Alcoholic beverages from red viburnum berries - home-made wine, tincture, liquor and liquor: the best recipes

Recipes of the best recipes of alcoholic beverages from berries of the viburnum. How to properly prepare homemade wine, tincture, liqueur and liquor from Kalina at home?


The berries of Kalina have long been famous for their medicinal properties. But you can cook a lot of tasty and useful spirits from the viburnum, which will help cope with many diseases.

The main thing is to know the norm of taking folk elixirs of health. Pouring, homemade wine or liqueur from the viburnum can be treated to a friendly company. Share the secrets, how to prepare homemade preparations of alcoholic beverages from the berries of the viburnum?

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Tincture of viburnum on vodka and alcohol: recipes

Unfortunately, the viburnum is a little forgotten: now not every metochion is met by spreading bushy bushes strewn with bunches of ruby ​​berries. It's a pity. The berries of the viburnum can be used to maintain their health, using numerous methods of harvesting.

Buckwheat bunch

Important: Viburnum berries contain ascorbic acid 2 times more than citrus fruits. And according to the iron content, the viburnum has overtaken many iron-containing berries and fruits.

Folk craftsmen offer a variety of recipes for making tinctures of viburnum. Each master has its own special "zest" of preparation. The common thing is that all tinctures are prepared on vodka, moonshine or alcohol of different concentrations. We present a selection of the most popular recipes.

Kalinovy ​​alcohol

Tincture from the vinas

The folk recipe of the calyx tincture is used for the treatment of colds, pulmonary inflammation, hypertension.

Need to take :

  • fresh berries of the viburnum
  • alcohol 70º

Preparation of

  1. Kalina is harvested after the first frosts. Berries sort out: with large brushes remove the berries completely, small brushes can be used entirely.
  2. The berries are washed with running water through a colander and spread on paper towels.
  3. Dry berries are placed in clean jars to half the volume and lightly pinned with a wooden pestle.
  4. Kalina is poured with alcohol so that it completely covers berries, mix and cover with a lid.
  5. After a day, add alcohol to the neck of the jar and mix again.
  6. The can is closed with a lid and placed in a warm place for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Then filter into clean bottles.

Kalinovka-robin on the moonshine

Kalina in the basket

An ancient Russian recipe for the Kalinovy ​​tincture called "Kalinovka" was found in old znakharian books. As an extractant, moonshine was used with a strength of at least 70 °.Kalinovku-robin used as a therapeutic and preventive remedy for colds: at night over a small glass.

Need to take :

  • mature viburnum - 500 g
  • strong purified moonshine - 1 l
  • sugar - 100-150 g
  • raspberry berries - 1 large handful of

Preparation of

  1. Mature vinegar berries are washed with cold running water and dried on linen cloth.
  2. Berries are separated from twigs and placed in a glass bottle, filling it with 2/3 of the volume.
  3. Add a handful of raspberries, sugar and pour a liter of strong moonshine( vodka or alcohol).
  4. The pour is exposed for 5-6 weeks, periodically shaking.
  5. Then filter and apply as a medicine.
Berry and herbal balm

Berry-herbal balm "Health"

Wellness balm for this recipe is used in small doses: on the coffee spoon three times a day. And it's even better to add it to tea, coffee or just pure water. Balm has a strengthening effect on the body, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, stimulates the heart activity, relieves coughing attacks.

Need to take :

  • fresh berries of viburnum - 100 g
  • fresh berries of cranberries - 100 g
  • fresh rosehips - 300 g
  • vodka - 1 l
  • dry grass of St. John's Wort - 30 g
  • dry herb of oregano - 30 g
  • dry linden color -30 g of yarrow
  • dry - 30 g
  • liquid honey or syrup jam - 50 g Preparation

  1. berries viburnum, cranberries and hips washed and towel-dried.
  2. Kalina and cranberries are kneaded to gruel and added to the crushed rose hips.
  3. Vegetable components are added to the mixture, poured into vodka and mixed.
  4. Close the lid and insist for three weeks.
  5. The mixture is then filtered and honey or jam syrup is added to adjust the taste.

