The most common is a coprological study. But finding lamblia when using this method alone is not always possible.

In some cases, several studies of human stool may be necessary. At the first diagnosis of people, it is possible to reveal lamblia in 76%, and at the second 90%.The informativity of the analysis can be influenced by various factors:

  • use of any medication. Before the analysis, it is necessary to refuse the use of
  • medicines used candles for constipation for feces. You can use only suppositories with glycerin or bisacodyl
  • collected feces in advance. It is necessary to submit for analysis feces obtained not later than 2 hours before the start of the study and collected by scraping from several places.
. Capacity for collecting stool for the

study. In medicine, there are other methods for diagnosing giardiasis:

  • analysis of duodenal contents is the most reliable method of investigation
  • serological diagnosis - antibodies and antigens are detected 2 weeks after infection
  • immunosorbent diagnostic method - the accuracy of this method is 98%, detectedantigens ljambly

Important: You can use several methods for diagnosis - blood donation for antibodies and antigens, ultrasound of the pancreas, computer diagnostics. This will help to identify lamblia, if they are in the body, with 100% accuracy.

Detection of Giardiasis under the

Microscope Cysts


Giardia Tablets

Giardia Tablets Removal of these parasites from the body should be carried out in three stages:

  1. Elimination of toxicological manifestations, improvement of bowel function, enhancement of immunity
  2. Treatment of lamblia cysts with antiparasitic drugs
  3. Creating conditions that will impedeReproduction of lamblia

Important: Treatment should be performed under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist. Self-treatment can lead to harmful effects on the body.

On the , the first stage of the , the doctor prescribes a diet that worsens the process of multiplying the parasites. Also, the patient should take cholagogue, enterosorbents, tablets to improve the digestive tract and anti-allergy drugs.

The second stage of is the administration of drugs that have a harmful effect on lamblia - metronidazole, ornidazole, albendazole. If the doctor deems it necessary, he can prescribe a second course of taking these medicines.

The third stage of is the reception of multivitamins, adaptogens, probiotics. An anti-lodiosis diet is being conducted.


Diet for lamblias in children and adults

Diet for giardiasis

If a lamblia has been found in the body, then the patient is given a diet that will help get rid of parasites.

The diet for lamblia in children and adults prevents the reproduction of these organisms. It is necessary to exclude from the diet simple carbohydrates and starch. It is worth to enter into the daily diet plenty of fiber and lean dishes.

The diet usually consists of three stages:

  • The first stage of the lasts 2 weeks. The doctor makes up a menu aimed at reducing the intoxication of the body. This helps prevent the propagation of parasites

. Tip: During this period, eat cereals from different types of cereals, vegetables, dried fruits, apples in baked form, vegetable oils.

  • The second stage is aimed at removing parasites from the body

Tip: Eat foods rich in fiber - vegetables and fruits in raw form.

  • The third stage helps to improve the body's defenses and create conditions in the intestines that will prevent the reproduction of cysts.

Tip: Eat fruits, vegetables and sour-milk products.

Important: The child is difficult to put on a diet, but he needs to explain that it is necessary for his good. Prepare the baby porridge, which he loves. Apples can be grated, and cottage cheese and yogurt can be served along with dried fruits. In compotes and juices, add one spoonful of honey instead of sugar.

How to get rid of lamblia forever?

Useful vegetable salad with lamblia

Before you get rid of lamblia for good, you need to undergo a full course of treatment. But this does not guarantee the appearance of a recurrence, since there are no vaccinations against this disease, and immunity develops only for 6-12 months.

Remember: Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. He observes the patient during the course of taking medications and, if necessary, appoints a second course. Tune in for long-term treatment, follow a diet and fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor.

Prevention of lamblia

Hygiene compliance

There are several rules that help prevent lamblia:

  1. Hygienic care
  2. Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables, rinse with boiling water
  3. Do not eat raw seeds and nuts, as birds and plants sit on plants and trees. Their feces can contain lamblia that can easily enter the human body with food
  4. After using common household items, wash your hands or treat with disinfectants
  5. Foods must be amenable to a good heat treatment

How to deal with lamblias: advice and feedback

Children washhands
  • People who are faced with this problem know how difficult it is to fight against lamblia. Tips and feedback from patients in clinics and just familiar people are very diverse. Someone drank a course of medicines, others needed two courses of
  • There are cases when people got rid of lamblia by using the tansy grass. But this is an unreliable method of treatment, and recurrent or new self-infection may occur, which is even more frightening.
  • Someone advises using fasting garlic as a prophylaxis. But this method has many contraindications in the form of gastric ulcer and gastritis

Important: Doctors do not advise self-medication, as folk methods will not help get rid of parasites, but only worsen the clinical picture of the disease.

A happy and healthy family

If you have at least one symptom of a lambliasis of those described above, then seek help from a doctor. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic measures and put the correct diagnosis.

Due to this, an adequate treatment will be prescribed that will help restore health. Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

Video: Lamblias and Giardiasis - Dr. Komarovsky's School

  • May 17, 2018
  • 14
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