Why you can die from hemorrhoids and what factors contribute to this

hemorrhoids operation To Him all ages are submissive. .. hemorrhoids. If you ask to give a monosyllabic answer to the question: is it possible to die from hemorrhoids?- Yes, you can.

For a more detailed answer move on.

Here is a small and far from complete list of complications of hemorrhoids - stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs, which leads not only to venous insufficiency in this region, but also to:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding;
  • sepsis;
  • degeneration of tissues into a cancerous tumor;
  • chronic anemia-anemia;
  • severe circulatory disorders;
  • to severe depletion of cardiac, vascular and tissue energy resources.

Any of these conditions - the effects of hemorrhoids can cause death.

The question is only in the reserve of strength of the body. And he is at every age his own.

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And the spending of this stock in the form of combat with an unpleasant disease begins often already with the age of a teenager.

thrombosis of hemorrhoids

Vienna hemorrhoids - veins unusual

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Weak for one reason or another wall of the vein of the colon - straight or higher its parts - as a result of straining, protruding into the lumen of the intestine once, then continues to do it again and again. Until one day, thinned, it will not burst.

Because the veins are blood, it flows out of the body outward as a bleeding from the anus. Hence - blood loss, which can become fatal if the outpouring of blood is fast enough and intense. Either the properties of the blood are such that it can not stop its "flight" by curling up.

With bleeding small, but regular, blood loss becomes chronic, leading to chronic anemia and related complications, also steadily drawing the suffering hemorrhoids to death.

As a result of constant stretching of the entire hemorrhoidal vein network, an increase in their volume is so significant that a very large mass of blood simply turns off from the circulation along the vascular bed. It remains permanently in the enormous capacity of the venous pelvic network, as a result of which a number of potentially fatal complications can also occur.

These include:

  • formation of a thrombus , capable of detaching itself from the "place of birth" and then wandering the bloodstream to plug blood clot into the lumen of a vital vessel;
  • the ease of development of sepsis - the infection of lost mobility and its protective properties of blood, which leads to the spreading of contagious diseases throughout the body, blood becomes for them a "cabman";
  • changes in the physical and biochemical properties of the "locked" in the veins of the blood basin, leading to a change in the chemistry of tissue processes and the regeneration of healthy pelvic organs tissues into cancerous ones;
  • chronic intoxication and chronic hypoxia of the tissues and structures of the body due to both a decrease in the volume of circulating blood and loss of its capabilities leading to the syndrome of multiple organ failure - first to the disorder of the functions of the organs( primarily the brain and heart), and then totheir failure.

About the blood of the first, the second. .. the tenth

At the age of the young, beginning with the teenage - the main goal is to assert yourself in life and the desire to take a place as close to the sun.

Hence the all-out conviction of ourselves and others in our moral and physical strength. So, the constant becomes natuga:

  • from lifting "on a dispute" of inimitable sports shells and simply considerable weights;
  • from constant, to bluish individual parts of the body, "experimenting" with sex;
  • from fights with the need to apply considerable physical effort;
  • from the often occurring in life conditions of time pressure and force majeure.

All this - on the basis of chronic intoxications. For "you must drink like everyone else."And smoking. And to prick. To keep up with the "pack" just as purposefully running. .. in all directions at once.

blood on paper Against the backdrop of the principle: as little as possible to move-sit-lay, until "kicked", ordinary physical work becomes an unreasonably wild instantaneous burden on the veins. The resulting pressure in them is so significant that the veins of the rectum can not cope with it. They can only "tear" with blood from the anus.

After this "debut" the disease quickly( by the age of 30 or slightly over 30) or slowly( the age approach of 40-50 years) expands in breadth and depth, leading the host to a place in the morgue due to thromboembolism, "cardiovascular" failure orsepsis.

About the blood of the last

At the age of the older, from 45-48 years old to the senile, the main cause of death from hemorrhoids is the cancer of one of the pelvic organs. Cancer, which developed as a result of the sexually-menopausal restructuring of the body and the fatigue of the body that resulted from it.

Therefore, the last blood that stands out from the anus without the participation of the will - this blood is no longer scarlet, and not even red-violet-blue. This blood is "cancerous" - almost black from impotent rage to change anything in life in general and in its fate, in particular.

Whatever the death from hemorrhoids, the conclusion is one: do not bring your body to the fatal line. If you do not take decisive measures to cure it, turning to a proctologist for help, there's simply no point in hoping for it - the disease itself will not go away.

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