Tincture "Kalina Krasnaya" video

Infusion of Viburnum at home:

of delicious liqueur of viburnum vivid color, has a unique flavor notes, it is very easy to make at home. Requires

take :

  • viburnum Fresh juice - 200 ml
  • sugar - 150 grams
  • vodka - 1 L
  • Purified water - 250 ml Preparation

  1. Sugar is dissolved in water, added viburnum vodka and fresh juice.
  2. The mixture is properly mixed and poured over clean bottles.
  3. Pour in a cool place for 3 weeks.
Kalinovaya honey pouring - "tasty" medicine

Pouring from viburnum on vodka and alcohol: prescription

Therapeutic and preventive calcine liqueur on honey is a universal medicine for the whole family in cases of colds, heart troubles and stressful situations. Requires

take :

  • fresh viburnum - 500 g
  • liquid honey -
  • 150 g of purified water - 200ml Vodka
  • - 1 L


  1. Med diluted in water.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into a vessel with 1 liter of vodka.
  3. From fresh berries viburnum squeezes out juice( it is desirable to take berries, grasped by a frost) and add to a honey-alcohol solution.
  4. The contents are shaken as follows, covered with a lid and placed in a dark place.
  5. Pour for 3-4 weeks, periodically shaking the vessel with the contents.
  6. When ready, the beverage is poured into clean containers.

Kalina wine at home, wine recipe

of viburnum

Church recipe drink wine from Viburnum Viburnum Harvest

can be spent on the preparation of homemade wine. We offer a recipe for a wine drink according to an old church recipe.

Wine prepared with this recipe has healing power.200 ml of the drink is taken once a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. Such a medicine has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, pressure, heart activity, and kidney stones are gradually normalized.

IMPORTANT: For the preparation of house wine, it is recommended to use the viburnum "caught" by frost, then the berry acquires a sweetness and loses its bitterness.

required to take :

  • viburnum - 5 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • clean water - 10 liters


  1. Viburnum berries are removed from the bush, waiting for the first frost, ripped from the twigs, washed with cold water and dried.
  2. In a pot of berries, sugar and 5 liters of purified cold water are covered.
  3. Blend the mixture with a blender or mixer. In the old days, Kalina was ground with sugar with a wooden pestle or spoon, then water was added.
  4. Content is stirred and removes the top layer: the floating twigs, mash, substandard berries and other debris, if any.
  5. The obtained wort is poured into a large glass bottle and the second part of pure water is added( 5 l).Between the edge of the throat of the bottle and its contents should be enough space to avoid leakage of contents during fermentation.
  6. Throat the bottles with a piece of gauze and leave the mixture for 15 days.

Homemade wine from the viburnum

Wine from the viburnum

The spicy and unusual aroma of wine with a tart particular taste will surely please, you just have to cook it.

Try to experiment using different concentrations of sugar and the amount of water, given your taste preferences. As a result, you can get a bright and rich in color, wine with a mild taste or stronger.

IMPORTANT: Some craftsmen do not recommend washing Kalina before making wine, since microorganisms on the surface of berries allow to speed up the process of fermentation and preparation of wine.

Need to take :

  • fresh berries of the viburnum
  • sugar
  • purified water
  • raisins

Amount of water and sugar to be added for different wine brands

  • Table wine : 1 l of juice is added 1.7 l of purified water and 300 g of sugarsand
  • Dessert wine : for 1 liter of juice add 0.5 liters of purified water and 350 g of sugar
  • Liquor wine : for 1 liter of juice add 150 ml of purified water and 400 g of granulated sugar

Preparation of

  1. Fresh berries of viburnum sorted, separatedfrom twigsknead.
  2. For each kilogram of ground berries add 200 ml of purified water and 100 g of granulated sugar and 3-4 berries of raisins. Wine bacteria of dried grapes will allow to speed up the process of wine making.
  3. The capacity is covered with gauze and put in a warm place for fermentation for 3-4 days.
  4. When foam and bubbles with a hiss are appearing on the surface, the mixture is filtered from berry mash and the resulting juice is diluted a little with water in the amount for the desired wine grade.
  5. On the 4th, 7th and 10th days in wine add sugar in quantities for the required wine grade.
  6. A container with a water trap or a medical glove with a small hole on the finger is installed on the container with the components.
  7. After the fermentation process is completed, the wine is poured into another container and allowed to recruit for another 30-90 days.
  8. Then the young wine is filtered from the sediment and poured into a container for storage.
  9. The drink is stored in a horizontal position at a temperature of +5 degrees.

Liqueur of Kalina at home

Kalinovy ​​elixir of health

Kalinovy ​​liqueur is a healing natural elixir of health. The drink from the viburnum is famous for its specific taste and unusual pleasant aroma. Liqueur can be taken over a small glass, like an aperitif during desserts, and also adding to tea or coffee.

20-30 ml of liqueur in a glass of dry wine will give the drink an unusual note of aftertaste. To maintain health, the liqueur is used in herbal teas for colds. Drink can impregnate cakes for cakes and other pastries.

Kalinovy ​​liqueur

Experts say that the liquor cooked according to this recipe strengthens the immune system. Cook and try!

Need to take :

  • viburnum - 2 kg
  • vodka - 1 l
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • purified water - 500 ml

Preparation of

  1. Use selected berries, preferably after the first nocturnal frosts, then the liquor will turn out to be special: with an unusual aftertaste and aroma.
  2. Kalina is steamed with boiling water for 30 minutes to neutralize some of the tannins that impart bitterness.
  3. Berries are thrown back in a colander and after removal of water they shift into a glass bottle and pour 500 g of sugar.
  4. The bottle is sealed and set aside for 3 days in a warm place.
  5. Then pour vodka, covering the berries above the level of 1-2 cm.
  6. The bottle is closed and kept for another 10 days.
  7. Cook sugar syrup: in 500 ml of water dissolve sugar( 1kg) and bring to a boil. The syrup is boiled for 5-7 minutes, removing the floating foam and allowing to cool.
  8. The alcoholic infusion is mixed with the sugar solution and placed in a warm place for 1.5-2 months. Periodically, you should shake the bottle.
  9. Prepared beverage is filtered into clean containers. The drink has a strength of 22-25º and can be stored for up to 3 years in a dark and cool place.

IMPORTANT: Instead of vodka, the viburnum can be poured with diluted alcohol( 40-45º), cognac or home-brewed good cleaning. An alternative to sugar syrup can serve as a liquid natural honey.

Liquor from viburnum on vodka and alcohol: recipe

Alcoholic extracts from viburnum strengthen the immunity of

The method of preparation of liquor from the berries of the viburnum, proposed below, is so simple and accessible that it can be used in preparing a drink from other berries: currants, raspberries, cherries, plumbers, strawberries.

You need to take :

  • viburnum berries
  • granulated sugar
  • vodka or diluted alcohol up to 40º

Preparation of

  1. The washed, dried and peeled berries are placed in a three-liter jar, pouring berries to her shoulders.
  2. Berries are poured with sugar not reaching 1-2 cm to the neck of the jar.
  3. Then the viburnum is poured with good quality vodka or diluted alcohol, not reaching about 2cm to the neck of the jar so that during the fermentation the liquid does not splash out.
  4. The contents of the jars are mixed with a wooden spoon with a long handle, slightly stretching the berries.
  5. The can is closed with a cap nylon and set aside for infusion for 3 months.
  6. Then the liquor is filtered and bottled.
  7. Store the beverage at room temperature for a long time.

Pouring from a viburnum with a lemon peel, video

  • May 17, 2018
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